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  1. Thanks for finding that! I think any time you start with a good stock, it's pretty hard to go wrong. That's the true purpose of Thanksgiving: to replenish the stock supply for the "long cold winter" ahead. (It rained here last night, with some snow up high. Up 'til now, late November/early December has been mostly mid 80's!)
  2. Thanks. I didn't find it in RecipeGullet. There was a post of yours that came up that on a more general search which seemed to have the recipe, but when I went to the thread, I couldn't the post. (Moved? Deleted?) Anyway, this pozole verde is pretty good! (First time making it.) Just informed my beau he can find me hiding in the closet eating it al when he gets home... Glad I resurrected this thread!
  3. @heidih No paywall, though it doesn't like ad blockers, which is fair enough. Thanks for sharing! Today's culinary adventure is a "while you work" sort, which means no food photography playtime for me today. I will say it was inspired by getting sorrel from my CSA. (Really.) I wanted to do something different than the classic cream of sorrel soup, yet it IS soup weather, by AZ standards. There are clouds in the sky! It might actually rain! I'm using James Peterson's recipe (which, in turn, comes from Diana Kennedy) that includes all the usual things (pork, chiles - not many, the corn) plus sorrel, ground pepitas, and tomatillos, (surprise - got those from CSA, too!) I'm going to have to gobble it down before rehearsal tonight, which is a shame. @kayb Hm - not coming up for me on a search...
  4. I had not! Thx! (I actually have a pot on at the moment, using fresh nixtamal from the grocery...)
  5. It won't open unless the little nub (pedicel) that attached it to the cob is removed. Most dried corn still has that nub.
  6. Oh my, that would be WONDERFUL!! Can you send a pdf via DM here? (It's actually the whole article I'm after.) eGullet FOR THE WIN!
  7. Yes! I'd guess it's rare that someone is furiously hunting down an old culinary magazine not for a recipe, but for the accompanying article!
  8. Goodness! That must be it! So my suspicion that it is Issue No 39 is correct. That's a good start to finding the actual article!! Thank you! (Here's the link you shared, corrected. Turns out it IS an interesting recipe after all.) https://www.recipelink.com/msgbrd/board_0/2004/DEC/71802.html Paula
  9. I don't remember, actually, and possibly nothing at all! I have always wanted to roast a capon for the holidays, and that old article is what started it all. I'm finally making one, and, while I can certainly cook it without the recipe, I am dying to read the article that put that bee in my bonnet in the first place. Silly, I know...
  10. Hello E-Gulleters! I'm fixated on finding an old Saveur mag recipe and article that included a capon recipe, mostly for sentimental reasons. It's NOT the Oct 2007 one that shows up on a search on saveur.com, but one from some years earlier. (late 1990's/early 2000's?) Just narrowing it down to an issue number might help. Maaaaybe it was Issue 39 (based on the cover) but I can't be sure. I saw ONE reference to it with an outdated broken link here, but that's all I've got. Serves me right for not hanging on to those old magazines... Anyone? Thank you!
  11. Will be in Quito for a couple days next week. Where to eat?? (I prefer to eat the foods of the region, but will be with various minded folks, who may also enjoy other cuisines, so I'm interested in all recommendations.) I did note the Ecuador thread here - useful for types of food, but I need restaurant recs, also. Thank you!
  12. Right, I understand the direction of slicing, I'm just not positive which dimension the 3/4" figure refers to.
  13. Hello! I'm not sure if the "cookbook" section of the forum is the best choice for this post, but... I recent was gifted "Dry-Curing Pork" by Hector Kent - a purely self serving gift from my boyfriend, I might add! I'm going to make the coppiette this weekend, and his instructions for slicing the loin are a bit vague to me. He directs to slice it in "... 3/4 inch strips at least 8 inches long." Do you suppose the 3/4" dimension refer to thickness of the slice (ie the smallest of 3 dimensions), or might he mean thinner slices that are 3/4" wide? Misinterpreting this would really change the cure/dry time... Am I making sense? Thoughts? And for fun, here's my report on my first attempt at his bacon recipe (among other things). Um... wow! http://operaflute.blogspot.com/2015/06/when-time-is-on-your-side-bacon-and.html Thanks!
  14. Ah yes, ran across the pdf last night. Thanks for that.
  15. I'm giving this technique a try this year. I'll poach tomorrow morning, cool in the bath. (I'm making broth out of a bunch of turkey backs right now - I'll use that for the bath.) Then I thought I'd take it out and dry in the fridge overnight, because I, too was worried it might not brown nicely from being so wet. (Reports here, however, are good in that regard.) I'm not sure why you'd put the fat on the bird before poaching - makes more sense to do this before browning. I'll use the turkey fat I get out of the stock I'm making now. Finally, I'm considering putting the already cooked and still hot dressing IN the bird while it's browning, just to give that stuffed bird effect...
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