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    Stillwater, Oklahoma

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  1. cyalexa


    Me https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I6PtFnhxWeUdL5UVlXvsUdkqTz0jbDVZ/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=116025909429771776999&rtpof=true&sd=true https://docs.google.com/document/d/1weSURHRcppsa_d3jA6G59y240mvAvfMb/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=116025909429771776999&rtpof=true&sd=true https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ybmmlAWoNPughBYUCpNZdAzGWDINywOl/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=116025909429771776999&rtpof=true&sd=true
  2. @Duvel, thanks for checking on food options in Dresden. Can you by chance recommend a place to stay? We are, in general, going to try to find airbnbs where we can all stay together. One son is not a wine drinker and one daughter-in-law doesn't drink at al,l but if the festivals have good food they might still be an option.
  3. @Duvel, thanks for taking the time to reply. I read and enjoyed your piece. We will be traveling by rail. There will be either 4 or 5 adults, depending on how much time my daughter-in-law can take off from work (she will have just started a new job). She and my son live in Mannheim, although they may move to Cologne after the first of the year. My US-residing son and daughter-in-law and I are flying into Frankfurt. We will be celebrating a birthday while in Berlin. All are adventurous eaters.
  4. I have searched this forum and enjoyed the reading, but there were no recent recommendation for the cities in my upcoming trip in mid-November: Frankfurt, Berlin, Prague, Dresden, back to Frankfurt. I would be grateful for any input.
  5. cyalexa


    I've been adding kimchee to cole slaw recently.
  6. I have returned 2. The first leaked. Anova provided a replacement. It worked for a while then wouldn't maintain the proper temp. I returned it for a refund. I really liked it when it was working properly and hope to buy another one, or maybe a competitor's product, after waiting for the technology kinks to be ironed out.
  7. Has anyone cooked polenta or grits in their CSO? I have been using it for rice and will probably use a similar technique but would be pleased to hear from others about their experience.
  8. Dry pot cabbage next?
  9. Is it empty? It might not move once you have stuff in it.
  10. I posted in March about having my APO replaced due to a leak. The replacement which arrived mid-March does not heat to the set temperature or properly display the correct internal temperature. I contacted Anova support and as directed, I jumped through the trouble shooting hoops, none of which made a difference. I want to return the oven for a refund. I was told that since the original order was in November on 2021 I do not qualify for a refund but they will send a replacement. I have requested the issue be escalated to someone that can authorize a refund as I have had the new oven only about 60 days. I loved the APO when it was working properly. I did not love it enough to repeatedly go through the hassle of wrestling it back into a box and driving to the UPS store, waiting for then unpacking a new one and getting it set up .
  11. My new CSO is up and running. The instructions specify tap water but I wonder if anyone uses distilled water? Also, the instructions specify emptying the water tank after use. Does anyone do that?
  12. cyalexa

    Bacon Jam

    I like bacon jam but really, really like bacon baklava. This is the recipe I used https://www.sunset.com/recipe/bacon-baklava . I usually make a half recipe in an 8x8 because I have no self-control and devour any leftovers.
  13. I have a traditional knife block which I keep covered with a shower cap to prevent dust from getting in the slots. It looks funny but I can remove it if someone is coming over.
  14. @TdeV, I used the sous vide function on some ribs (too rainy and cold to smoke or grill). As best I can tell, the new oven might get a bit steamier than the original.
  15. Couldn't resist. I'll give my leaky one to my engineer son.
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