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Sam Salmon

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Everything posted by Sam Salmon

  1. Pecan definitely-or make every third puck Maple if you're at all short. For future reference Alder is what works best especially for cold smoking.
  2. If cauliflower and French fries are Israeli style I'll stick with the Syrian-I can't imagine anything less appetising than cauliflower on fried food, let alone fried potatoes with fried chickpeas.
  3. I live around the corner and have yet to see a lineup-it is a tiny place though.
  4. Quality Falafel has been scarce in Vancouver this past decade-well I remember the halcyon days of Dar Lebanon-that bastion of fantastic Falafel. It'll be interesting to see if this latest Pita place can stick it out here-Pita Plus crashed and burned under pressure of a central kitchen, too many oddball grains, too much ambition and too little capitol.
  5. Wonderful!Thanks so much for sharing-very much looking forward to followups!
  6. Thanks for that! Had my eye on those folks for a while now will have to drop up and check 'em out.
  7. Has anyone else noticed that the abomination of many a nation-wine in a cardboard box-has arrived here in BC? I speak of the French Rabbit spotted hunched on LCB shelves just a few short hours ago. I passed and went instead for an OK Valley Gewürztraminer-but that's just me I'm sure many will be queuing up to sample this latest marketing ploy. Your thoughts?
  8. Speaking of Japanese and spending a lot of money someone is opening up a Japanese place on W. Broadway in the old Vertical space-known to greyhairs as the Orestes building.
  9. Just how will anyone know if there's booze in the bonbons?
  10. When you enter they say "irrashaimaseeeeeeeee!!!" which means welcome, but when a guest leaves often they say "arigato gozaimashitaaaaaaaaa" meaning simply... thank you. ← I wondered. ' Irrasshaimase ' and especially 'Domo Arigato' are 2 of the first Sushi Bar Japanese words I learned but to have 5 people shouting them in your face is quite different.
  11. Thanks-I'm sure I saw it there in the past.I checked with Customer Service desk there but they had NFI what I was talking about. Apparently the key lies in the dried seafoods aisle.
  12. In the 4400 Block Main East is East has a new store-looks somewhat like the Broadway location but smaller. 2900 Block Main the seemingly ubiquitous Vera's is setting up another store.
  13. LordBalthazar-do you speak any Japanese? Do you know what it is the Staff all shout when a guest leaves?
  14. There's this delicious sounding recipe here for Prawn/Pumpkin soup that calls for a chunk of Blachan-something I haven't used in years. Scoured all kinds of stores in Chinatown-SFA. Found some Vietnamese product @ GIM but it's somewhat watery not the same thing at all. Note that I'm looking for Shrimp Paste not Sambal Blachan which is fairly common. Rumours are heard of an Indo/Malay grocery up on Kingsway near Joyce but haven't driven up that way in months so I have no idea. Any/all relevant info/comment/opinion much appreciated. TIA
  15. It is puzzling to see recipes from Mondavi (prawns, scallops,salmon, halibut) supporting only Alaska, when all of the fisheries in the north Pacific are also producers. ← Not at all-US Americans aren't generally interested in other jurisdictions.As I've posted before here the laugh is on them as large sectors of the Alaskan fish processing industry as controlled by Canadian companies-something which has led to Canadian products being sold into the US market. There's always more Copper River Sockeye on the market than was harvested for instance. Prawns-here in BC Prawn season opened back in May and since I harvest my own just outside city limits I have a steady supply. A brief flash in the pan with EVOO, Baba Franchuks' Garlic and some Similkameen Habaneros on Basmati usually gets me through, wash it all down with Thornhaven Gewürztraminer.
  16. I want to Thank whoever started/contributed to this thread you helped me make up my mind about buying one-they really do work well. Using a medium sized Coho fillet I first made Gravlax using a standard 50/50 salt/sugar mix + dill and some pickled Lemons laid right on the fish-48 hrs. Next- using Alder chips that had been soaked in Amber Rum for 24hr then air dried-I steam/smoked the fish as per instructions. Heavenly absolutely Heavenly! Maybe a tad salty next time only a 24 Gravlax cure but this smoker is a winner and has a permanent place in my kitchen.
  17. Sam Salmon

    Salmon Head Soup!

    Jay-Thanks for the input-the tomato based soup seems like the way to go. In the end I made Fish Head Curry-tasty enough but the strong flavour of the Salmon head overwhelmed the mild coconut milk style sauce. The Sour Fish Head is the what's all over the net I mean all over-a lot of people have C&P'ed it onto their sites. Doesn't appeal in any case-both Vietnamese and Filipino food have some rather odd flavours I prefer to avoid.
  18. Continuing in a locally produced alcohol theme- This new distillery in Vernon using Okanagan fruit to produce some intriguing sounding products. Another distillery on Thetis Island
  19. Thanks Very Much for the fabulous post Steve! Been seeing a bit more Fruit Wine here 'n there of late and am So Happy to see so much happening across the province/country. From Bonaparte Bend Winery Never knew that m'self! Celebrate!!!!
  20. So I'm thawing out a large Coho head for soup-haven't done it in years. Any ideas on unique and flavourful ways to do this-bearing in mind that fattiness of Salmon? There are 4 of these to be cooked over the next few months so your input is Much Appreciated . TIA
  21. Sam Salmon


    Adding some to a Guacamole is a tasty touch-go easy on the Garlic if you do.
  22. Sam Salmon

    Salmon en croûte

    It's a wonderful report-Thanks for sharing. It's true that's not Phyllo but the idea is similar. The Duxelles I've had in the past w/Salmon in Phyllo were very creamy and I swear there was only one kind of mushroom-a mild one. Only tried the same thing m'self once-used a Peanut Butter/Chile/tad of Mustard sauce quite tasty but altogether too much work.
  23. Before heading down there Click Here to read what others have posted about the place.
  24. Fabulous idea!Couple that with a bottle of Gewürztraminer, some Percodan, a few shots of Calvados and make an early night of it.
  25. Can you say rigormortis? Ever tried to pinbone a fish in rigor? Been there. Not Fun. I'll wait the few extra hours thanks. ← I see you've never sliced from a fresh killed-and I mean still shaking-Spring Salmon. Rigor mortis doesn't set in for a short while-I know what you mean but it's not an issue.
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