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Sam Salmon

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Everything posted by Sam Salmon

  1. As per the subject line have Food Blogs peaked yet? Looking through my Bookmarks I was struck by the numbers of places that looked interesting but I've rarely returned to-of course there are dozens of Blogs bookmarked. It's all online now-Thai Street Food Chronicler, Verbose Yuppie Chef/Wanker, Indian Veggie Whiner, Breadhead, Sushi Slave you name it. And-if you can accept my assertion-or even if you can't-what's next? The sort of Gastro-tourism chronicle posted Here? (an excellent effort BTW)
  2. Just had Lingcod F&C @ Finest at Sea up on Arbutus. Nothing outstanding in terms of flavour-chips over salted, oil needs changing and portions are on the skimpy side. This place suffers from comparison with Go Fish-a place that has raised the bar for F&C all across the city. The Seafood deli operation has some tasty innovative foods and the gorgeous White Spring Salmon is something every enthusiastic seafood lover should get to know better. The polite friendly and enthusiastic staff are a find in a city sometimes a bit short on polish.
  3. Sam Salmon


    IMO it doesn't really matter how it's cooked as long as it's eaten cold-which how it tasts best.
  4. Not at all encouraging... Well I can always take $16 and buy an overdose somewhere.....
  5. Cycling by Science World today I spotted the latest attraction The Story of Chocolate sponsored by a local company. Has any been yet-what did you think? Since I don't have kids I've never been in Science World but for somthing like this I might be tempted. TIA
  6. Whatever happened to Wine Trails Magazine? Spring issue no where to be found in the 'hood.
  7. Another vote for Crocs. I have one pair that never leave the house-100% Indoor Shoes-so there's no issue with tracking in anything from outside.
  8. There was a small fire and the City was all over them for trying to still operate with kitchen damage. The Good News is that the sound of hammers & saws can be heard from the inside so they must be doing things right.
  9. Fish don't have pain receptors-if they did they'd swim toward the fisherman when they were hooked. BTW-I eat live Prawns all the time-yank off the head suck out the juice/WHY then peel off the still wriggling body and slurp down the flesh-it's NBD. The truly cruel part-IME-is not killing a fish that has been just taken out of the water-it's suffocating out of water.
  10. I own one of those it's well made and suitable for the job although in no way outstanding. It has stood up to 10+ years of use in a saltwater environment though so maybe I shouldn't be too hard on it. It's used as a bait cutting knife not for cleaning as it's too small for anything I kill/clean.
  11. Now that I think of it haven't seen the spicy Bamboo shoots in the deli for a while-they are fabulous.
  12. Sadly T&T has just jacked the prices of a single Egg Tart to $1.00-something of an outrage IMO. The Boss Bakery on Main-which has a far superior product-charges far less-$0.69.
  13. 2 hours plus all the other running around/standing in line/sitting around.Been doing this for decades now but never spent any significant time @ LAX.
  14. I have a solid 2 hours where I don't have to worry about anything.
  15. Next week I have a number of hours between flights @ LAX. Looking for decent Mexican-have been told about Pachanga City Mexican, 962 Main St, El Segundo. Do you know this place at all? Seems close enough-are you aware of anything else close by that's suitable? Decent Mexican is very rare here in Vancouver so a fix is long overdue. TIA
  16. Remember-you're eating at least one meal and possibly two per day for free-add that up plus taxes and you'll see you aren't doing too bad at all.
  17. Reviews Here are Mixed to Date
  18. Maria's on 4th. They have a place in the W end but have never eaten there.
  19. Start @ The Red Sea Café
  20. Not in my country-here we tip predicated on the whole experience-if it sucks so does the tip. Sorry to bring you up short like this but not everyone pays their waitstaff $2/hr and expects them to make the rest on the floor.
  21. Been there/done that! Tip for lousy food-not on your life!
  22. Link is back up now-it's all about their life cycle-essentially a harvester can't avoid taking some gravid Prawns. Since I never cook Prawns shell on the presence of Caviar has never been an issue when cooking I suppose the eggs could be a bit of a PITA with some presentations. BTW-BC Prawn stocks are well managed and in great shape for the most part. Now's the time to get 'em!
  23. You're a tad mixed up Sean-and I quote "Generalized life cycle of the prawn:Prawn are potandrous hermaphrodites, spending the early part of life cycle as males and the later part as females" Click Here for The Rest of the Story EDIT-I forgot to add that Prawn Caviar is delicious and a long time personal favourite. As to the OP-I've had Grouper in a number of different Caribbean countries-it ain't nuttin' special.
  24. Back in Steveston yesterday I was fortunate to run into Nikolai-the owner of the bakery. Turns out the similarity between the new Steveston operation and the one on Broadway isn't accidental-he started Transilvania and sold it to Florin-now he wants to work in Steveston with a somewhat simliar range of products. It's apparent when talking to Nikolai that Richmond bureacrats aren't in any way business friendly-it's all about power and making people jump through tiny tiny hoops. They've even gone so far as to make him cover up any evidence that bread has ever been baked in the place! If you're at all interested in seeing this sort of operation ever get off the ground Please email the Mayor in Richmond mayorandcouncillors@richmond.ca and ask them to expedite the agonising and barricade laden process.
  25. Fo the first time in a long time I see a kitchen tool that I don't need but really want. Thanks for the posts everyone I think for the price it's a deal!
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