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Everything posted by JoNorvelleWalker

  1. I used to work for a company that made carbon black (soot, if you will) by burning natural gas with insufficient oxygen for complete combustion. Incomplete combustion may mean the stove is misadjusted.
  2. For a price. Or my old ancient freezer that doesn't have a freeze/thaw cycle either.
  3. And which one might that be?
  4. But I must say the end result was pretty good. Note I had to perform an additional fold beyond what Modernist Bread directed in order to work with the dough at all. My theory is that my KitchenAid doesn't mix like MB expects.
  5. @ElsieD I am so very sorry! As fond as I am of Grand Marnier it would make a completely different dish entirely. Also if you have a medical condition I'd be warry of your citrus. The orange is a hybrid of a pomelo and a mandarin. Grapefruit is a hybrid of a pomelo and an orange. Or as Wikipedia explains: "[C]itrus taxonomy is fairly controversial, confusing or inconsistent." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orange_(fruit) The "fairly sizable pieces" problem is why I bashed my black cardamom in the mortar the second time around. Black cardamom seeds sure hurt when you get one in your shoe.
  6. Tonight I tested the Cuisipro for parmesan and for lemon zest. It did well with both. It is a frightening device to behold. Reminds me of a falling knife. My old Swedish box grater does as well with parmesan but it takes much longer and is difficult to clean. The Swedish grater is useless for lemon zest. I have a German zester that does well but again the Cuisipro is faster. The zests produced by each are a bit different but both work. The German zester produces zest that is more like small flecks. I still have all my fingers.
  7. JoNorvelleWalker

    Dinner 2019

    I'll pretend they're mashed potatoes.
  8. Last week I didn't bake. A little strange because I followed Modernist Bread's directions.
  9. As an experiment, for tonight's French Lean Bread I went back to attempting the method from MB, specifically the delayed addition of salt. After autolysis I mixed 8 minutes on low (KitchenAid speed 1), added the salt slurry, mixed 2 more minutes on low, then 2 minutes on medium (KitchenAid speed 3). The dough was weird and lacking strength. Rather than the two folds specified I needed three to get the dough workable at all. Of course the proof is in the pudding, and I have not cut into the loaves. I am not optimistic. Just killing time until they cool.
  10. Oh wow! @Panaderia Canadiense you are back! I feared you'd been eaten by...by whatever it is that eats people in Ecuador. Seriously you were missed.
  11. Navel should be fine. I'm not that fond of navel oranges and try to buy anything else. But, yes, some seasons navel is all there is. As an aside, this was the first time I'd tried Minneola and I like them. Easy to peel too.
  12. I was responding to @ElsieD, who lives in a foreign country. Had she used Kelvins I would have replied in Kelvins. But my question is whether the core reaches the target temperature, in whatever units, in one hour. And, if not, is it intentional to have a temperature gradient.
  13. For oranges I used Minneola and one Valencia. The Washington Post version of the recipe suggests blood oranges.
  14. Probably a different model. I have the original.
  15. I have multiple cords for my anova: 2 foot, 3 foot, and 4 foot. I usually use the 2 foot one. I'm pretty sure the cord that came in the box was 3 foot.
  16. Wow, pod sizes must vary quite a bit. Would it have bothered Greenspan to say "two grams of black cardamom seeds" or somesuch. I read the recipe differently. I thought she meant use the edge of a knife to get the seeds out of the pods. But I believe you are correct.
  17. As originally posted in the dinner thread, I used shallots. I had onions on hand but I would suggest shallots. Try both ways and report back!
  18. That sounds like too much, at least from Penzeys' pods. I'd say maybe 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon total from all four pods. I don't think the amount is critical. The second time I made the recipe I coarsely ground the seeds and I suggest that rather than leave whole.
  19. Just a thought -- make sure the steak is really dry before putting it on the grill.
  20. As much as I'd love to say the steak was two inch thick, it was an inch and a quarter, maybe a little more. I chose my largest copper pan, which I heated to 350F. No oil. After adding the steak I reduced the burner to minimum. The first ten minutes I spent browning the edges. Thankfully the meat was thick enough to stay mostly balanced. After ten minutes I turned the steak on its side, flipping every minute, monitoring the internal temperature towards the end of cooking. I pulled the steak after about 8 minutes per side and shoved it in the CSO at 150F to rest while I prepared the broccolini. Sorry, forgot to mention the butter and the garlic. I spooned the pan fats over my baked potato. And the pan was easy to clean up. Can't ask for much more. Though I like grilled steak too.
  21. @blue_dolphin my pods look like yours. The black pods are smoked and dried, as I understand, so I would expect them to be somewhat shriveled.
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