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Posts posted by JoNorvelleWalker

  1. Jeff Koehler pez espada a la plancha…





    Not having a plancha this is full blast on the Paragon in a Darto pan, smoke detector turned off.  About six minutes.







    Served with Giuliano Bugialli's zucchini trifolati.  Also on the Paragon.  Wine:  Oyster Bay Sauvignon Blanc, a gift from my dear daughter in law.  Bread not shown.


    Well, ok, why not?





    Good zucchini I have had before, but never swordfish like this.



    • Like 13
    • Delicious 3
  2. Today's order went much better.  Still had no organic cilantro but nice looking non-organic was substituted with my permission; at half the price.


    Someday maybe I will understand amazon pricing.  last night at work I saw swordfish on sale at $16.99 a pound.  By the time I got home it had gone up to $19.99 -- list price.  I went to bed in disgust.


    When I woke up the price had reduced to $14.99 a pound.  And that seems to be what they charged me.  But the actual label on the butcher paper wrapped parcel read $19.99 a pound.  Every other grocery store I know adjusts their prices once per week.  But no, not amazon.


    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Kerry Beal said:

    So it’s around 32 lbs - I’m adding the spec sheet here. If you call Leo phone number 425-393-9397, or cell 425-941-4052 and order within the next 30 days they will honor the 30% off as a pre-order.







    Wow -- 32 pounds.  A baby blast freezer, my dream appliance!  If I hadn't just been to the dentist this week for two crowns and a filling.  Who needs teeth for ice cream?


    Very unlikely I could order in 30 days for the pre-order price but I still am interested.  Do I read correctly that the dimensions are 450x507x647mm?  (Sorry, it was a little hard to see.)


    Thanks again!  I think warmly of you every time I caress my Precise Heat Mixing Bowl.


    • Like 3
  4. 11 hours ago, Kerry Beal said:




    Seen at the show - a standup chamber vac, weight 17.5 kg - show special price 40% off - making it around $389 if bought at the show. It uses proprietary bags - but looks like you could just pop some holes in the right sized bags and hang them. This same company also had a small blast freezer which would be around $600 if bought at the show. Company is called Vesta Precision.


    Kerry, could you find out anything more on the blast freezer, such as the weight and dimensions?  The website does not say much more other than it's not available.

  5. 14 hours ago, Shelby said:

    Venison taco salads again along with a Hatch (not really truly Hatch because my brother-in-law grew it here and I'm super jealous because peppers just do not grow like that for us) chile .



    Fried crawfish tails, shrimp, mac and cheese and fried okra oh and squash






    The only dish I prepare with crayfish is Chicken Marengo.  And it's been a while.


    • Like 1
  6. 24 minutes ago, TicTac said:

    Here is a fun little tidbit to share...


    My family has (what others always regard with a puzzled expression) a method of eating corn off the cob which I have adopted...


    So you eat the first 'row' (consider each kernel and its neighbours to the left and right, a row - for the purposes of this description....) as 'normal'


    This is where things take a turn for the 'odd' - after that, you take your thumb and basically run it below the next line of corn, slightly separating them from their neighbours to the South, and then with your bottom row of teeth, you basically nudge along that row and essentially pulling the entire kernel from the cob.


    The end result is a cob that is nearly spotless (minus the first row which suffered the preparatory pangs).  Contest in my family was always who's cob was cleanest.  LoL.


    Does anyone else do this?!?!


    I used to; although my method didn't use a thumb.


  7. Another day, another amazon order.  This time they came through; or almost came through.  I was a little surprised the store had dry aged ribeye today when yesterday they were out.  Of course the steak they actually sent was not dry aged.  And they had no cilantro.


    The rest of the problems were of my own making:  I wanted to reorder the recipe ingredients that I had ordered yesterday.  Amazon makes it easy enough to do this.  What I failed to remember was the site does not keep track of your previous quantities.  So for my chile verde con cerdo I received one tomatillo and one onion.  Nine less tomatillos than what I need.


    I had been at the dentist for three hours twenty minutes.  My order included a pint of McConnell's ice cream.  It was on sale.



    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, MelissaH said:

    True, the iPad is not the same as an online subscription. But if an online subscription (with a dummy email address) is enough to get access to back issues, that might be enough to push me over the edge.


    If you can get a back issue subscription please let me know the cost.  Depending on how expensive the subscription is it might be cheaper just to buy the interesting back issues.  I could be wrong but I assume once you buy the issues they are yours to keep forever and ever.  Or at least as forever as online is.


  9. 45 minutes ago, MelissaH said:

    Does an online subscription get you access to back issue articles and recipes? (Although I might need to make a special email address to use only for that purpose.)


    I could be wrong but I don't believe the iPad app subscription is the same thing as an online subscription.  If you already have their digital subscription the iPad app is no extra charge.  The iPad app by itself is about $19.99 per year, which includes six issues.  Back issues are available for purchase at $6.99 each, going back to 2012.  There is a search function as part of the app but I have not played with it.


    As an aside, by paying Apple for the app you should not need a dummy email address.  That was the consideration that tipped me over the edge.  Also, there is a month free trial.



  10. 1 hour ago, KennethT said:

    I guess - I've never used mine for that purpose either - but they are made of welded stainless steel so I imagine they'd be fine...


    Not counting the ones made of horse hair.


    • Haha 1
  11. Just a thought; I stumbled over something new last night.  I was cooking on my Paragon induction unit.  I boiled my quartered (more or less) russet potatoes as usual, riced them, passed them though the tamis -- then let them rest in a warm oven while I heated the oil for frying my sous vide chicken thigh.


    In the oven the potatoes dried out a bit.  Had I to say, they looked a little like instant mashed potato flakes.  (Not that I should know.)  But what's remarkable, when mixed with warm milk a la Herve This and with a bit of tempered butter they were possibly the best mashed potatoes I have tasted:




    • Like 8
  12. 17 minutes ago, Margaret Pilgrim said:


    Not comparable.    Repeating my mantra, there are no bad foods, only bad cooks.    I was gobsmacked to be served and loved cabbage at many small Paris restaurants last year.     I would never have chosen it, but each chef made magic with this humble veg.   


    I am a bad cook.  And, yes, I have watched Das Weisse Band.






  13. 34 minutes ago, Smithy said:

    @JoNorvelleWalker, do you have access to @JAZ's Ultimate Instant Pot Cookbook for Two? On page 53 there's a good-looking recipe for butter-braised cabbage with carrots. I haven't tried it yet, but it's on my list. If you don't have access, perhaps JAZ would send you the recipe or given me permission to do so. 


    Sadly, no.  The only JAZ tome the library has acquired is Instant Pot obsession : the ultimate electric pressure cooker for cooking everything fast.


    But, please;  don't bother.  For me cooked cabbage is right up there with kale.


  14. 49 minutes ago, blue_dolphin said:

    The other night at a local restaurant, I enjoyed an appetizer called Crispy Split Corn with Bacon Aioli, Ground Chili and Pecorino.  A few days prior, I'd had the delicious but exceedingly messy experience of eating an ear of Mexican Street Corn at a taco joint. This appetizer was still finger food but a much tidier way of serving something very similar.  

    I'm not sure if you can tell from the photo but the corn was cut right through the cob into small wedges about 3 kernels wide and probably about 1/2 to 1/3 of an ear long.  There was still a bit of cob holding each wedge together.  It was definitely seasoned with the chili and pecorino after it was cut up.  

    I'll give this a try one of these days and report back.




    That corn looks really good.  Till I think about cutting an ear of corn in half lengthwise.


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