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Posts posted by JoNorvelleWalker

  1. 46 minutes ago, Vapre said:

    Nope, keep looking.


    OK, I give up.  My copy is the Kindle version without page numbers and the index entry that I think you have in mind is not hyperlinked.  But if I had to guess I'd say the tortilla picture was on page 665.


    Anyone with the dead tree edition want to jump in and help?


  2. 5 minutes ago, Chris Hennes said:

    Well, my pot looked pretty spectacular after heating up a lye solution for pretzels. I don’t know why your brewery wash is a last resort, I think it’s a good option, but if you have lye around from other projects it will do the trick.


    No lye in house.  In the other Le Creuset cleaning thread @fifi said caustics will likely etch the enamel.




  3. 1 hour ago, chefmd said:

    I am a girl.  Ok, a woman of certain age :).  I wore those short shirts in case of grape juice splashes.  Those are not boxers.  Not boxers.  Definitely not boxers.  I am generally very proper and boring.  Next time I will wear full length pants :).


    How about a white crinoline petticoat which you then hold up by both hands?


    P.S.  Where do you buy your winetasting apparel?



    Edit:  though it does look like you have your knees on backwards.



  4. 1 hour ago, rotuts said:

    I doubt there will ever be an Anova SO, or ASO.  I don't know that for sure


    but that's my bet.  we would have seen it by now.


    what's a bit odd to me , is that the folks at Breville haven't move in the SO direction.


    can't be that hard.



    Anova was very transparent that the delay was due to Electrolux but that they now had the go-ahead for the steam oven.


  5. I was coming on to post the news.  That's what I get for sleeping in on my day off.


    The design looks new.  Not much at all like the previous prototype shown at CES.  It now has a water tank on the side.  It was interesting to read that development had stopped on the oven once Electrolux took over.


    Details will come out sooner or later.  Pretty sure price won't be $199.


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  6. Celebrating two new teeth -- thanks to the suggestion from @mgaretz




    Carnitas Tacos from Roberto Santibanez's Tacos, Tortas, and Tamales.  Pork is braised in garlic, white onion, spices, coke.  The recipe calls for a cup of coke.  I used 355 ml, give or take a swig.


    Long about the hour and a half point the pork looked perfect.  I followed the recipe and cooked for the full two and a half hours.  My amount of meat was less than called for and I wish I had stopped braising at an hour and a half.  Not a fault of the recipe.


    Salsa is Salsa Mexicana from Tacos Recipes and Provocations by Alex Stupak and Jordana Rothman.





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  7. 1 hour ago, chefmd said:

    Reviving this topic.  Beautiful weather in Northern Virginia this weekend.  We went to Barrel Oak Winery.  They had a tub where one could crush grapes.  It was fun!  Sipping a glass of cold wine overlooking Shenandoah valley was very relaxing.






    Great shorts for the occasion.


    Rather reminds me of the movie The Mouse That Roared.


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  8. 1 hour ago, Margaret Pilgrim said:


    Will you really?


    One good thing about being 50 miles behind the parade is that there is so little motivation to catch up.     I'd have to buy sous vide apparatus, a Paragon, after I bought an IP and friends.    I should write a book on cooking in the cave.



    Paragon is marketed as a sous vide device...


  9. 6 minutes ago, rotuts said:



    thank you so much.  I mean it


    Ill have Phantasmagoric Nightmares tonight for sure


    Crispy this Crispy that.


    how much oil do you use , and what do you do with the oil after a Fry ?


    that's   my  " Out "


    I use about a gallon of peanut oil, exact amount not critical.


    After the fry I simply place the cover on the pot.  Frying unbattered chicken does not contaminate the oil.  On the other hand after frying potatoes I do have to strain burnt bits from the oil.  So far I've been able to strain the used oil without mess -- by using my iSi strainer and funnel -- directly back into the gallon bottle.


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  10. Dinner that almost didn't happen.





    I was exhausted after work.  I loaded the dishwasher, started with the chicken, and enjoyed a well earned nap.  Then after a couple hours reading food porn in a zombie like condition I decided dinner was going to be a can of soup.  However after another hour of mai tai and peanuts I was feeling refreshed and pressed on ahead.


    Fried chicken thigh has become my favorite chicken preparation.  And unlike pan frying, deep frying on the Paragon does not leave the kitchen floor a mess.



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  11. 2 hours ago, liuzhou said:

    Lunch is some of these and a beer!




    Stewed river snails with pickled bamboo shoots and chilli.




    For no particular reason this dish reminds me of an article in yesterday's local paper.  Three Chinese clam poachers were apprehended by the police with an estimated 22,093 illegal clams in their vehicle, destined for a NYC restaurant.  The clam poaching has been ongoing many months.  Not many yards downstream from two sewage facilities.


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