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Everything posted by JoNorvelleWalker

  1. Nasturtium fan here. Burpee discontinued the ones I used to grow.
  2. Whatever @Anna N thinks, that is beautiful!
  3. JoNorvelleWalker

    Dinner 2019

    One can do far worse. My dinner is CSO reheated leftover chicken cacciatore. No lack of Boursin and bread. Indeed last night I was showing my dear boss pictures of my latest loaves and complaining that they stale faster than I can eat them. She asked if I fed them to the birds? "No," I said, "I feed them to Susan." Susan who was standing a couple feet away. Susan has two growing teenagers. Half a kg boule does not last the night.
  4. Since the digital list price is $2.99, $2.51 is not much of a sale.
  5. I also find balsamic a natural pairing for Brussels sprouts. Sadly I once calculated the price per drop.
  6. Do you open your email before lunch?
  7. JoNorvelleWalker

    Dinner 2019

    Clearly likable though I have no idea what I am liking.
  8. I'll second Thermoworks. But you probably want a temperature logger. Thermoworks has high temperature USB temperature loggers but they are expensive. I have a Thermoworks WiFi temperature logger but a wired connection is required between the thermocouple junction and the transmitter. Can't use it for the pressure cooker, can't use it for the CSO. Works fine for the conventional oven though. Someday one of the USB units! For the pressure cooker I use temperature sensing strips. The strips will record the maximum temperature reached but will not show the temperature variation over time.
  9. JoNorvelleWalker

    Dinner 2019

    Somewhat under exposed chicken cacciatore: Bread:
  10. I was hoping to see Captain America.
  11. Tonight's result: Rather reminds me of last night's eclipse. As an experiment I increased my hydration* by about 1.5% to match Modernist Bread's French Lean Bread. I found that the KitchenAid dough hook would then engage at speed 4 rather than having to use speed 6. This batch was mixed 5 minutes on speed 4. No idea yet what I shall find inside! *actually the dough's hydration. My hydration is being increased by rum and peanuts.
  12. Are yours also not frost-free? ...in the summertime at least I mean.
  13. Only freezer I have is the little one that sits on top of my refrigerator.
  14. I wish my freezer were frost free.
  15. I replanted my peas again. I'd say the Click and Grow couldn't grow peas, but I have an eight inch pea plant who begs to differ. I suspect I am planting too deep or the soil is too moist, so this time I did not use the greenhouse lids. Had they been in stock when I started I would simply have ordered the Click and Grow pea plant pods. But they weren't. Kelvedon Wonder will have to do. Interestingly I noticed Burpee sells seeds for Peas-in-a-Pot, a ten inch variety.
  16. JoNorvelleWalker

    Dinner 2019

    Three minute rosemary mushroom pizza: Actually the mushrooms were leftover chicken cacciatore after the chicken part was gone. I think I finally have a handle on the ratio of blackened bottom and chewy crust. Very pleased.
  17. It's almost a standing joke here. The release date of the Anova Precision Oven keeps getting pushed back. Though there are several people on eGullet who are interested to see what they can do.
  18. The Anova Precision Oven! https://anovaculinary.com/introducing-the-anova-precision-oven/
  19. JoNorvelleWalker

    Dinner 2019

    Peas are pretty too!
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