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Everything posted by TdeV

  1. Jo, what are you going to do with the ribs?
  2. TdeV

    Dinner 2019

    Oh, so yummy-looking, Paul! How did you make the bacon onion marmalade?
  3. Hi @lindag and @DanM, Douglas Baldwin has tables for temperatures to cook meats, fish and vegetables. His book is Sous Vide for the Home Cook. You can find information about sous vide, Baldwin's tests for food safety, his education, and his articles and book on his website here. According to Baldwin, vegetables mostly require 185F(85C) except potatoes which require 175F(80C). I reference the tables in his book all the time!
  4. Thanks @Anna N. I'm looking for something more technical: what happens in a setting: x minutes @ y, then f minutes @ g, then h minutes @ i. I can't believe this is an IP (intellectual property 😀) issue.
  5. TdeV

    Dinner 2019

    @liamsaunt, that looks so delicious! I was just talking with a friend about poaching fish too. Was the fish poached in what would become the soup sauce? Could you please give some volume measurements?
  6. Does anyone have recommendations for a long-handled dishwashing brush (with bristles)?
  7. I confess I have not yet read all the eGullet posts on the Instant Pot yet, although I did spend most of a day reading eGullet posts on dried beans. Is there a place where one can find the specifications for the settings on the Instant Pot? (Mine is an Ultra) I.e. the temperature, pressure, duration, changes in a given setting. E.g. What happens in the yogurt setting, at what temperature and for how long? What temperature is the sauté pan on Low, Medium, or High? Also, is there a way that I can turn on the sauté pan and have it STAY on (for an unknown period of time)? (I had to re-pressurize the black beans yesterday because the IP kept shutting itself off--without a beep, too!)
  8. I've come across this: https://www.motherjones.com/food/2018/12/the-best-cookbooks-and-instant-pot-guides-melissa-clark-superiority-burger/ which lists Melissa Clark, of course. Also Essential Indian Instant Pot, by Archana Mundhe Power Plates: 100 Nutritionally Balanced, One-Dish Vegan Meals, by Gena Hamshaw Solo: A Modern Cookbook for a Party of One, by Anita Lo Superiority Burger Cookbook: The Vegetarian Hamburger Is Now Delicious, by Brooks Headley A Burger to Believe In, by Chris Kronner Have any experience with these books?
  9. Asking for a friend . . .
  10. https://scotlandthebread.org/
  11. Now that the farmers' markets are closed for the year, I'm interested in extensions for dried foodstuffs. (There are so many disappointing things in the grocery stores). I'd like to find some cookbooks which specifically call for dried fruit, vegetables, meat and fish. Recommendations?
  12. For my new IP, I have Janet Zimmerman's Instant Pot Obsession @JAZ Laura Pazzaglia's Hip Pressure Cooking @pazzaglia Other recommendations?
  13. My new Instant Pot Ultra 60 (6 Qt) safety instructions say that the minimum liquid is 2 cups. @JAZ and Pazzaglia both say 1 cup is minimum. Advice?
  14. @heidih, links don't seem to work. Just to be clear, ordinary glass can/cannot be heated in the same way a Bell or other canning jar can?
  15. I've just started pickling (thanks to @gfweb) but never done preserves, so pardon these questions. When making shelf stable food (e.g. jam) does one boil the glass jars? What makes a "canning" jar? I.e. could "ordinary" glass be used for canning?
  16. I've just received my Instant Pot and have successfully steamed water. 😛 Now I'm thinking of doing some of the beans from the last Rancho Gordo club shipment in the Instant Pot. Could I please have some instructions about how to long to cook them? Soak first, right? And what to cook them with?
  17. I found some Canadian spice mixtures at Spicetrekkers (Épices de cru) 😀
  18. Mebbe, dearest @JoNorvelleWalker, but I'M not there! 🤣
  19. Okay, I bought myself and Instant Pot Ultra 6 Qt. 😀 Now, I'm looking for something CANADIAN to send to a Canadian recipient. I already found Kozlik's Mustard. So another great suggestion, please?
  20. I just bought some dried New Mexico chiles from Spice House https://www.thespicehouse.com/collections/types?q=Chiles Not $2, but not $20 either. They have a Black Friday deal too.
  21. TdeV

    Dinner 2019

    Looks scrumptious, @scubadoo97. What is it?
  22. If one wanted (just) a way to toast spices or nuts, is a CSO or BSO faster or simpler than a conventional oven?
  23. Hello @Eric S., welcome!
  24. @blue_dolphin, I'm so enamoured your pictures of this dish. I'm thinking of taking it as my Thanksgiving contribution. Does it need to be warm when it's served? And if so, should one prep it and bake it onsite, or bake it at home then reheat for 10 minutes onsite?
  25. Chromedome, my childhood leftover fish cakes were called Bubble & Squeak which had last night's fish, vegetables and potatoes. Parents were Brits who had gone through the war, so the recipe was not Canadian in origin. Blue_dolphin, we could commiserate for some time about how terrible were my/your childhood Friday Fish dinners! Thanks for the reminder about the Salt Cod Diary topic which I read long ago. Maybe it's what started my search for Jone's Salt Cod history/recipe book! Darienne, the best Fish & Chips I ever tasted came from a one-man shop run by an Eastern European (Lithuania?) in Toronto's Cabbagetown. Don't know where I'd find Fish & Chips around here!
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