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Everything posted by TdeV

  1. TdeV

    Dinner 2025

    A long ago boyfriend's German mother had made her living as a cook/housekeeper travelling the world after WWII. One day she showed me how to make peas and carrots, starting with canned peas (400ml). Add 2-3 cups carrot diced finely; pinch salt, sugar and pepper; 2 tablespoons Maggi seasoning. Into frying pan went 1/2 cup butter, browned slightly, then 6 tablespoons removed directly to pea and carrot mixture. Remaining butter mixed with 1/4 cup flour and browned slowly. Bit of nutmeg at end. These peas were quite edible.
  2. Also @rotuts, the Natural Release will just slowly let out pressure. Worth noting that if one selects Fast Release, the contents actually boil. On my instant pot, I can select to turn OFF the Keep Warm. Pity that the IP will not remember that choice.
  3. Hello Hudson. I have a pizza dough (makes 2 balls) with very low yeast which lives in the fridge for 3 days first, then one has another 7-10 days to use the other ball. It's a bit cracker like if you wait until the end to use the dough. It uses bread flour and semolina, and develops marvellous flavour. Originally I had a favourite recipe, which was then translated into Baker's Percent for me by Pete-zzza over at pizzamaking.com. I use a bread machine. Original recipe by Eckhardt & Butts. If you're interested, send me a PM and I'll send you back the recipe. Welcome to eG!
  4. Shoes too, right? (Wasn't it @KennethT who told us all about this?)
  5. TdeV

    Salt box

    I think it's exotic that the shape of the salt cellar changes with the lid on or off. With the lid off, the cellar is mostly a square box shape, almost reaching the counter surface before there's any roundness. With the salt cellar top on, the whole salt box looks like a rounded mushroom. Very ingenious!
  6. We mere Paradice 9 owners are not as lucky as you @ElsieD !
  7. @rotuts, I'm afraid how that last sentence might end!
  8. Hello @wishtoBakeforall0513. You're quite right, this is a very cool place. Perhaps you could tell us one of your favourite dishes? Welcome!
  9. @rotuts, I had 5 blades (2 for dicing grid) and their accoutrements (spindle, dicing gearbox, dicing cleaner) as well as the bowl and its parts. After washing, I stacked them at the rear of the topside dish tray (manual says using dishwasher will dull the blades), piled up in a way that most of the blades were under or behind something. Then I laid the bowl parts on top. In the morning water came out of the handle of the big bowl, as well as the parts of the feed chute, as I turned them into a different position than they were in the dish tray. What it boils down to is that I had to leave the parts all over the kitchen so they could dry . . . .
  10. Breville Support said they had not heard any hints of future availability of more dicing blades for the Paradice 9 (which has 1, Paradice 16 has 3). Yesterday DH and I made clam-less chowder (the clams kept separately). I used nearly every blade in the Paradice 9. S blade for finely cutting garlic Dicing blade for the onion Slicing blade for the celery Shredding blade for the carrot Dicing blade for the potato Made a huge mess of the kitchen. Last night I hand washed all the blades and stacked them in the dish tray in a way that hid the blades from accidental hands. This morning most parts (blades and bowl) leaked water. Seems inefficient. If more dicing blades were available for the Paradice 9, these could have been used for most of the subsequent chopping. Grumble, grumble. Perhaps the more I use the machine, the more efficient the usage will become!
  11. TdeV

    Celery Root/Celeriac

    It's good in soups - doesn't get mushy.
  12. Can I steam open fresh clams, then refrigerate overnight, then "cook" the (rest of the) recipe tomorrow?
  13. Moved to a new (to us) house in 1998. The dog found poisoned bait under the house, though not immediately.
  14. I would just have to remember to not leave the garage door open. 😁
  15. My pest control guy had me change the position of the traps so that they are now perpendicular to the wall with the baited bit in, right up to the edge of the wall. This way the rodent, running along the wall, will be face first into the bait.
  16. I find that using gelatin-heavy stock in the pressure cooker tends to remove the gelatin.
  17. TdeV


    I have another one coming! With a little help from @Kerry Beal. I'm dreaming about it. Yum, yum.
  18. TdeV

    Dinner 2025

    Norm, thanks so much for your blog (listing what was in this dish!). What do you have stuck on the side of your rice cooker?
  19. TdeV

    Dinner 2025

    Looks delish! How did you make the zucchini fries?
  20. TdeV

    Dinner 2025

    I googled "oven made roux" and got a recipe good for 16 cups of gumbo (uses 1 cup of flour). Might you possibly make a lower volume of roux? And would you relinquish the recipe?
  21. Yvonne, you're priceless!
  22. If the candy didn't have any sugar in it, it's a tolerable idea. (For those of us prone to put something (anything) in our mouths).
  23. Check out King Arthur Flour Whole Grain Baking (eG-friendly Amazon.com link) I have this book and have read it several times. There's lots of fascinating stuff there. Also, consider calling the Baker's Hotline at King Arthur. They're very helpful. Call: (855) 371-2253 (BAKE) Email: bakershotline@kingarthurbaking.com Hours: Monday–Friday: 9am–7pm Saturday & Sunday: 9am–5pm Eastern Time
  24. We have learned how to separate the two caddies (it took two of us!). All the parts have now been washed. Now, what to do with it? 🙃
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