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    W. Montana - The Last Best Place

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  1. The latest entry in the 'Panini Press' thread reminded me that ATK is now endorsing the cooking of bacon in a frypan with a TBSP or two of water. (for smaller portions of course) I rarely cook bacon because of the usual mess; this method I will have to try.
  2. Love the inclusion of the cat!!!
  3. lindag

    Kernza Wheat

    I've nnow found that Kernza flour is readily available from Amazon (eG-friendly Amazon.com link) I got the berries from another source so I can mill my own flour. So far I've been getting wonderful results with the breads made with freshly milled white whole wheat berries.
  4. lindag

    Kernza Wheat

    Kernza Sandwich Bread Recipe.
  5. lindag

    Dinner 2024

    In honor of the Outback restaurants that are closed we decided to have dinner it ours in Missoula. Sad about the last one closing in Honolulu, we had dinners there many times. Last night it was Petite Tenderloins with mushrooms, garlic mashed and bread followed by a Thunder Downumder. Always a great meal.
  6. I don't know if any of you are interested in milling your own flours... but I ran across information on a new type of wheat that I found fascinating. Kernza. I plan to try it in sone sourdough bread very soon.
  7. Tanqueray No. 10 is my favorite also.
  8. No, they're not. That type of cutter takes a hefty amount of pressure.
  9. They have a dicing set of three that fits your unit. Just sayin'. (enabling) here.
  10. With a big price tag to match
  11. I just watched the video on this new FP! The capacity to dice made me swoon. And, I love the smaller size. Get enabled here.
  12. I'll bet your neighbors would just love that. Fattening up the rats.
  13. lindag

    Pimm's #1

    I t I tried the Porch Swing and was disappointed with it. I needed something more, but I don't really have any idea what it would be.
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