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Everything posted by guajolote

  1. really really crappy frozen-long-time crab i'm guessing. Certainly the cheapest crab legs you can buy. The article also said that Olive Garden had record profits this last quarter.
  2. Now I know what to get you for your birthday.
  3. http://www.bayarea.com/mld/mercurynews/bus...ess/6853481.htm
  4. Lots here about liquid smoke Like many things a lot of it is bad for you, but in small doses probably not so bad for you.
  5. This sounds like great fun. We do something similar around here - everyone brings whatever random ingredients they happen to have on hand, and we turn it into dinner. We've come up with some suprisingly awesome meals that way! We call it "Playing Random Ingredients." Your proposal sounds similar, but more structured. I like it. I forgot to say that I'm looking forward to meeting you Tammy, and that I stole the idea from Andy Lynes.
  6. I ran this idea by Matthew and he liked it: What do you think about making the party a kind of Eric Ripert "Return to Cooking" group project. We could all go to the Farmer's Market, pick out the best ingredients, and then come up with a collaborative menu? Maybe everyone could bring a favorite cookbook for ideas? After the menu is planned some people could go to Russos and do wine pairings.
  7. The "I'm ins" were for Klink on Thursday night in Chicago. I'll start another thread for that.
  8. I don't think it gets rid of the gas, but you should cook your beans with epazote anyway. Well, to get certain flavours in certain Mexican/Southwestern dishes it's essential. But I'd never use it in a European dish. I didn't mean with every bean dish, just that you should try it if you never had.
  9. This is great. I think the IHOP this week is going to be a let-down. Please provide details about service in forthcoming posts.
  10. I don't think it gets rid of the gas, but you should cook your beans with epazote anyway.
  11. Alas, no. My lovely bride will have to stay home, she has to work. And she's very bitter about it. We'll send a care package home Professor.
  12. There has recently been a heated discussion here about Rick Bayless doing commericals for a new sandwich at Burger King. I've noticed that you've mentioned him a lot. What are your thoughts about this?
  13. Could we add peas to the menu? I really want to see Heather's trick.
  14. Friday - it may be Flaca and I, depending on when my parents get home from their "Mystery Color Tour" Saturday for the party it will be the whole crew.
  15. They'll announce 2nd place on Wen. and 1st on Fri. Personally, I think 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place should get a cookbook prize for this round.
  16. A dirty tub might add some nice "mushroomy" accents to the pork.
  17. When will one of the thermometer manufacturers come out with a model that logs your temperature by time and exports the data to your computer?
  18. Pickled Okra is coming. It's pink ! ????? I bought this maroon colored heirloom Okra variety (picture). After pickling it the Okra turned green but the pickle juice is a beautiful dark pink color. I have 12 pints of it.
  19. guajolote


    Pea Soup Bean Soup Ham Croquettes Fried Rice Pasta with ham, peas, and cream sauce
  20. Pickled Okra is coming. It's pink !
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