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Posts posted by curls

  1. 8 hours ago, EsaK said:


    I don't have anything specific in mind, thought the readings given by @Jim D. earlier in this thread made me hesitant, when combined with the willingness to try make something more fruity and less sugary tasting. If it's possible to achieve a PdF like candy that tastes much fruitier, uses less sugar and has the same or better shelf life is interesting.

    I've got some peach puree, citric acid and dextrose. Just need to track down pectin and will expirement and see how it turns out. Thought about trying with agar but I guess that's going to be a different texture etc. 


    As Jim and others have noted, peach can be a very subtle flavor. I tried a peach pdf once, it didn’t taste very peachy. I tend to use other fruits for pdf. Now I just eat peaches or if I have a lot of them, I make peach preserves. But definitely experiment, perhaps you will figure this out. It would be great to have a tasty peach pdf!

  2. The shelf life of pdf made with sucrose is very good. @EsaK what sort of shelf life are you looking for on your pdf? Are you enrobing it in chocolate, coating it in sugar, or using it in some other way? I am very happy with the pdf’s I have made based on Notter’s recipes and have not used dextrose or sorbitol. I do add tartaric acid to bring out the fruit flavor & cut the sweetness.

  3. I use Valrhona and the ones that I use most of the time are Caraïbe, Alpaco, Jivara, and Ivoire. There are many very good chocolate makers, to name a few: Guittard, Felchin, Amedei, Cacao Barry, Callebaut. All of the chocolates I mentioned have couverture in disc form and are available from chocosphere.

  4. @Kim Shook Wegmans usually has whitefish salad. Generally it is close to their selection of lox and nova. Probably not as good as anything you could get from Russ & Daughters but I have had it and it is tasty.

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  5. Another week, another loaf of bread. Switched from an 80% hydration recipe to a 72% hydration recipe. So much easier for me to work at the lower hydration level... hoping that with practice, I can return to the 80% recipe and not have such a struggle shaping the dough. No matter what, homemade bread is tasty! Half of the loaf went to my mom.


    1306805472_IMG_6042-sourdoughbread.jpg.3065ac7b546db78676fc67a9670fb01b.jpg 1681026716_IMG_6056-sourdoughbreadinterior.jpg.2cac0844dd129670ebc0108df08d1bb7.jpg

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  6. I've been watching a few of the King Arthur Flour videos that they have been posting recently and one of them included this cake... It was tasty but tastes a lot more like a regular box mix chocolate cake than a rich dark chocolate cake. Great videos, I really enjoy watching Jeffrey Hamelman. He makes so many difficult things look so easy (watching a master at work). And yes, a corner is missing... I had to check if the cake would be fine on its own or if I wanted to make the frosting recipe... then I had to check if the frosting worked well with the cake.  When I made the frosting, I added some chocolate chunks when mixing & melting. :wink: 




    link to the video


    links to the recipes used

    - https://www.kingarthurflour.com/recipes/king-arthurs-original-cake-pan-cake-recipe

    - https://www.kingarthurflour.com/recipes/fudge-frosting-recipe


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  7. Couldn't find a topic devoted to sourdough discard cooking, so thought I would start one and see how much interest it would generate. Moderators, if there is a topic, please merge.


    Recently I have begun making sourdough bread and am caring for a sourdough starter. Since there is currently some difficulty finding flour (due to COVID-19 related supply chain issues, etc.) I don't want to throw out any of my sourdough starter. I am also following guidance from King Arthur Flour and Cooks Illustrated for working with a small sourdough starter (10 g. flour | 10 g. water | 10 g. sourdough starter) and using recipes that use smaller amounts of sourdough starter or only building my starter up if called for by a recipe.


    I have made the following recipes and would make them again:

    - King Arthur Flour sourdough discard crumpets. https://www.kingarthurflour.com/recipes/sourdough-crumpets-recipe

    - King Arthur Flour sourdough discard waffles. I used a mix of yogurt & milk instead of buttermilk but otherwise made the recipe as written.  https://www.kingarthurflour.com/recipes/classic-sourdough-waffles-or-pancakes-recipe






    What are you doing with your sourdough discard?

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  8. 1 hour ago, dtremit said:


    Given (as you say) the texture of the KAF crumpets is already different from an English muffin, I suspect that if you cooked them longer on the first side (and way less on the second) they'd turn out more like the ones in the picture.

    I suspect that you are correct. Will try that next time!

  9. 9 hours ago, JoNorvelleWalker said:


    Modernist Bread has a lengthy dissertation on crumpets vs. English muffins.  Not to mention recipes. I have assayed neither crumpets nor English muffins, though they are on my list to do.


    Alas I do not have a copy of Modernist Bread but I am glad to know that they cover this topic. 

    I did find this article but don’t know if we should consider Bake magazine to be an authoritative source... https://www.bakefromscratch.com/crumpets-vs-english-muffins/

  10. 4 hours ago, Captain said:

    This image is what we know as Crumpet. Notice the holes. A vital part of the cooking an as a result not something you could cut in half.


    Yummy butter and honey trapped in the holes.

    They look delicious. Do you have a recipe for making them?

    The KAF crumpets definitely look different from yours. I don’t know enough about crumpets to say if the ones from the King Arthur Flour are mislabeled or another type of crumpet. I do know that their taste and texture is nothing like English muffins.

  11. Wonderful crumpets made from the King Arthur Flour recipe for sourdough discard! Many thanks to @tikidoc for recommending this recipe to me. This was my first time making crumpets and hopefully I'll get to make these many more times. Served them with Vermont cultured salted butter and strawberry jam.








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  12. Joining in on the sourdough starter bread making. Got a lovely starter from @tikidoc and am working on creating one from scratch via a combination of tiny sourdough stater methods. First loaf from tikidoc's starter, tastes delicious, probably needed to take a bit more time to strengthen the starter (my guess at my oven spring issue). Baked in a Lodge Dutch Oven.





    Links to some of the tiny sourdough projects & use of cold starter for bread baking:









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