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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by vice

  1. David Lebovitz's strawberry ice cream is truly phenomenal. If your berries are top notch, you can even cut back on the quantity by a third to a half, which further improves the texture.
  2. You'll need to make redirect pages for alternate forms of a word. So for your example, let's say there's an article on homogenization under 'homogenization'. In another article, you use the word 'homogenized'. Link to it as normal (i.e., [[homogenized]]). Then click the red link for 'homogenized' and create a page that contains: #REDIRECT [[homogenization]]
  3. This is certainly true, to an extent. Some of the sausage I make with that veal will end up back in the freezer (but not all of it). Importantly, it will be in a more ready-to-eat form so I'm likely to move through it more quickly. Also, a lot of things are more space efficient after you transform them into something else. To wit, stock frozen in rectangular pint or quart containers, then popped out and vac-sealed, is a heck of a lot more efficient use of space than half a dozen bird carcasses.
  4. I have a chest freezer that is in serious need of defrosting. Rather than find a (temporary) new home for all its contents, I think I'll try to dispatch as much as possible. I'm with you. So to start, this weekend will see veal shoulder become weisswurst and pork liver turned into pâté.
  5. What will they think of next? Needless to say, I'm very jealous.
  6. Is that a capicola stuffed with forcemeat (left-hand side, between the ham and slices of belly)?
  7. Last night, I made a very coarse adaptation of a vegetable paella from Casas' The Food and Wines of Spain: Sweat finely chopped onion in olive oil. Add short or medium grain rice and stir to coat (I let it saute for a few minutes). Add a mixture of finely chopped garlic, herbs, and nuts. Add twice as much stock as rice (by volume) along with a pinch of saffron. Simmer on medium for 7 min, then place, uncovered, in an oven at 325 F for 15-20 min. Remove and cover for 10 min. When tomatoes are in season, I make a similar recipe that Bittman did in his Minimalist column a few years back (click).
  8. They might work better for you but for me they have a very small opening making it difficult to spoon out the contents! For just that reason, I went with the wide mouth version of the Specialty Bottle jars Chris Hennes linked to up above. They're great.
  9. With enough notice, sure. But cancellations just before the reservation time or no-shows...
  10. What problem are you having with the online system? When I needed to change a reservation, I didn't have a problem getting in touch with the hostess on the phone. I don't remember exactly when I called, but it was probably a bit before they open up.
  11. If we were to draft an eG Constitution, I don't think there could be a better start, and I say that as someone who is very much still working towards the first part of the above quote.
  12. Ah, that makes perfect sense. Thanks.
  13. Wouldn't you want to take into account width at the thickest point if you're going for an equilibrium method?
  14. For breakfast, you could do any number of things with baked egg custard variations. Delicious, hearty, and can be prepared in advance:
  15. Correct, no eggs, like several of the others above (beautiful, btw, Ann. I'm also curious if that's an aspic and how you did the design).
  16. I'm right with you on steps 1-3, but I skip over 4 right to 5. Fin. (In fact, this is more or less the process Peter the Eater has described as one of his Reputation Makers.)
  17. Do you think that stone would have had a greater or lesser temperature change in 5 min of heating?
  18. I don't think I understand what this experiment was meant to test. Can you clarify the rationale?
  19. Do the stock recipes call for reducing the bones to fragments roughly equivalent in size to that of the mirepoix? If not, how do you balance the (presumably) different rates at which flavors are extracted?
  20. vice

    Test Dishes

    A Margherita pie at Neapolitan-style pizza joints
  21. I hate to be the wet blanket, but has anyone tested the accuracy and precision of these cheap scales claiming sub-gram resolution? I'm a bit skeptical that a product costing $10 can reliably measure milligram quantities.
  22. vice


    (Not having tried it) it seems to me that anything that rapidly moves air through the wine will achieve a similar result. Give the stick blender a go and report back!
  23. vice

    Charcuterie Questions

    You can definitely make a successful dried sausage without milk powder. I'm not sure if there are any appropriate substitutions, but I don't think you'll be courting disaster by omitting it entirely. Glad you found Len Poli's site. It's a great resource and I encourage you to delve deep there.
  24. vice

    Charcuterie Questions

    I've made the R&P peperone with a rather fatty piece of chuck, untrimmed. The fat content was roughly equivalent to that of a more traditional soppressata. I think holds up pretty good as a pizza topping, but then again, I cook my pizzas in a 700F oven for only a few minutes. A 20 minute trip in a 500F oven, and we might be talking jerky.
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