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Everything posted by Darienne

  1. And, we here at home, are waiting to see the photos, Kim. :wub:
  2. So I read the complicated Hoshijo recipe out loud to the DH, who is also a cook (we share the kitchen, although sometimes he drives me a bit batty...) this morning at breaktime and he said...first let's go to the local health food store and the best chain grocery store and see what they have first. OK. He wins. Again.
  3. OK. So after fiddling around a bit online, I finally found the recipe for Hoshijo's burgers, and one thing for sure...they are a lot of trouble. I'd have to buy a few things first. For anyone who can't wait until HBK posts the recipe. (I'm not always a good waiting person if I can figure out a way to do it myself. But thanks so much anyway. ) http://www.atkinsdietbulletinboard.com/forums/atkins-food-cooking-chat/34840-help-me-modify-recipe-low-carb.html
  4. Thanks HBK. I await your next post. btbyrd. Thanks for an interesting video on a burger which honestly doesn't grab me. I love black beans tremendously...but ...???
  5. Darienne

    Ketogenic Diet

    Dear Dejah, All best to you and DH on this diet. I found that trying the Atkins diet left me in a dreadful 'mood' or frame of mind...or something...and just couldn't do it. Thus I have no advice, but warm wishes.
  6. Hooray for you. Off to meet Chocolot, whom I almost met several years ago, and to stay in her abode. Lucky you. And in Utah. Home of my favourite place on earth, besides my own farm home, Moab of the red rocks, blue sky and constant sun. Do say hello for me and have a good and safe travel and time in place.
  7. It might be time to resurrect this topic seeing as its last post was in 2008. We've never been a fan of 'veggie burgers' and although I don't really know why...the very word 'veggie' sets my teeth on edge. Still this year, while doing the rounds in our local Costco, we were given a veggie burger sample. Yum. A surprised 'yum'. Bought a box. Ate them. Bought another box. And ate them also. Looked for another box. What's that you say? They're a 'seasonal' item and they don't have them in the fall. Rats. Now I have to find a decent recipe. I kept the ingredient list...although now I can't find it in that place called 'My Den'. Double rats. Any more good veggie burger recipes out there? Please. (I will try some of the above ones so thank you backwards.)
  8. My personal favorite: Habeeb Salloum. Classic Vegetarian Cooking from the Middle East and North Africa.
  9. Well, my confections can never hope to equal the eG masters, like Minas6907, my personal hero...but I do try... The apple processing on the farm still carries on with my latest: Apple Cider Salted Caramel, courtesy of Smitten Kitchen. I thought they were absolutely delicious. DH said...well, yes, they're OK. What do you mean...just OK? Well, they'd be better with toasted pecans in them and dipped in dark chocolate. The things I do... Thought: I mixed the pecan pieces into the caramel mixture before pouring it out, but the pecans all rose to the top. I would assume this is normal?
  10. Alas. I spoke too soon. I never turned the heat up over 250 degrees Fahrenheit. Still the chicken and sauce broke through the liner and there is quite a burnt mess around the edge of the wrecked insert. It was a name brand...Reynolds. (Not that that means anything anymore.) Perhaps the fact that the insert was already deceased made the difference. Maybe the heat is not holding steady, but the chicken is not burnt anywhere. I don't know. Deryn was right. I'm going to buy a new 6 quart slow cooker and end this frustrating period. Good-bye Aroma Roaster. Still, I have to say that the chicken is the most delicious I think I have ever tasted. :wub: Will use that concoction again.
  11. Finally, finally I get to use the slow cooker liner in my ruined slow cooker insert. I admit I haven't taken the food out of the pot yet, but so far, so good. Thanks all for all the help. Mexican spiced chicken (can't remember where I got the recipe and it's dead easy: salsa, chipotle peppers in sauce, chile powder, garlic)
  12. Thanks, Smithy. However...as I read your post, I realize that much of what I don't like about squash is the texture. But then I don't like mashed potatoes either. I'm trying to think of a vegetable, which I do like, with a similar texture but my brain is not cooperating right now. Maybe I just don't like mashed stuff. I once tried spaghetti squash and thought it was dreadful. That would be taste also. But then, DH doesn't like Brussels Sprouts or cooked beets and I love both. He won't eat liver and I love it. He likes Butter Tarts and I find them horribly sweet...set my teeth on edge. But then I don't like wines...really only Manischewitz. So what makes sense? Who knows? I think a lot of it for me has to do with childhood foods. Although then, I have learned to like a lot of foods I had never heard of in my childhood. And I still hate runny egg whites. Sorry, I seem to be getting a bit far afield...
  13. I am a great vegetable lover. In fact, both parents were vegetarians for a long time. Mother forever. Father until I was born and forced to eat steak (aka burnt shoe leather) every night until I left home. However, I do NOT like winter squash and am not sure why. I'll make squash soup and eat it happily. Once. The second time is not so happy. I don't even like roasted squash more than once a season. I love parsnips and sweet potatoes and suchlike. Turnips...not so much. Please. Hit me with your best squash for squash haters recipe and I'll try it.
  14. Exquisite as always, Minas6907. Today I added one more item to my long list of apple products, thanks to our crazy overproducing Macintosh tree: Apple Cider Salted Caramels, a recipe from Smitten Kitchen. I thought I'd died and gone to caramel heaven. They are delicious!
  15. There are Latino markets in Kensington Market in Toronto. Oh, and I know of one in Ottawa now. You won't find any in Peterborough. Oriental, East Indian, yes...Latino no.
  16. Welcome sartoric to eGullet. I'd love to come to Australia some time but I fear it's never to be... I have a dear friend who lives in Daintree, QLD, and after googling the placenames, I see that you are very far from that area although both are in QLD.
  17. Tri2Cook put it very well. Welcome to eGullet. DH (Dear Husband) and I also love Indian food and cook it together in our home. Being Canadians in Ontario, we are lucky to have ingredient outlets in our area which make it easier than for many living in the USA where Indian food remains pretty much unknown. That is slowly changing however. Looking to forward to reading about your favourite Indian dishes.
  18. andiesenji, my very first eGullet mentor. Taught me how to candy fruits and peels many years ago now.
  19. Our Macintosh tree went into overdrive this year and produced more apples than I believed one tree could ever produce. Besides giving away many bushels of them I have made (and am still making as we speak) the following: apple sauce, apple cider, apple cakes (a few different kinds), dried apple slices, apple leather with and without sliced nuts in it, apple butter, apple syrup, and quarts and quarts of Apple Pie Ice Cream. I have still to try hard apple cider. A friend suggested apple cider vinegar but I don't think I'm in the mood. We've had a good frost and still the apples keep on falling from the tree. 45 just today. When will this end? I think there are still a couple of hundred left at the top of the tree. Our Northern Spy produced about 45 apples in total. It's not a well tree. Actually we have over 20 apple trees on the property, many escapees from one of the original houses, and some of the apples are ones you never see anymore in the stores. And haven't for a very long time. And they are not really tasty by 'modern' standards.
  20. One more step is taken. Found Slow Cooker Liners by Reynolds, 4 13"x21" $3.29 at Super Store which is a Loblaws. Ed is doing the last cleaning on the insert and then we try the insert with the slow cooker bag. No, slow cooker insert hasn't been in heavy cleaning mode all along...Ed just keeps forgetting to get back at it. And, as noted above, we are overwhelmed this year with apples. In fact, it was my second batch of Apple Butter which burnt onto the slow cooker insert so badly. I might even make Apple Butter #3 as the test event. Tomorrow.
  21. My first response was: Sounds awful. But then...I never tried it and along with Ron...won't.
  22. Did not know about the red-fleshed variety. This is a wonderful thread. Thanks for your addition.
  23. Hi Elsie, Carrying on yesterday's conversation, here's a photo of some of our Macintosh apples. Sorry, but they are all bruised now, as all the remaining apples are windfalls. Nor are these polished their lovely red. Still I can see that the line around the core is not red, but rather the visible one is a bit rustish colored. (They are still delicious and are still being turned into a number of different apple items.) So...apparently your apples are not Macs...as you suspected.
  24. Ed is still working on the insert using oven cleaner. Too many other things...like our huge apple harvest...have intervened and he's not finished yet. I think. I now know that Loblaws (aka Super Store in Peterborough) carries 'Slow Cooker Savers' made by Regency, 20"x11", 5 quart capacity. Will pick some up tomorrow and take a look.
  25. My chopper of choice, after trying and wearing out or breaking many in my long married life, is from Pampered Chef. Yes, it is costly, but by heavens, it works and works well. The nut pieces won't be of equal size - is there any chopper which does that? - but miss-sized nuts have never been a problem in our eating life. DH and I are both avid nut fans and where others amazingly leave out the nuts called for in a recipe...I will always double the nuts to keep him happy. :rolleyes: Nothing like a happy husband.
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