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Everything posted by Darienne

  1. Welcome to eGullet Michal. I will be fascinated to read about eating in Israel and any Sephardic or Ashkenazi recipes you might post.
  2. Hello Jim and welcome to eG. You are way out of my class and I know I'll appreciate reading your posts. I like working with chocolate but purely as a chocolate lover (dark chocolate, of course).
  3. Welcome to eGullet. It's a good place to be. I am really curious. You eat Hogweed? I thought that Hogweed came in Giant and was extremely dangerous and poisonous. Obviously you cannot be eating the tender shoots of a poisonous plant?
  4. Good gracious...I just went to Mr. Viancin's website and was blown away by his video. Who knew? Life is starting to feel just a tad empty on this end.
  5. Darienne

    Pork loin for tacos

    Heidi, when you say "small irregular bits", just how small are you meaning? I don't do sous vide, but would be interested in other methods...should there be any...besides the one suggested by Heidi. I don't buy pork loin for the same reason as pistolabella but sometimes it is so inexpensive that I am tempted. (As it is, I feed it cut up and raw to the dogs as one of their alternative meat sources.)
  6. I am delightfully stunned and happy on your account. Now that's a company worth patronizing.
  7. Right, Alex. That's where I found it and this time it came up on another website so I just posted it.
  8. ElaineA and Alex, thank you so much. Wonderful, wonderful and I'd never seen either of those two mobs before. And in the same vein, and in a FOOD COURT (food reference) which has to be in Canada because of the French in the signs, here's my all-time favorite flash mob:Hallelujah Chorus.
  9. I'm afraid that I'm going to be the bearer of possible bad news. From an Ontario Food Handler Training and Certification Course: the incubation period for Listeriosis is from 3 - 70 days with 3 weeks being the average. Not good news. Sorry.
  10. Saturday afternoon, when I was living at home and growing up, was always the Metropolitan Opera and woe betide him/her who spoke unnecessarily. And so I love opera and classical music. But not German opera. But otherwise our house was silent. And I never had music on while doing homework. It would not have been allowed. And so, now, many decades later, I still need silence to work and thus have on no music while cooking. Or working. Too bad.
  11. Interesting discussion about stove knobs. Since our whatever-it-was stove died a few years ago, Ed has been buying second hand stoves so I've had a few. It seems to me that every stove has a different knob pattern from the one before and I have to say that I don't like it. So there.
  12. I shall try one more Bundt pan and then I give up forever. I've never made a Bundt cake which did not turn into a disaster no matter how much lubricant, and flouring, etc, etc, I did. I just figured that Bundt pans had it in for me. I have a friend in Mississauga who comes once a month into my area and I'll ask her to get me a Pullman pan. Thanks all.
  13. ElsieD: did you get your Pullman pans in Ontario? Which store, please?
  14. Welcome to eG from another Canadian. And one who was born in la belle province. Montreal to be sure.
  15. Yesterday, January 21, I was surprised to see big healthy cauliflowers available in the Peterborough FreshCo for about $3.49 (failing memories of senior DH and me). Did not buy one. Probably should have...
  16. Looking at the 'presentation' of the food of those Mexican dishes...I would never eat at that restaurant. Eating Mexican food in Canada is not my idea of something fun or delicious to do.
  17. MelissaH, any chance you would share your spreadsheet freezer inventory? I can always use a better idea than the one I am currently using. Thanks.
  18. Hello Martin0642, Welcome, welcome. You have wonderful days ahead of you with your chocolate plans. All best...
  19. I think so far I win this one...for home use. We have four freezers. Two chest freezers: one in the garage (mostly dog meats) and one in the cellar (our food),. Two fridge freezers: one in the garage and one in the kitchen. I keep track on two pages of typed spread sheets. I hate keeping them up-to-date. And, of course, DH doesn't know where anything is. Ever. It's a guy thing. As for using the freezers. I wear a pair of cotton gloves every time...I've hurt my hands just too many time. (That's the 'never do that again' part.)
  20. Well done blue dolphin. And hooray for you, Chocolat.
  21. Found this cartoon on FaceBook:
  22. We've gone partway to where you are...but never that far. You are doing a bang-up job. We have traveled with a toaster oven, and a little electric kettle thingy (which goes way back before crockpots). We take our own coffee maker so that we can make coffee for the day's drive. And a blender, big or small depending upon our current regime. And an electric cooler also. There are four of us who eat real food (two non-humans who eat raw). OTOH, I have made chocolates in a motel room and even a Boston Cream pie amongst others.
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