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Everything posted by Darienne

  1. Try googling David Lebovitz Tahini and Almond Cookies. That will give you the correct URL. I took the URL from the top of the proper page, but I couldn't get it to work either. Sorry.
  2. Tahini and Almond Cookies http://www.davidlebo...cookies-recipe/ Just posted about these yesterday. Excellent biscuit. I added cardamom to them. Short and delicious.
  3. Tahini and Almond Cookies http://www.davidlebo...cookies-recipe/ Very short. Very tasty.
  4. 1. Didn't pay anything like that price for the cheese. 2. Saw that ad in my search. 3. Costco. Hmmm....it actually could have been Costco I guess. If there is one thing consistent about our local Peterpatch Costco it's the fact that there is no consistency to it. And you can never find anyone to help. Well, except for the food hander-outers and they are not 'of' Costco. So, Ed could have bought it and then when we looked for it...again last week...and it wasn't there... What I really want is a simple single store which will get it in for me. I am going to go back to our local Sobeys where I now know the owner a bit...it was over the Poblanos that we first really met...and beg him to carry it. It might work. Thanks for the help.
  5. We don't have any trouble finding Jack cheese in our area...we often buy it from our favorite bulk food store. But still...it's not the way it is in the States. And Pepper Jack was very available and it was nippy, the way I like it. On the other hand, we don't have to search for aged, sharp Cheddar in Canada. Balderson has some fairly seriously aged cheddars. We've tried the Pepper Havarti and found it lacking in sharpness for us. Our weekend guest brought us a lovely Pepper Jack from her Sobey's...but it's out of our regular 'snack bracket'. Ed bought something in No Frills yesterday: The Bright Cheese House Jalapeno Cheese Ball - it's a cheddar and cream(?) cheese sort of spreadable thingy and it's good and nippy. It wasn't too expensive.
  6. Thanks, Beth Wilson. I phoned and the lady wasn't sure they had in any of the cheese I want. It was on order (?) Didn't ask. She said if we were coming through, we could ask a couple of weeks ahead of time. Oh well. We'll try our best. Our local Sobey's and the one in Cambridge has a huge range of Balderson Cheeses...but not the Jack with Peppers. Alas!
  7. A couple of months ago, DH brought home a package of Balderson Monteray Jack with Hot Peppers. Oh, I did like it. And oh, I did not keep track of which supermarket it came from. And we have retraced our steps and I've phoned various stores...no one carries it. No one will get it for us. Who knows which supermarket carries this cheese? And I don't mean in teeny weeny packets. I mean your regular $6 or $7 dollar package. Help please. If it's on the way to Toronto, in Toronto or in Ottawa, I can get a family member to get some for us. Yes, it's that bad.
  8. What exactly is the hokkaido. Could not get it on Google. (Did not try VERY hard, I admit).
  9. Made a Triple Ginger Ice Cream, a recipe on eG by Food Man. http://forums.egullet.org/index.php/topic/128733-triple-ginger-ice-cream/page__hl__%2Btriple+%2Bginger+%2Bice+%2Bcream Very , very nice. I did do my usual alterations, in that my ice cream base is a cornstarch one and I don't use heavy cream or eggs. Oh, and I cut down the amount of sugar from 9 oz to only 7.45 (which is a cup) and the word is still out as to whether that was too much or not. Oh, and a very small part of the sugar was corn syrup and I added the pinch of salt. Right. With all those changes, it was the recipe.
  10. We are all following this experiment...
  11. And so it is. Who's in Tuscany? I am impressed with both of you.
  12. Welcome to eGullet, LynnFoodies. You'll enjoy it here in the Chinese East at Home. Google Fortune Cookies and you'll come up with lots of recipes and videos showing you how to make then.
  13. Well, what are you waiting for? Good question. In keeping with the Oriental flavor of the upcoming weekend, I have just finished making Red Bean Coconut Milk Ice Cream.(Ca Rem Dau Do) http://www.vietworldkitchen.com/blog/2010/10/red-bean-and-coconut-ice-cream-recipe.html http://www.vietworldkitchen.com/blog/2010/10/red-bean-and-coconut-ice-cream-recipe.html Viet World Kitchen. I had only red bean paste so I omitted the sugar and then had to add more liquid to offset the thickness of the paste. Duh. Tastes good.
  14. It counts if you want it to count. I don't make much sorbet because DH doesn't like it. He wants 'cream'. I'd have to eat the entire thing myself I guess.
  15. Hi Alex. Oh my. That does sound fantastic.
  16. Where did you get such a recipe, please? Sounds unusual to me.
  17. There was I looking for an ice cream topic to update for the 2012 season and found this one which I started in 2010. Now I'll add to it. The ice cream season chez nous is off to a very good start. No photos tho... Recently I've made my own somewhat altered versions of: DL's Vietnamese Coffee Ice Cream (twice), DL's Aztec "Hot" Chocolate Ice Cream, a nougat ice cream (lost the provenance) - sort of vanilla plus the kitchen sink, Peanut Butter Ice Cream (eGullet recipe, amccomb 2005), Rum Ice Cream (Epicurious - too much booze I think). For the weekend I'll make Lychee Ice Cream (lost provenance) and next week Triple Ginger Ice Cream (eGullet recipe, Food Man) and Coconut Sorbet (eGullet recipe, Andie Pasinger). I'll take a look at DL's Ginger Ice Cream too. Altered? : my go-to base for ice cream is half & half and cornstarch, pinch of salt and a dollop of corn syrup. It needs updating a la paulraphael's instructions but currently I am too overwhelmed by home renovations. I'll get there yet.
  18. That Mapo looks so delicious. I'm making some, along with other dishes, for weekend guests. From commercial tofu. And it probably won't look so excellent either.
  19. Congratulations and all best to you in your new job, FG. Over the past three years, you and others in eGullet have become such important persons and mentors in this new part of my life. Thank you.
  20. liuzhiu, thank you for that lovely story. Living in Ontario, Canada, I am unlikely ever to taste a fresh lotus nut, but I do use them regularly in soups.
  21. Wonderful looking goodies. I would have liked to attend that tea. You went to a lot of work, SLS.
  22. Their Dark Chocolate Dreams is wonderful. I make sure I never buy it. It's too wonderful.
  23. Darienne

    My Leather Fetish

    Am I to assume that one can make straight apple leather? I've never made any fruit leather at all. We had such a huge crop of apples last year, we finally gave up processing them. Fruit leather sounds like an excellent idea. Of course, our apple production is purely in the hands of Mother Nature so this year may be a sparse one.
  24. The "grating frozen ginger" so excellent that I never grate fresh any more.
  25. Wonderful. How good of you to offer classes to young people. First laugh of the morning.
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