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Everything posted by ElsieD

  1. My butter melted is also 4.5" wide and I just tested it. It worked fine, but as @Anna N said, it must be pretty well centered. Not exactly, but close.
  2. Very nice. I read somewhere that the diameter of the pan can be no smaller than 4.5 inches.
  3. I did not know this existed. It'll come in handy, thank you.
  4. I wanted to get some ideas for meal planning, something at which I am spectacularly bad. I like the idea of picking a cookbook and making meals from just that book for a week, then moving on to the next book. I have many cookbooks and after the initial look-through they get put on the shelf and are rarely looked at. This would at least force me to use them. Maybe not a whole week, that would be too organized. Maybe start small, 3 days, perhaps?
  5. I read this as well. Cost is $179.40 plus $19.95. US$, that is. I'm done buying.πŸ˜‰
  6. Tonight I used the CF to make butter poached cod. I set the probe temperature to 135 then changed my mind and reduced it to 131. I turned the fish over at the half way mark, temperature wise. It seemed to stall at 116 and seemed to take forever to get past that. However, it did, and after about 40 or 45 minutes the machine pronounced it done. I have no idea if I needed to turn it over but the fish was not swimming in liquid and I wasn't sure how the top of it was doing. Anyway, it couldn't have hurt. When you did your salmon, was it covered? How long did it take? I am going to take a video of cooking tomorrow's poached egg and send it to Dave at Testek. He sent me a very nice message. He wants to make sure the machine is not at fault. It'll probably behave perfectly.
  7. ElsieD

    Dinner 2018

    Butter poached cod with polenta and spinach on the side. The red in the sauce over the fish is harissa.
  8. I'm trying out a recipe for butter poached fish. Think I'll cook it to 135F.
  9. But no room for the Control Freak?
  10. We stopped at a chip stand today and the the lady who runs it was selling some stuff. Cheap. On another table she had laid out some other stuff marked "free". So I grabbed these books and a cookie tin. The books are likely to be of interest only to Canadians and are somewhat dated. However, you just never know when you'll find a useful recipe. After I go through them I'll donate them to the thrift store.
  11. Where do you store it?πŸ˜‰
  12. Can you tell us which site this is? There isn't a lot of info that came with the unit and every bit helps.
  13. I thought intensity simply meant the speed it got to temperature and that once at temperature, it didn't really matter whether it was set at slow, medium or fast. You say for something like eggs and sous vide, you recommend slow. Why do the intensity levels matter once the temperature has been reached? I don't know why Yan suggested I use the oil probe for my eggs. The recipe calls for a regular probe. The probe was submerged, about an inch. You said something started to boil because the probe was sticking out of the sauce. Why would it do that if the temperature setting was below the boiling point? My pots are stainless steel and also some cast iron. I have been using them on induction for years. There is definitely a learning curve to using the Control Freak and I thank you for your help.
  14. I practiced my poached eggs today although I had some problems. I started with the probe, cooked a few, adjusted temperatures and noticed I was on pan heat, for how long, I have no idea. Re-started with the probe and did some more, again adjusting each egg hoping to get it where I wanted it. For some strange reason, the temperature dropped to 176 I think it was from 183 but the water was boiling. A full rolling boil. As I stood there in amazement, the boiling stopped and the temp shot way up before settling down to 183, which is when I turned it off and wrote a bit to testek. Yan advises I should be using 'probe oil' for this activity so I tried again using my last 2 eggs. Temp was set for 183 but the display never got past 181. But, the last two eggs were good, the way I like them. @CanadianHomeChef or anyone else who has one of these, have you experienced these fluctuations? Which probe do you use for what? If it possible I got a faulty unit? It sits on my counter which is granite and perfectly flat. It has the required 8" clearance space. Below is a picture of my eggs. Edited to add: I broke the yolks, they did not come out of the pan that way.
  15. I'd go for the mini pancakes.
  16. The Control Freak is smallerπŸ™‚
  17. I flip my food when using the Breville air function. And yes, it does get hot. But, I love it.
  18. I love the fact that you take so much trouble to post books you think may be of interest to us. I never thought I would have so many Kindle cookbooks. Now if I only knew if there was a way to navigate through these books other than page by page......
  19. ElsieD

    Dinner 2018

    Thanks for posting this but I don't see a link.
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