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Everything posted by ElsieD

  1. Today I re-tempered the chocolate above using the Control Freak. It worked flawlessly. The execution on the molds leave a little something to be desired but I was mainly interested in the tempering procedure. Last time I tempered anything was around 2007. So I can call the tempering part a success unless @Kerry Beal you see something wrong? These little chocolate guys are made with silicone molds and because they are so floppy it is hard to plop them on the counter to get rid of the air bubbles. Oh, and the bloom on the underside is caused, I'm pretty sure, by the last of the chocolate I used to smooth out the chocolate in the molds. It was likely out of temper.
  2. I would add that the foam brushes are available at paint stores in various widths.
  3. ElsieD

    Dinner 2018

    Looks good. What is that stuff that looks like relish?
  4. Wow! I did not know this existed. Going down the rabbit hole......I may never come up.
  5. I don't know where this should go, but since it is sous vide related (sort of) I am posting it here. I like to keep a few things already cooked at hand for those odd days when I don't feel like cooking because I'm feeling particularly lazy tired. The 44th Street pot roasts are one such item. Today I took it out of it's outer wrappers, turned it over to the bottom side and read this: Best set of instructions I think I've ever seen.
  6. I lost my semi-dehydrated tomatoes when we were without power for three days so I re-did them and froze a bunch of fresh ones too. They are handy when you only need one or two. Today I made apple butter from my in-laws apple trees. They have some really old apple trees, no one knows what kind they are but the apples make terrific apple butter. I freeze it in 1/4 cup portions in muffin tins. Goes well with pork. Today I also made almost 4 quarts/litres of hot sauce, made using Sugar Rush Peach Peppers.
  7. My dad owned an egg farm with some 5 or 6 thousand chickens. When their productive season was over, they were shipped to the Campbell's Soup factory.
  8. What is the longest bread loaf pan, including the rim, that will fit in the CSO? I'm thinking an 11" one?
  9. @Kerry Beal That lamb shank looks delicious. Great fall meal.
  10. Welcome from one Ontario resident to another.
  11. Welcome to eGullet, George A! I'm not too far away from you either and it's nice to have another Canadian member.
  12. ElsieD

    Dinner 2018

    Just tahini or did you mix it with something?
  13. I had never heard of Sugar Babies. Learn something almost every day on this forum.
  14. My mistake then was heating, cooling via seeding and then reheating. Good to know. I am going to try again. It has been a long time since I tempered chocolate and i had forgotten what I had been taught. Thanks for your offer. If I can't find the CD I will accept your kind offer, but only if you let me pay for it.
  15. ElsieD

    Dinner 2018

    Chicken stew with homemade focaccia.
  16. Thank you so much for responding. Are you saying that I'd I don't seed, I can just heat to 45C, let cool to 31C and then I can use it? No reheat necessary? Reheat only necessary if seeding? I have your three videos. I dug them out this afternoon and as luck would have it, the first one is missing. The case is there, but no video.🙁 Shown below with my sad chocolate.
  17. We don't get the Cooking Channel so won't be watching it. Loved the original series.
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