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  1. Pastrami. 145F for 72 hours. Just went in the bath. 7 pound prime brisket flat 2 week dry cure: 2/3 cup sugar 2/3 cup mortons kosher salt Pickling spices 1/4 cup 1.5 teaspoon curing salt 2 week 3 hour soak change water multiple times Coat with cracked pepper/coriander seed (2:1) Air dry in fridge overnite 5 Hours in smoker at 150 degrees (apple)wood. Rest overnite in fridge. Portion, bag, sous vide as above. Freeze.
  2. A large tub of water provides some thermal stability in the case of a power outage. I insulate my tub as well, for the same purpose.
  3. lets see some recipes!
  4. I appreciate the journey that paulrapael is embarked on. I assume he is is a coffee lover, with the goal of capturing the varietal essence of his favorite coffees in a ice cream form. A noble effort! My recipe reflects my goals. That recipe results in a intensely rich, flavorful ice cream, that maintains an unctuous mouth feel when stored in the freezer. In my experience, with less than 100% cream in the base, frozen ice creams will develop a grainy mouth feel as ice crystals gradually form. If you consume your ice cream over s short period of time, this is less of a concern. If your primary goal is clarity of subtle coffee flavors, without imparting other flavors, than it makes sense to leave out caramel, leave out Kahlua, vanilla, reduce cream content. However in my experience, the mouth feel of such an ice cream will degrade more rapidly once frozen and stored. I have only made caramel for this ice cream, using the technique from the Chez Panisse Dessert book. I found making a large batch with that technique much more difficult than a smaller batch. It looks like there may be an easier way to make it, and I'm grateful for that information. In my life, I've rarely found opinions useful. First hand experience however, is invaluable. That's what I look for. That's why i posted a recipe.
  5. I'm sorry I posted my ice cream recipe. I didn't know I was such a bad person. Mexican vanilla extract It's heartening to know we have a HACCP instructor reviewing posts. Yes, the warnings are from the Chez Panisse Dessert book, and confirmed by my own experience. The book had an even more explicit warning. Making a good custard base is trivial if you use a digital thermometer, and even easier if you do it sous vide. Thomas Keller (page 251, Under Pressure) has simplified custards bases to heating in a sous vide bag at 179.6-185 degrees for 20 minutes. I assume the time was selected at least in part, to assure his base was pasteurized. It works great (personal experience). I didn't list the sous vide approach, as not everyone has the equipment. With regards the 100% cream selection, I tried a variety of bases with varying ratios of whole milk, half&half and cream. I selected the ratio that gave me the mouth feel and flavor I thought was best I tried the ice cream with/without caramel. In the end I agreed with the statement in the Chez Panisse Dessert book: "This is a more richly flavored variation of coffee ice cream" The recipe represents my personal preference for flavor and mouth feel. I did make one batch using wood roasted beans that I thought was terrible, but someone else loved! To each his own. Hope that helps.
  6. Started with the coffee caramel ice cream recipe from Chez Panisse Desserts every variable tweaked and refined. Some additions. The first time you make this, you should consider halving the recipe, in order to have some practice making the caramel Hardware Whisk, digital thermometer, large heavy pot, wire mesh strainer, ice creammaker (i prefer the cheapo Hamilton Beach model, yes i've tried many) Software: 1 pound bag of Stumptown Sumatran Whole beans 2 cups of organic cane sugar (Costco) 1/2 gallon of extra heavy whipping cream (Darigold 40%, Costco) 12 egg yolks Mexican vanilla extract Kahlua Liquor rock salt ice RECIPE: add 1/2 cup of water, 2 cups sugar to large heavy pot, mix continuously and cook over high heat until you form a light caramel (this is not easy) remove from heat and CAREFULLY add 1/2 cup of warm water. this will violently splatter, so be careful (this is dangerous) stir until caramel mostly dissolved, ok to add a little more water if needed. add cream and whole beans to pot warm mixture to 175-185 degrees stirring constantly (to further dissolve caramel) for 90 minutes. strain out coffee beans and discard whisk egg yolks in a separate bowl, temper with coffee infused cream, and add back into pot stirring continuously. continue to stir and heat mixture to 175-180 degrees for 15-20 minutes - should thicken considerably strain into a container add 2 tablespoons of Kahlua add 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract stir refrigerate overnite. Make your ice cream. Put into containers and freeze overnite. The use of 100% cream and fantastic Sumatran beans makes for amazingly rich and flavorful ice cream. The Kahlua and caramel boost the coffee flavor even more. i serve one scoop of this in an espresso cup, with an espresso spoon. Its insanely rich, and well caffeinated.
  7. Heartsurgeon


    i've tried multiple different chickpeas (canned and dry). MOST flavorful, in my opinion, canned Goya chickpeas i've tried multiple different tahini's Most flavorful, in my opinion, Krinos Tahini the balance of salt, acid (lemon juice) and garlic is crucial to elevate the dish. Most folks dont add enough lemon juice. finally, hummus tastes infinitely better on day two. just my opinion. hope it helps you make a tastier dish!
  8. As I have previously stated, Bittman is a culinary Chuck Shumer.
  9. We've all made a quintuple reduction duck stock, ending up with an elixir "too precious to use" kinda like that rare bottle of wine you keep, waiting for a real special moment that never comes....
  10. fig ice cream.
  11. part way down the page, pictures of hamine eggs a la pressure cooker hamine eggs in pressure cooker
  12. I have made hamine eggs in the pressure cooker, probably the most efficient way to do this. they have a custard iike texture, and in my opinion, a hammy flavor (nothing to do with the name). 60 minutes in the pressure cooker at 15psi. let the cooker cool/decompress by itself off heat.
  13. i have made hamine eggs in the pressure cooker. They have a unique consistency, kinda like a custard, and a hammy flavor! I don;t think that has anything to do with their name. Everyone should try a hamine egg at least once. They are intriguing. Never made it sous vide, although i suppose you could at 180F for a long time, but whats the point.
  14. I've given up on sous vide steak. It has a "lifeless" taste, and granular texture for lack of a better description. My favorite steak currently, is a bone in prime rib eye, that I butcher myself out of a whole rack (Costco sells these at holidays, I highly recommend) My last (and final effort) with sous vide for these 2-3 inch thick cowboy steaks, was to pre-sear (in butter, heavy skillet), sous vide, then season, and re-sear under broiler (They looked fantastic, but did not have the depth of flavor i was used to) Reverted to my standard technique for cooking normal thickness steaks, season, sear (in butter, heavy skillet) then finish in oven (350 degrees 10 minutes) ..OUTSTANDING. Do not be afraid of a 2-3 inch steak. Teach it who's boss.
  15. Its possible to make instant gravy using multi-stock and wondra flour. add salt, pepper, little squeeze of lemon, sliver of garlic, dash of cream, pat of butter. hit the mixture with a blitz stick, microwave until desired thickness. best gravy ever in under 60 seconds.
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