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Everything posted by Doodad

  1. I have grown thyme the last few years in pots on the kitchen deck. Mine is fine and the zipper bit works about half the time. What I did find though was that I could cut the stems I wanted and ball them up in dry hands over a paper towel. A bit of friction rubbing my hands together does the trick in releasing as much as practical in as short a time as possible. Discard stems and use paper towel as a funnel into dish.
  2. Mexican or Thai. I could make massaman curry with tennis shoes and it would be eaten.
  3. Doodad

    Sauce for Pork?

    I grilled a pork loin last night and made a real simple sauce. I soaked cubed mango in meyer lemon, smoked salt and hot pepper sauce. Like the Mexican street snack. Mashed half the cubes once they were well seasoned to give it some body. Worked great with a vinegar marinade on the pork.
  4. I recently made curry rice krispie treats that came out great despite my heavy hand with the curry. You do have to use the same amount of marshmallows though to get the stiffness needed. Now oatmeal. You know that tin of McCann's Irish? That is my great great grandfather attesting to one of the awards. That is "our" oatmeal in this house. I have used it like barley in stews and like wild rice in side dishes. It stuffs in peppers with sausage just great.
  5. In traditional gumbo, the other thickener is okra.
  6. Doodad

    planning backwards

    Doing it again today. Watching football and cooking. Last night's pot roast is meatpies today. Tonight's fish is partially dinner but will be thai fish cakes with tomorrows asian dinner using up another set of leftovers.
  7. Hmm no mention of Wit and mussels? A national dish. One really good holiday type pairing is Thomas Hardy Ale, with its deep sherry like notes, and a dense fruit/spice cake.
  8. I am in GA and grew up in the South for the most part. I have never seen ketchup in the mix. Ham drippings, coffee and a little flour is how I make mine.
  9. Doodad

    Microwave Cooking

    Keller's powders from TFL cookbook all employ the micro. Thinly sliced items placed on parchment and nuked to dryness, then ground. I would like to know how to make that micro angel food cake that was demonstrated for Bourdain in Spain. He seemed uncharacteristically speechless at the demo.
  10. Doodad

    planning backwards

    I always think like this. I do plan grocery trips with multiple meals based on previous items. Something can always be stuffed or used in another fashion to keep the item moving forward. Then at the very end, like that other thread we had, it is jambalaya, fried rice or a soup. I make tomato sauces, stocks etc all neutral so that I can use them in a variety of ways. Tomato sauce might be italian the first time, but in creole the next time. Leftover sausage from the spaghetti and shrimp from creole become jambalaya later.
  11. I grew up in a mixed marriage. Yankees and Southerners. White gravy was unknown in the Yankee house. But, the brown gravy was superb. White gravy, and I think it is gravy because it is prepared from the pan drippings and deglaze Jenni, is mostly a breakfast item with the exception of country fried steak or fried pork chops. Brown gravy is for meat centric meals again from the pan drippings. Red eye, which my Ohio wife had never had, is a ham and eggs and grits breakfast exclusive. Heck you have all the goods right there.
  12. Yes I realize that now. Did not know really how it was done. First batch yesterday was good, but did not hold together well with the added fat of the curry. And too much curry. Trying again later this week.
  13. I almost bought the coconut extract today. Having never made marshmallows I am just unsure. I just made the batch of curry krispie treats and they are great. Used commercial mallows in a test batch, but this shows promise. Doing a play on sizzling rice soup for dinner with a pho/ramen soup and the kripies.
  14. You can make your own immersion circulator on the cheap(er) by going to a lab supply company and getting a hotplate and magnetic stirrer combo. You can buy magnetic stir bars of varying sizes and then place a stand in the beaker or whatever to keep the food and bag off the stirrer. Probably would need to calibrate the temperature dial with a good thermometer, but once that was done you're in business. I priced it out from my own company that supplys schools and it was in the sub $200 range.
  15. I cut them in half too. I use a grapefruit spoon to really clean them and then crisp in the oven while I mix the potato, butter, chives, scallions and cheese. I like to pipe it back in so it has a finished look. Top with more chives at the end.
  16. I have never made marshmallows but have a project that really needs them, ie curry rice kripie treats. So, how should I do this? How can I get real coconut flavor in there? Coconut syrup instead of corn? Coconut milk instead of water?
  17. We have done such things before with friends or family. Items that are manually labor intensive and make no sense making a handful are the most fun. Tamales, egg rolls, wontons, stuffed things, enchiladas etc.
  18. I felt really bad for Jennifer. She is talented, obviously driven and creative. And easy on the eyes I kept wondering if she was still feeling sick? She looked tired.
  19. Yep, escolar and not any kind of alabacore. Delicious, but with a nasty side effect due to gamma 3 something content. Or so I was told my the itamaesan when I tried to order more the first time.
  20. Doodad

    Fried Rice

    Fried rice in our house is a leftover vehicle like jambalaya or brunswick stew etc. But, what does not change is the sauce. After lots of playing around I have a mix that contains oyster sauce and sesame oil that hits the spot. The portions are not measured on any of it, the ingredients are whats leftover or needed to be used. So never ever the same dish. We do try to mix in our favorite side dishes to keep an Asian theme, but other than that anything goes. In fact, we had cioppino and rice last night so I bet fried rice is on the horizon.
  21. French toast. Especially as a sandwich with sausage in the middle. Close second is banana buckwheat pancake with peanut butter and honey. Waffles have lost their charm for me.
  22. I do it in my crock pot now everytime. I combine a little Keller with Bourdain's in that I cook the meat (no marinade) and vege until starting to get the meat tender and then strain and refresh all the vegetables and add mushrooms the only time. Makes a better, thicker sauce and tender but not mushy vegetables.
  23. Fried Mike fried. Redneck popcorn. I can make a meal of it on its own.
  24. Doodad

    Too strong onions

    I don't think it is your imagination. It is storage. They developed a method to store them a few years ago and I bet what the rest of the country gets are older versions. Still taste sweet here locally and we are lucky enough to get the Spring "green" versions which are delicious.
  25. I am at 21 out of 52 books. 40%. The other books were either gifts, family contributed church type collections, or more overview/photo type cookbooks. I noticed that about 10 of the used are WELL used and have at least five or more usages in them. 2 or 3 have more like 20-30 uses.
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