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Everything posted by Doodad

  1. Doodad

    Coke Hacks

    Old school down here is the short bottles and add peanuts to the coke.
  2. Got them last week and made a tagine of them. They are my go to chicken. Grilled in tacos, curry, stir fry, philly cheese chicken, chicken stroganoff, baked with a spoon of stuffing on them....I could go on all day.
  3. I did not see the episode that is featured in the opening theme. I thought I had seen them all since I DVR them. But, what is the cigar and ashes item that is shown in the opening?
  4. Doodad

    Smoked Apple Sauce

    Sounds like a fine idea to me. And yes with pork indeed. Whenever I have the smoker going I throw on jalepenos, tomatillos and onions. Makes killer slightly smoky salsa.
  5. Thank for the help everyone. Making a kim chi for later and a fake sauerkraut to go with chicken/spinach/feta sausuage for dinner.
  6. and like the pizza example you have to compare apples to apples. A good, all healthy, non factory granola goes for large bucks in the grocery stores here. I mean $7 a pint large.
  7. Blether beat me to it. Pot pie. Full meal deal. Pot Roast. Roast chicken on a bed of root vege. Chili with chuck wagon biscuits at the last minute Curries can be left unattended and the rice would take awhile as well.
  8. Our garden is kicking this year and should provide abundant salsa, curry paste and tomato products until fall and then cool crops again. Much cheaper I would have to think as we grow from seed or cheap seedlings. And beer. I can make a 5 gallons of very high quality lagers and ales for about $5 excluding the initial investment of goods which have more than paid for themselves. At one point I had two lagers and three ales all available. Each of these would have been easily $9 a six.
  9. I think it is a kind of Japanese hybrid. I can find pics of it, but every name seems different. It is essentially a kind of loose leaf bok choy with more green than white on big leaves. It is very good and this fresh is a treat. And I have two more heads in the garden as we speak.
  10. Our garden has been very prolific and we are blessed with a ton of chinese cabbage. I make stir fried cabbage last night for a grilled fish dish, but need more ideas. Other than just stir frys please. I may make some faux kimchi or such with some of it.
  11. Doodad

    Dinner! 2010

    We did tabouleh, falafel in pita with tsasiki (sp) dressing, salad and harissa shrimp app. Homemade coconut/gingersnap ice cream for desert.
  12. Doodad

    Del Taco

    Very true; I saw that. Not sure if they went down and restructered or the name was bought. That is not the same logo (close) and the menu is way different.
  13. Doodad

    Del Taco

    Well, it was a good 25 years ago. The shake was a regular item. Not sure if what is Del Taco now is even the same or they bought the name. Atlanta is a long way from SoCal.
  14. Doodad

    Del Taco

    They used to be here in GA back in the 80s, but all disappeared. Shame too. They had a combo plate that was perfect for a poor college guy. I seem to remember a cinnamon milkshake as well that was killer.
  15. and do the beer can chicken thing on it.
  16. Yes, I have a good relationship with the main store where I shop all the time. It did not hurt that I used to go in after an internship I was working in checks and whites. That changed everything I think. They will process a whole brisket for me including seperating it and trimming it appropriately to cut down the cost rather than weigh the whole thing and there you go. They also sawed a bunch of bones for me; I could not believe how happy they were to see someone making stock. I think they threw some for free in there. Oh, and I have jury duty on Thursday so I have to trek all the stinking way downtown.
  17. Doodad

    Dinner! 2010

    Low Country Boil this evening.
  18. The flavor does not appear in the milder dishes so I am thinking the wok is not the cause. It appears to be an ingredient.
  19. It is a little hole in the wall in Alpharetta that used to be called Green Garden. Now Sake House for some reason and the menu has gotten way too ambitious, but the standard Chinese is still very good. On Old Milton Pkwy.
  20. Must be some ingredient. Other dishes do not have this component so I ruled out wok hei. I doubt they have segregated woks especially in this small hole in the strip center. (But they are good). Could very well be chili oil. Brand or do you make your own? I can test.
  21. It is our duty this week in the community garden to turn/stir the bins. They are looking good at this point with the warm days we have had lately. Last week's gardener was a little too zealous I think as they kept turning all the bins and moving the material back and forth. I stirred them all every other day this week, capped the best one with straw to retain heat and moisture, moved some mature compost into the rawer bin and called it all good. We have three bins each about 36 cubic feet.
  22. Ordered out last night from our favorite Chinese place. They, and some others I know, have a subtle smoky flavor in their Hunan/Schzechaun dishes that I can't replicate. I had Ma Po and the hint of smoke was great. What are they using? Some type of sesame oil I have not seen?
  23. I have only ever seen it used in slow cookers and such with lots of liquid.
  24. Twice cooked lamb? Lamb fried rice? Lamb tacos?
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