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Everything posted by Doodad

  1. Can you expand on this for us colonials? Not sure what you mean or what happened.
  2. I actually did look up some recipes online. I have several kinds of chiles (but not piri piri) and could easily put something together. That is why the chile chutney looked so intriguiging. The ingredients are very similar. I have never tasted harissa so I don't know what to expect. Some recipes were very basic others had tomatoes and some citrus added. Not sure what to think. And Amazon is out of harissa go figure.
  3. I could not find harissa in the few places I looked this past weekend. I did find Chile Chutney in an Indian grocery near the house. Does anyone know if the flavor profile is similar? Is is dang good on its own, but seems to be the same basic idea as harissa. For those of you who like sambal etc in your food, try this chutney. Wow.
  4. Greens. Easy and can sit as long as you like. Root vege gratin for a variety of flavors and again can sit and are pretty indestructable.
  5. I have done similar with roasted cauliflower, but my sub was definitely more mashed potatoes and also for my wife. I pureed them and stuffed things as if they were twice baked potatoes. Mushrooms were a favorite.
  6. Doodad

    Dinner! 2010

    I made a kind of deconstructed beef stroganoff. Thin sliced top sirloin roast quickly grilled, mushroom ravioli on the beef and all topped with an onion/paprika sour cream sauce. It was very good and cut back on the cream and pasta which were my wife's concern.
  7. Anyone know a source preferably on the northside?
  8. I wish the new episode would show up on On Demand. All the others have shown up the following day except for the Hudson Valley.
  9. Having worked haz waste and geology at one time, I would definitely not recommend the meter for something this mundane. pH meters were my absolute least favorite of all our electronics. Constant calibration with solutions, getting crusted up from accumulating salts, bad sensors. Bah. I used strips on all my beer brewing.
  10. Making Keller's chocolate bouchons again for my female friends at work. They were great last time. Topping with cherries this time.
  11. I got laid off yesterday so yes we will be stocking up and looking to store while we still have an income stream.
  12. The way I have always had it from natives is pretty much a lowcountry style seafood boil. Get a bit pot, outside if you have to, and bring to a boil with the seasonings (a lot I remember), lemon halves, garlic heads with the tops cut out and potatoes. When the potatoes start to soften, add hot peppers, celery, sausage, corn and onion. When the potatoes are almost done add the mudbugs, more seasoning and a beer or two. Boil until the crawfish turn color and shut off the heat. Let rest 10 minutes. Put newspaper over a picnic table or plywood on sawhorses. Drain boil and pour the whole mess on the table. Cold beer and warm bread on the side.
  13. Doodad

    Superbowl Food

    Tex-Mex fiesta here. Had to adopt the region on this one since the Falcons did nothing. Beef fajitas, chicken taquitos, black beans, mexi rice and pickled chayote.
  14. I made the Keller bouchons from the Bouchon cookbook last night. Holy cow they were good and I am not a chocolate fan. My wife devoured it. Like a brownie on steriods. It made a perfect indentation on the bottom which when inverted held a perfect quenelle of vanilla ice cream.
  15. Doodad

    Side Dishes for Steak

    I do the exact same thing and stack them in ramekins prior to putting in the oven. Perfect one serving dauphinoise.
  16. If I had to think of the one thing that can cover so many meals and is economical except from a time to cook standpoint, but yields plenty once it is done, is the pork shoulder. Serve with a pan sauce and greens at dinner, bbq sandwich at lunch or in brunswick stew, posole etc and you could even sneak it into an omelette or quiche or burrito at breakfast. Find a way to smoke it and even better.
  17. Heaven help me, I do like the mac and cheese in the blue box. After raising a child, it sunk in. Sorry Mom. I make terrible bread. It is ok, but lifeless. The bakers around here do a better job. Funyuns.
  18. Curing my first ever pork belly for tomorrow braising. Cured in salt, sugar and berbere spices. Yes, I know that is anachronistic, but I love that spice mix. They don't know how good it works with pork.
  19. My first thought along the lines of economy of scale and multi use is meatloaf. Jazz it up maybe creole style and serve it grilled with mashed potatoes or rice for dinner and then as a sandwich at lunch perhaps with a remoulade to keep the creole theme?
  20. It was also too small to support the show especially showcasing sweet potatoes. The thing was a farce and I turned it off. I think it was Flay that complained to Batali about taking BOTH cauliflowers.
  21. Doodad

    French garnishes

    I have the same challenge as you, but have found that I can mix up the routine by both changing texture or size of items that were previously served and when it just gets to the end I can always make a soup, stir fry or rissoto. I tend to reuse roots for instance the next day as a puree with additional flavors to enhance the different protein that night. This week I make braised cabbage one night with chicken and then with pork the next night stuffed it into roasted apples.
  22. Make the mushroomiest pizza ever.
  23. I made my first brioche this past weekend. I made the sausage stuffed brioche from Keller's Bouchon book. Good gosh what a lot of butter! Good gosh what a great bread! It came out delicious.
  24. Doodad

    Side Dishes for Steak

    Depends on the season. If it is cold out, it is a pan cooked steak with a red wine pan sauce, root vege of some kind, carmelized onions, roast mushrooms are all required. Then usually another green vegetable of some kind or salad. And bread. When it is warm and I am on the grill, ie no pan sauce a salsa instead, it is usually grilled vegetables like zucchini to accompany. Grilled portobellos, baked onion, grilled sourdough. It gets hot here in GA so if it can all be cooked on the grill while I enjoy an ice cold beer and only salad is done in the kitchen, then it is all good. I must admit that lately my wife is in love with root purees. So I have tried a variety to serve the steak on.
  25. It is wrongfully cold here in Georgia I don't care that month is on the calendar. I am making steak frites with carmelized onions, sauteed mushrooms and brocolli for dinner tonight. Making broiche dough now for sausage filled brioche (from the Bouchon cookbook) app tomorrow with our roast chicken.
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