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Everything posted by Doodad

  1. Doodad

    Dinner! 2010

    Crate and Barrel. I wish they had one size bigger. They have lots of little app dishes and such. One of my favorite places to find tapas sized plates.
  2. Doodad

    BBQ in a NYC Apt

    Does anybody think it would be possible to use one of those smokepipes like Blais was using in Top Chef to fill the inside of an oven bag with smoke then heat seal it and into the oven?
  3. Doodad

    Dinner! 2010

    Pizza! Sausage, pepper, tomato and onion. Gazpacho app and apple dumpling desert.
  4. Doodad

    BBQ in a NYC Apt

    Have you thought about maybe paying a local chinese bbq or woodfire type place to put your shoulder to the side for you one day? Might be worth an ask all they can say is no.
  5. I do hope the show improves from here. I found the first date thing kind of strained. And if the editorializing continues, yeah I know it is Bravo, I will find something else to record.
  6. While we are on this topic, my daughter and I were inspired by the site "pimp my snack" to make a giant dumpling one day. We essentially made a meatloaf of dumpling filling and attempted to wrap it in a giant wrapper. Not very good and no pics, but it made a great meatloaf.
  7. I gave the book to my daughter for Christmas with some ingredients and she has gotten a lot of mileage out of it. It is a very good book on a wide variety of stuffed doughs.
  8. Ours were certainly not as pretty but we had a blast making our Asian Feast. Three kinds of dumplings from Nguyen's "Asian Dumplings" book and some necessary side dishes.
  9. My grandmother's cast iron pan, some china and me. In that order.
  10. Wow, I have never seen or heard of these things. No complaints on that either.
  11. That was very good and interesting. As a fan of these techniques, I did appreciate that you showed the success as well as failures in the process. My favorites are the things that look like one thing but are not, such as the "sushi" desert. The folks in the grocery store were great.
  12. Doodad

    Coed Baby Shower

    Smoked/roasted eggplant for the crudite? I like that one. Maybe with a little feta?
  13. The cannibals capture an Englishman, a Frenchman and an Italian-American. Each is offered one last request before being killed and their skin made into canoes. The Englishman requests a pint of ale, downs it and is killed. The cannibals began skinning him for a canoe. The Frenchman requests a baguette and butter. He finishes, is killed and the cannibals begin skinning him for a canoe. The Italian-American requests a fork. Puzzled the cannibals hand him a fork. He then proceeds to stab himself all over while shouting "I got your canoe right here!"
  14. Doodad

    Seafood Noob

    One thing I tried years ago on a whim and never have stopped making it is bbq salmon. Literally grilled salmon with your favorite bbq sauce brushed on it. They go together amazingly well.
  15. Doodad

    Easter Menus

    It really is too simple. Prepare the grits as usual then place in bowl to cool a bit mixing occassionally so they don't set. Sute the mushrooms to soften and then add them and cheese of your choice to the grits. Season as desired, add some beaten egg and a little milk. Into a 350 degree oven for about 45 minutes until it firms up.
  16. We are going gangbusters with lots of lettuce, bak choi, greens and radishis in various stages. Some transplants, some seeds but all doing really well. Starting summer vege, the salsa garden, in the aquarium this week.
  17. Doodad

    Easter Menus

    Ham in the oven with coca cola, mustard, pom molassas and cloves. Cheese and mushroom grits casserole Garlic brocolli asparagus with meyer lemon butter Cathead biscuits and 'nana puddin'
  18. I do like an emulsified sausage. In fact, it may become my new career as I am job searching and had another out of work guy suggest it.
  19. You can do most anything. Hot sandwiches esp like Philly Cheese. You could do a whole Chinese dinner on it of fried rice, thin cuts of beef etc.
  20. Recent feast with my daughter and I cooking. Bulgogi, three kinds of dumpings, twice cooked pork and rice.
  21. Wow, that Harbin episode was tough love. Reminds why I live closer to the equator than that.
  22. I use mirin for a bit of flavor and sugar during cooking. Tiny bit of pepper too because I like my greens with a little spice ala Southern style.
  23. Try that eggplant again with the Japanese types. Those little guys are all seed and I made a similar dish recently with them that did not benefit from their use. They roasted up horrible.
  24. Doodad

    Pot Roast Recipe?

    To add one more twist. I have had great luck with grilling the roast rather than pan searing for the browning then moving to a pan for a rest to get some of the flavors into the pot. Less fond in the pan granted, but great fond on the meat and really good.
  25. I thought the entire thing, including the Wagyu, was a huge inside joke on OCD behavior in the food world. Would have been more ironic on Food Network, but we can't have everything. Well played Bourdain.
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