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Everything posted by Shelby

  1. Shelby

    Dinner 2024

    I'll get a bunk bed shipped up there and we can share a room.
  2. Go for it! Little things like this will help you get your mojo back and you deserve it!!
  3. Shelby

    Dinner 2024

    Ribs--Ronnie cold smokes a rack of them and I like to poke a few in with the cabbage rolls
  4. Shelby

    Dinner 2024

    Ohhhh beautiful collards! We didn't grow any this year and now I'm wishing we did. I also have a bag anellini that I bought with that same intention and haven't gotten around to it. Yours looks delicious. Your nephew is wrong lol. Gorgeous. Puts me in the mood to get my Christmas decorations out. This looks delicious. Adding that to menu ideas for this week. You'd think that I fell off the trying not to eat many carbs wagon by what I'm about to post, but I've been trying I swear. A lot of meals I haven't been taking pictures of because they are just too boring. It's becoming harder, too, without all of the garden vegetables to choose from. Roasted chicken, stewed tomatoes and scalloped potatoes. Cabbage rolls--omitted the rice. I should have used an additional egg or maybe tried some riced cauliflower in them....they were a little dry although the sauce was excellent. Served over riced cauliflower PIZZA. I could have inhaled this whole thing SV'd lamb chops, "rice" pilaf and salad. The pilaf was actually really good. Ronnie said he liked it better than real rice. Ok, maybe he was being nice lol Jalapeño cheese sausages, cauliflower Mac and cheese, sautéed peppers and onions and salad
  5. I still have my brand new molds up on a shelf. Looks delicious @gulfporter
  6. You know, since it's probably going to be just us, I may do that!
  7. I've advocated for years to do lasagna for either Thanksgiving or Christmas to no avail lol. I think that we are no longer going to get together to do either any more (it's gotten to be too much and everyone seems to have at least two to go to.) Anyway, I'd do a big lasagna, a nice salad, good bread.....antipasto.....Italian themed. Doing a lasagna is also nice because you can make it ahead of time and just pop it in the oven. That's my 2 cents.
  8. It's pumpkin time!
  9. Aw thank you!!! I had a moment a few years ago and made a ton of pumpkin soup and froze it. I never ate it and threw it all out lol. So, no. The cows get them all now.
  10. Shelby

    Dinner 2024

    Been trying to reduce carbs a bit--not totally just cutting here and there. Tuna melts on red and green bells from the garden--actually pretty good. Roasted chicken Came across this "bread" recipe. It's not bad...but it's not bread lol. More like kind of eggy crepe???? I've made them a couple times. First time I did BLT's My next try was a little better--a bit more poof. I used them like hotdog buns for jalapeño sausages. Again. Not bad. But not bread lol. Last night kind of a shrimp pad Thai using carb free noodles, pork belly and bagged Asian salad
  11. Hello! Quick little update. Our friend was scheduled to come in the month of September for the usual dove/duck hunting and also to help (as usual) with some major repairs that needed to be done. The monster storm that knocked the barn out was also hard on the shooting house etc. However, due do a health issue, he had to reschedule to late in October. It was still terribly hot so no birds were around to hunt. It was all work and no play, unfortunately. So, I didn't do the usual blog while he was here. A few pictures were taken, however, so I'll share now. He'll return early in December for deer season so hopefully we will be back to our regularly scheduled program lol. Did a little Halloween decorating--which I'm staring at now knowing that I need to get busy and take it down and put Christmas up. Sigh. Time flies. Pumpkin patch was stellar this year. The farmers brought their cows over to stay for a while so I'll be going out to give them pumpkins to eat every day. I love doing that. They built from scratch and new shooting tower that fits just one person. The bigger tower is all ready to go too. Here's a few shots of the new one: They built it in the driveway, took it apart for transport and then rebuilt it out in the pasture. Lotta work. I did much of the usual food.....lots of meat and cheese boards for snacking Venison cheeseburger pizza Apple galette with caramel sauce This was a lunch Anyway, like I said, just a fast hello so you know we didn't fall off the face of the earth I'm headed over to the appetizer thread to see if I can find something new and inspiring to make. See you over here Dec. 4th.
  12. They issued a freeze warning for Tuesday night and it happened. When I checked the temp just before 8 in the morning it was 26F. So, the garden is done. We went out and picked tons and tons of peppers and the last of the tomatoes. Oh and a few zucchinis of course lol. Gave away three huge bags of jalapeños and bells. Not gonna lie, I will very much miss being able to have so many veggies to cook with. However, I'm enjoying not having to go out and work every morning.
  13. Shelby

    Ninja Crispi

    After you get yours 🤣😝 I can't justify it....I have the big Ninja air fryer.....
  14. https://www.ninjakitchen.com/products/ninja-crispi-4-in-1-portable-glass-air-fryer-cooking-system-zidFN101GY?srsltid=AfmBOooMYHsNzkxXg4pzKJuutlckMQshDP3BlQ3uISe6UWP1Q0c7v8mG I haven't seen this mentioned around here yet. If it has been, my apologies. I like that it's more lightweight and portable. I think Walmart is selling it for $120 US.
  15. Shelby

    Dinner 2024

    I'm constantly on the lookout for ANYTHING to use up zucchini lol.
  16. Shelby

    Dinner 2024

    So many great looking foods going on around here. Still plugging along in my little world lol. Our hunter friend had to cancel his trip but has rescheduled for next week so no rest for the wicked (meaning me lol). I've been bad about taking pictures. Probably because my cooking is very uninspired lately. But here's a few. I get hungry for tuna pasta salad when the tomatoes are perfect so I made a bowl to go with salad night Wings with okra, cucumber salad and cheesy cauliflower My mom came to see me for several days including my birthday! Stuff to nibble on after her long drive Italian zucchini boats for dinner Next day we opened these delicious pickled green tomatoes she made from her garden. SO good. She also made a batch of Grammy's rice-a-roni salad--neither of our husbands like it so it's fun to make when we're together. I made bread So dinner was BLT's A few weeks ago I made a batch of enchilada sauce--I had some tomatoes to use up So chicken enchiladas with RG beans Apple galette drizzled with caramel sauce for dessert For my birthday I didn't want to cook so we went to the big city and got a bunch of Popeye's chicken! Got extra for my mom to take home for her and my step dad too. Reheated it in the air fryer. Worked like a charm. Deviled eggs to go with Boston Cream Pie one of my favorite desserts. Mom had it sent Had some chicken left over so chicken again along with broccoli casserole and this salad I made for the first time. It's pretty good!
  17. Shelby

    Dinner 2024

    OH that is SO not true!!! You're amazing! Your creations are so inspiring.
  18. Me too. I'm weirdly shy about getting food from a buffet etc. (I know I know). I'd love having a cup like this so I can just grab it and eat an array of things.
  19. I love this. You did excellent!!!
  20. I'm also a scraper. More so during and since the pandemic.
  21. So excited that Misfits had my most favorite grapes in the whole wide world a few weeks ago.
  22. Shelby

    Dinner 2024

    I've heard of it but I've never done it. I had never heard of using sparkling water. Googled and will be doing that next time I make quiche. Thank you! I love Saltines and butter! It's been like two months since I've posted on this thread. So much going on around here. I need a major stint of calmness...which I'm not going to get because our hunter friend is coming this week lol. Amidst all of the goings on I am learning my way around a new MacBook. My old brain is still back in the days of a desktop PC and Lotus sigh. I had to google how to get pictures uploaded here to EG.....yeah I need help lol. Been doing a ton of huge salads and different versions of stuffed squash. Mexican stuffed squash with our Nirvana corn Fig galette for dessert Italian stuffed squash with cheesy green beans. Salad and crustless quiche Smoked pork, okra and squash Wings Big salad with shrimp
  23. Sorry! I've been a bit MIA lately. @FauxPas did great. The only thing I would add is that halving the bigger tomatoes makes it easier to get them in the jar. The heating process before you actually put the tomatoes in the jars breaks them down quite a bit so I just cut the bigger ones. How long to keep them in the water bath depends on what altitude you're canning at. I'm in KS and I do mine for 45 mins. Oh one more thing. The old fashioned tomatoes like Big Boys ...Early Girls etc. should have enough acid to not have to worry about adding. It's the yellows San Marzano etc. that have less acid that you need to worry about.
  24. EG changed my life big time. For years I didn't join because I was intimidated--I mean, Bourdain posted here for heaven's sake! I wish now I had been braver and joined sooner. Sous vide would have never happened. The VacMaster would have never happened. The combo steam ovens would have never happened. Grinding grains to make breads would have never happened. I'm very sure there are more things that I'm not thinking of right now. @lemniscateI'm honored to have inspired you. You've made my month Thank you EG!
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