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eGullet Society staff emeritus
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Everything posted by heidih

  1. That is what it looks like (nori) I thought maybe I was missing the cue on a traditional Latin wrapper
  2. What is the dark wrapper on the tamales? Looks darker than banana leaf.
  3. A short interview discussing the new James Beard Foundtion cookbook "waste not" https://awaytogarden.com/waste-not-a-full-use-cookbook-from-james-beard-foundation-with-tiffany-derry/
  4. @HungryChris I loved the 2 dishes always on your table. I see one is salt. What is the larger one on top of the napkins used for? You are a sandwich master!
  5. Well we have synchronicityin spades,. Today on our dear Abra's blog as she we cruises Asia : "Perhaps you are thinking that Salted Egg Fish Skin doesn’t sound appetizing, but you have no idea. Daryl warned me not to eat them, “unhealthy, and addictive” he said. Right on both counts. I’m just glad I only bought one bag, because they absolutely impossible to stop eating. Trust me on this one."
  6. I fondly rmember sazji introducing us to a similar product in his great blog from Istanbul
  7. heidih

    Beef tendons

    I am a fan. My big Chinese market (99 Ranch) used to sell a mixed pack as Franci described in her opening post of tendon + shin. I simply put it in the crock pot/slow cooker and after a while packed in a ton of sturdy greens including gai lan. So satisfying. I like that gelatinous lip-smacky thing. Of course I'm odd and at one point regularly made cow's foot soup with cassava and dumplings for the Panamanian...
  8. As has been mentioned, I think atmosphere is key to establish a customer base. I adore the Viennese coffee houses. Will you specialize in a particular beverage? https://www.google.com/search?q=famous+coffee+houses+in+vienna&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS755US755&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi4576R1tneAhXn5oMKHSidDIQQ_AUIDigB&biw=1371&bih=627
  9. Oh gosh - maybe some MSG involved? I am not opposed.
  10. Definitely. I only have tangerine/orange left here. Use them all the time.An underutilized flavor punch
  11. @Anna N I can't see the actual name. Some kind of squid?
  12. Sometims "store-bought" with lovely freshly whipped cream hits the mark
  13. Yes citrus is a winter fruit - odd as it seems. Mine are green now Of oourse we are in drought and odd warm weather so who knows... Expect youur usual expectations to be shatttered.
  14. Free form no=knead. Well developed flavor.
  15. Oh yes I use Asian sauce with tomato all the time. Magical.
  16. Yes I agree. I did mine with Madeira and some glugs of Maraska cherry wine. I saved the liquid and used as part of the after drench
  17. I always was told they need to be cooked. They get that lovely peach/pink blush color. Honestly, I've never bothered. I'll pick one and just admire its odd shape.3
  18. Wow maybe it is the lighting but the quince look dark. There is an old tree at the local landfill and I am often tempted. Landfill has been closed for at least 40 years It is now an open space area, I thought they were way way puckery if eaten raw.
  19. @Paul Bacino Looks good. Are those mung bean noodes or?
  20. Yes locally the Korean markets' dried seaweed aisles are vast and the regular cold cases as well as the panchan cold cases have a nice assortment. Many years ago I remember being intrigued by the pickled kelp in Alaska in one of the Time Life Foods of the World books. We can't harvest seaweed here - water too polluted Our local kelp beds have made a comeback at least for the sake of the marine critters.
  21. Yes Farmers Markets can be enablers... I have arrived at a 4 day rule. If I took the time to buy great produce - hello - don't waste it. So I cook it! Not for a dish per se but it is ready to go. Zukes get an olive oil rub and a broil for example. Those green onions (which are not cheap unless you are in a Korean market) - get grilled/broiled as well. It opens up possibilities AND worst case hello freezer which does not work for raw.
  22. Pintos are my favorite bean. I love the earthiness. I simply stove top slow simmer (no soak). I may add a pasilla which is a dry smoky sweet chile and some smashed garlic cloves. Maybe a pinch of Mexican oregano. I cover with about 2 inches of water. I do salt. I know, I know - but it works for me. I just keep checking back and adding more water if needed. When they are edible but too firm for my taste I take the potato masher like kayb and bounce it around a bit in the pot and continue at low simmer until "perfection" achieved. Never had a fail.
  23. heidih

    Dinner 2018

    Thanks Norm - stuffed 'shrooms are going to be on deck - it been too long
  24. Yup! In my German dialect we called the little "wheel" - "God's bread".
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