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Everything posted by CalumC

  1. say whaat. When did that happen? I went a few years ago and it was incredible.
  2. Just to express a small burst of irritation. The amazon nazis have raised the price of the book on the uk site, which is just. ARGH. basically. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Alinea-Grant-Achat...d=2KMMPAWWM1FCM humph.
  3. Good old standard Mr Howarth. Not that i'd turn down going, just doesn't look spectacular. btw, northcote is 1 star isn't it? I believe that by looking at that and comparing to your report on LCS, you can see differences are, i think you questioned it yourself in that report. What are your thoughts now?
  4. Yep. It was jason's starter, steven got fish, jason main and dessert is glyn. I'd say thats a frigging good menu and its representative of our cooking i think. I wasn't so impressed with the judging generally, oliver and prue have no concept of modern food. i think that the menu would be better with the eel fish course, its not a canape, if they could understand modern cookery then they would have seen that.
  5. I reckon chris's starter is going to get knocked down by the public vote, based on the fact hes a tosser. Would you like at that, i was right. Fantastic. Interestingly he made a bit of a political speech about it, "chips and ketchup thrown at the screen" so he obviously knew. Hasn't made me feel any happier with him...
  6. beef broth sounds a lot like bovril, which is also known as devil juice. At least to me. Facking disgusting. You've been given quite the breakfast education, its something of an institution so theres a lot of opinion.
  7. Sausage Bacon Fried Egg Grilled Tomato Hash Brown Fried Bread Black Pudding is it wrong to mention chips? Baked beans im not so sure about, but definitely brown sauce. Toast and jam after too, needs a good cup of tea with it as well.
  8. I can't remember who it was now, but upthread someone had a similar experience, they preferred lumiere. I had a very similar main to you when i went, lamb with smoked onion and with mine ceps and crosnes. I thought it was delicious. They probably should have asked but i think from a culinary pov, david might feel that medium rare is the best way to eat the meat in combination with the rest of the dish. i also had exactly the same dessert, the parfait was stunning and I can see your point about the bergamot, but i thought the two complimented each other wonderfully.
  9. Just got my first batch going, was about 8 pods small diced in a 100ml ish jar, used smirnoff vodka. Looking forward to the results...
  10. We both know which of those is better.
  11. Oooohhh I am so pushing the parents for another visit before i go to uni. Looks incredible, good photos adey, what camera are you using? Id love to get there soon and try some wild garlic creations but i think i can hold off for august. Happy birthday too!
  12. You're really not all that far from Cheltenham, so I can recommend Le Champignon Sauvage. But, if you really want to be close to Bath, i think that Martin blunos' place is quite near by or at least was, i can't find anything about it on the internet. Someone will have to clarify that.
  13. Is that a glace cherry?
  14. Out of interest, where did you get the Alinea book from? Amazon (both US and UK) have it listed for an October release date? Lee ← He means hes ordered it/payed. Amazon is a very good price, i'll be ordering it off there. opinion seems to be that the mosaic you get to see when you order from the alinea website is good but not specifically worth it for the extra money, i'd agree from what i've seen (thanks again ) though the videos are mindblowing.
  15. Another bump if thats ok, i'm going for 2 weeks to Cala en Porter. What are the recommendations nowadays, i think we'll be going for the mid range stuff, some good fresh fish and the like. Whats the situation with tapas on menorca, when i went to tenerife it seemed that the canarians had their own thing going on (i was in puerto), is it the same on menorca. One really good place would be a nice too, i think i read that there was a restaurant in Mao i think.
  16. whoa there missy, culinary wasteland? Going a bit far don't you think. Admittedly we've had a few messups in our time but you can hardly deny the same on the other side of the atlantic. And anyway, beef bovril would be a product with meat in it and wouldn't be allowed into the US. Go back 3 years and you'd be fine, it was veggie then, but now they've gone back to beef. back to beef, i like that. edited mistake, stupid laptop.
  17. I'm not sure it does make sense, how can something taste more like itself than the real thing? Surely when we start talking about something having the "true essence of olive" it can only be "true" up to the point it tastes like the olive, after that it must become an artificial flavour that no longer tastes like an olive? ← A concentration of is probably a better way to explain it.
  18. Here here. Its not like hes even just coming up with these ideas from nowhere, he discussed the fact that there is an aroma compound from rhubard akin to tobacco, so why not try it. Its modern and pretty edgy cooking, so its inevitable that some people are going to react negatively. As for olive and chocolate, the two are becoming quite a frequent combo. One i know is becoming fairly popular is le champignon sauvage's chocolate and black olive tart and its various recent offshoots.
  19. Well i'm making the chicken, so far so good i think. I have a very vague probe thermometer and an oven that has pretty crap temperature control, so its a struggle but should be ok. Only just realised that i have no gravy for it, and the chicken won't yield any gravy juices in cooking so i'm off to deal with that in a moment. Seems wrong to given in to chicken stock cubes now after all this work, but it may have to be. I wanted to use the wings to make the butter really. I'll photo the final plating if i remember, the above post covered everything i could have. in step by step.
  20. Is that with gelatin added? I presumed that the gelatin was vital for the filtration to work properly.
  21. Absolutely, it was far too plain for this competition. Having said that, i never said i wouldn't pig it if i was served it.
  22. Drove past the other day after a visit to Kelmscott, me and my mum agreed we would visit in the summer, i'm looking forward to it.
  23. Creme de fraise; the website is UK but im sure its available in the US http://www.thedrinkshop.com/products/nlpde...php?prodid=3902
  24. adey: which product on the first website is the maltodextrin, must admit im getting a tad confused by all the chemical product names. Also, is the 2nd website just a matter of contacting them by email? Couldnt find a sample request page on that one.
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