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Posts posted by gfweb

  1. We revisited today for lunch. Place filled up at about noon.

    Menu seemed limited in scope. A couple soups, four apps including olives (at ~$5!), bruschetta ("G's bread"), fried oysters and hummus (blech).

    Most entrees were sandwiches of one sort or another. My companion had a scallop dish which lacked depth and was just OK. I had a hamburger which was dry and dense. The ketchup for the fries was served ice cold, right out of the fridge. Squash soup was nice, the bruschetta (goat cheese, fig,parma ham) was a bit bland.

    Overall we thought that the food was underseasoned...and there were no salt or pepper on the table.

    Service was slow, but short of painful. Decor was a bit better than last time, with more artifacts from the building's previous life as a bank.

    I had hoped for improvement, but the locals seem to like the place.

  2. I am beginning to love Stefan. He is capable and and entertaining. He will call a douch-boy a douch-boy. Hosea...a douch-boy. Jamie keeps doing the same sort of thing. She will be spoken to sternly soon. Ariane is an annoying ass and will soon actually have to design a dish on her own.... she's toast. Jeff is inconsistent and will screw-up. Radika ...boring...the anti-Fabio. Leah... probably a nitwit. Gene...better than he's looked lately, I think.

  3. You may recall my angst a few mos ago on another thread regarding buying a new range to replace the aged vulcan that was in deep need of reapir. I worried about a too-electronic oven being a fragile PITA.

    I looked at all the new ones and pondered the sage advice on eGullett and ended up spending $800 to upgrade the controls. Couldn't be happier with my old stone-age non-electronic black monstosity. :-)

    One thing I'd like though is a digital thermo probe that will read up to 500 deg F so I can monitor the oven temp. Everything I can find stops at 325 or so. Any ideas?

  4. This week's knife-packer got the loser's edit from the get-go. Maybe it's stress that prevents some from hearing the details of a challenge - or ego that says doing something Unexpected will get them more points than doing something well. Have they not seen this show?

    Many of these guys are young and short on life-experience. I expect dumb choices, esp from young men who still have that sense that they are bullet-proof. Over the years how many of them have acted like they are in a frat house?

  5. From a Plain Dealer interview, Michael Symon on Dinner Impossible:
    "Right from the get-go, we knew Robert was probably going to come back and do the show - but we couldn't say that," Symon said. "There was a lot going on with him that he needed to clear up. They [Food Network] told me, 'You're the only one who can do it, keep up that level.' "

    "We didn't 'lose' [the show]," Symon added. "I knew going in that there was a 95 percent chance that he'd be coming back. We really want to keep this brand alive. So we came in, rocked out the 10 shows, and moved on."

    He sounds like a FN employee

  6. I've been thinking about vinaigrette and whether it is an emulsion. I think that the answer is "it depends".

    Shaking oil and vinegar alone doesn't make an emulsion since it separates almost immediately. If an emulsifying agent of some sort is added then it would be an emulsion. So some vinaigrettes are emulsions and some aren't and Stephan was wrong anyway, because he is an ass.

  7. I only caught the last half, so I'll say more when I see it all.

    One comment: it surprised me that Padma was so disgusted by the avocado dessert. Maybe it was done badly, but it doesn't seem that unusual.

    Maybe Padma is emulating Gordon Ramsay... She'll start saying "F... me" soon.

  8. Ariane may have been and should have been at risk after stating she didn't need to travel all the way from Montclair NJ into New York City to visit the ethnic neighborhoods because she had the cookbooks.

    In weak defense of her... she was asked what would she do if someone wanted an ethnic meal cooked. I think we'd all turn to books for that task.

  9. So far , so good.

    The two most irritating were booted is short order.  IMHO both should've gotten the ax for that uninspired salad idea in the first quickfire.

    My early bet is the "Finnish" guy who looks (and sounds) like a U-Boat Captain from a B-movie... or the guy with all the tats.

    Not a good reflection on the CIA

    And which one with the tats, there were so many

    I think he is talking about the guy from Hawai'i that nailed the Indian dish without really knowing it.

    Exactly. That guy who did the Indian thing after (apparently) just tasting it once. Hmmm. Brilliant or crafty? The latter I think, perhaps both, but we shall see in due time.

  10. So far , so good.

    The two most irritating were booted is short order. IMHO both should've gotten the ax for that uninspired salad idea in the first quickfire.

    My early bet is the "Finnish" guy who looks (and sounds) like a U-Boat Captain from a B-movie... or the guy with all the tats.

  11. In the only show I watched, they were at a tapas place owned by an Adria family member. Batali, Paltrow and Michael Stipe were at the table with Ferran Adria's wife, and when a beautiful plate of jamon hit the table, Paltrow actually blurted out the word "traif." I turned it off right then and there. This could have been a good show -- without that overindulged bubble head at the table.

    This is the same person who feels compelled to inform the world how tacky her country and its citizens are. Why expect manners from a vapid actress who thinks that her opinion is important? Seems like a spoiled teenager to me.

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