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Posts posted by gfweb

  1. Triglycerides are a common type of fat; here's what the American Heart Association has to say about them. I don't really understand why they'd be the culprit, since they appear in most other fatty foods as well.

    Triglycerides are the most common fat in cooking. Butter, any animal fat, veg oil are all mostly triglyceride.

    Triglycerides are made of three fatty acids that are attached to a glycerol molecule. Variations between triglycerides are always in the attached fatty acids which can have varying lengths and degrees of saturation. It is concievable that pine nuts have a unique fatty acid that, when split off the triglyceride, can mess up taste buds.

    But this whole issue doesn't sound quite right to me. The effect is too long lasting to be a typical kind of biological effect.

  2. My cynical view is that media types care not about reputation and that any publicity is good publicity. He's more valuable now than ever. I bet FN hopes the tabloids start chasing him. Perhaps their PR guys ought to spread the rumor that he is consorting with Sandra Lee and help them both out.

  3. Have y'all seen those bagel twinkies?  Bagels that look like Twinkies, but stuffed with cream cheese.  What the fuck kind of tripped out, strung-out, drunk of his/her ass chimp came up with such a thing?  When I saw those in the freezer section of my grocery store, I almost had an epileptic seizure.

    Bagel stuffed with cream cheese

    (not my photo).

    But apparently you bought some.java script:emoticon(':rolleyes:')

  4. Re judges - I have to disagree a little. ICJ always had at least one judge on the panel, usually a female, who was clueless about food, but pretty and giggly. So long as it's only one "celebrity" judge per panel.

    True, but you are assuming that ICJ is the ideal.

  5. Yes, but that doesn't make him a decent judge. To me that is the major weakness of IC. Many of the judges are buffoons. Mo Rocca? Boomer Esaisen? please.

    In another era they'd have booked Paul Lynde and Rosemarie. Or Flip Wilson and Rip Taylor. Uggh.

    Looks like all one needs to be a judge is a good PR person.

  6. There is an incorrect assumption implicit in many of the posts, namely that getting paid constitutes "selling out" or prostituting oneself.

    If one is paid to do/say something that one agrees with, then it is hard to see that as a moral failure. That TC did it isn't a failure, it is just one of the perq's of celebrity.

    The question I'm asking myself right now is why I cared enough to post on this issue.....


  7. For me the issue is about saving time, not energy. It is also about finding out what the truth is. All sorts of time honored practices can be shown to be based on false assumptions and a lack of critical thought. I strongly suspect that this is one of them.

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