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Posts posted by gfweb

  1.   As for Ashley's whining, give me a break.  If her sexuality influences the desire (or lack of) for who she cooks for she won't last long.  Maybe we'll get lucky and next week they will have to break off into pairs and she draws Michael.

    So her restaurant turns down rehearsal dinners and wedding anniversary dinners to preserve her sanity and keep her from pouting?

    I doubt it.

    I think this was a staged protest to get the issue on the air. Who staged it? Probably the "cheftestants". If it wasn't staged, then Ashley is a major baby.

  2. Completely petty of my (and hypocritical of me because I'm constantly butchering foreign languages), but could someone tell Jennifer that "ceviche" is a Spanish word and that final vowel is not silent.

    Overall, this looks like a strong group with a few obvious clunkers. Guess we'll just have to wait a few weeks for the judges to thin the herd. Then the real games can began (unless, of course, someone good does something stupid).

    Hey she's from Philly. I've heard cevich a few times around town. Kind of a Tony Soprano pronounciation. Want some cevich with your gabagool?

  3. Of course its exceptionally silly. That's why we care about it. Much easier than caring about important things that worry the crap out of us. These shows provide the food-obsessed the same escape that others get from sports.

    I therefore propose a Fantasy Chef League based around Iron Chef, TC, Masters, Chopped and Dinner Impossible. Let's go all the way.

  4. The lightweights that I had in mind were the early eliminations from the previous TC. Like the one still in cooking school and his equally green friend.

    Some of these guys still seem inexperienced, but not to that extreme.

    The deep fried steak was indeed a WTF moment. Is chicharron Spanish for charcoal?

  5. I still don't get why people seem so offended over Chef Chiarello. He didn't do anything that would have offended me if I'd been there so I can't really find a reason to be offended for those who were there.

    Many people are offended by strong personalities and favor Oprah/Art Linkletter-like (never thought I'd put those two in tandem!) blandness.

  6. Right! My POV is that NFNS is a dumb show that serves the purposes of FN.

    As far as I can see, NFNS exists to fill airtime and to hype the next questionable "star" that they plan to launch. In a practical sense, the shows serve as a sort of internship for aspiring TV chefs, who, by then end, have perhaps acquired a TV style and have become adept at cooking for the camera while spouting inanities in a pleasing way.

  7. My teenage son talked us into a dinner at the Philly Fogo. Great space (an old bank?), great service, but only so-so food. Perhaps I expected too much. The meat was OK, some great some a bit tough. What surprised me was the salad bar and sides. Chicken salad was badly overcooked, potato salad was made with russet pots and was mealy, mashed potatoes were over-whipped and glue-y. Was it an off-night or is this typical?

  8. .

    Is there anyone else who feels  that the TV factor in Bayless and Chiarello's case is a bit conflicted?

    Not to me. In fact I sort of see their wins as vindication for their being selected originally as chefs for other TV shows.

  9. Maybe SRG knows that this will be a low volume place and built a unit that could only handle low vol. Or perhaps they plan on having long lines to build cachet and then expand elsewhere. Sort of a Krispy Kreme maneuver.

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