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Posts posted by gfweb

  1. The whole "Ronzoni of Italy" issue interests me. Is this good or bad? Do we assume that the taste of the masses is flawed or are we to assume that Italians know their noodles?

    May be time for another pasta thread.

  2. The more I think about this the less I can imagine that the volume of cooking water could matter from the point of view of the pasta. It will absorb as much as it can so long as there is excess water and whether it is one cup more or a gallon more makes no difference.

    Low volume might have a greater drop in temp when the noodles are added, but only briefly.

    I could see how starting cold might be different though.

  3. Fitting cap off to a progressively underwhelming season.  There's just no compelling "story" to Hosea's win at all. He seemed to luck into it.

    This is what gets me: the Bravo editors knew who won before the first episode aired: they had months to tweak the editing to ensure that the winner was a surprise, but a pleasant one. And instead, what they ended up creating was some random schmuck that no one really cared about. Stefan was the "clear favorite," Carla the "Dark Horse," and, oh yeah, there was some other guy, too. What was his name?

    Of course I agree that within the context of the last episode it seems clear that Hosea deserved the win: the others simply screwed themselves with bad decisions. That doesn't explain to me how Bravo could have assembled and edited the season so poorly: I don't think anyone is "angry" about this choice, like many were when Ilan won; it's clear Hosea won fair and square here. The question is, why didn't they make him a more compelling winner?

    A quick search leads me to beleive that Commander's Palace was used to film the Finale on January 15, 2009. So I don't think they knew who won before the first episode aired.

    correct. people were hooty-hooing Carla in NO

  4. the wurst house is still there, and you're right, it's not the same as it was.

    i remember the roost having good pizza as well, but i have no idea if my memory is tainted by the fact that i was in college at the time.

    funny thing about memories from yester-year... I also have some hazy college-age memories of meals from Le Bus (the Bus and then the Sansom Street locale), Troy's (oh that hand-written menu), Ronnie's Sandwich Shoppe (now Billy Bob's? 40th and Spruce) and the Wurst house (something about the mushrooms I ate made the place/plates seem magical).

    Ahhh Ronnie's. I used to get the corned beef special hoagie. Weighed about 5 lbs. Can't imagine how I could eat that for lunch and still function.

  5. I think that the next time, I’ll try the first fry at a lower temperature.

    Why lower? Were they not cooked through?

    Has anybody ever coated their fries before frying?

    I have dusted them with starch and saw no effect. I wonder if a starch batter might be the thing. Think of the seasoning options if that worked.

  6. I use the Robouchon method and get potatoes as good as double fried with less mess and quicker.

    Re potato color. I've found that old stored potatoes tend to brown much more than younger ones. Presumably a different reducing sugar content. So if you want light fries, I'd suggest using harder, "younger" potatoes.

  7. re shark jumping. I agree, but I think that the show is salvagable if they get fewer callow youths and focus on those with more experience. The downside is that the more experienced probably have a real job that they cant boogie off for two months.

  8. Stefan's prize tonight might be as big as winning the whole thing. Hang out with Ripert in three kitchens and at the F&W thing....lots of chances to rub elbows with the bigs and make contacts. A wily guy like him should really run with this chance.

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