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Posts posted by gfweb

  1. Dined there last night and did the top price (of three levels) tasting menu. Really really tasty, but not much food. And I was put off by the lack of serving spoons for a common platter... it was like eating off of someone else's plate. And the waiters didn't really describe what was put in front of us. Slapped it down and away they went.

    I don't remember it being like this a few months ago.

  2. I smell a rat. FN saw that Caswell went down and Tsai is on shaky ground and in danger of being cut. A three way tie was arranged to preserve their one shot at getting a telegenic chef (Tsai).

    I agree that this show is better than previous series, but not for FN. 4/5 possible outcomes are pretty bad for IC. They need chefs with some flair and a reputation. Other than my friend Ming, this is a bland group.

  3. N

    BTW, GFWEB, I'm curious, why do you think that Chef Tsai is "a FOS in a likeable way." Love to know more. :)

    So, what do you guys think of the judges -- particularly Simon Majumdar taking over from Jeffrey Steingarten-- thus far? And what did you think of Chef Garces as a judge?

    Tsai FOS? Because he's so unabashedly self-promoting. Looks right in the camera and says he's the greatest (in essence). FOS but likable.

    Garces? Seemed OK.

    Majumdar- He has that Brit tendency to go for the too-clever put-down. Another one who's FOS...but not all that likable. He's not as bad as the snotty Brit they trotted out a few years ago on Top Chef though.

  4. About time! I was lurking, waiting to see how long it took to get a thread.

    To me TNIC is better than IC which has gotten awfully old.

    Not many of these chefs have the...uh...gravitas to be a credible ICs. Tsai (though he's completely FOS in a likable way) and the guy from Houston are the exceptions. It'll be between those two if the FN has any hand in the selection.

  5. GACK ! Well....now there's an interesting quandry. I have the remains of a very small bag I bought at Albertson's for $5.99 in the fridge, and the new one from TJs, nearly twice as big as the other, that was $7.99. Do I use the unknown TJs, or throw 8 bucks in the trash...?

    BTW, I did just check and the source of the TJs nuts is "Russia or Korea". Based on the info from McGee, they should be OK.

    I hope.

    Assuming the Russians and Koreans are trustworthy....

  6. GMO are no worry to eat. The technique is just a sped up way to get to the result of generations of selective breeding. In that sense everything that we eat from a farm is GMO.

    As an earlier post said the main risk is messing up the natural stocks if the GMO escape. As with anything new we have to weigh the risks and benefits. Is cheaper more abundant food worth the risk?

    For salmon, which I cannot see being an answer to ending starvation, my answer is "no".

    But Vit A enriched rice for Asia? A clear yes.

  7. Zagat's is one giant sampling error. But that has been well-hashed out over the years.

    Hard to imagine that a Wendy's burger fared well against BK, In and Out et al.

    They are pretty clean joints at least.

    Salads are OK per my wife the herbivore.

  8. I have eaten far more bad food prepared with one book cracked open on the counter than all others combined. Shockingly, those dishes were usually served as if they were food, glorious food, morally and culinarily superior to the gruel I usually forced down my gullet.

    Thus, for the gastrointestinal misery and self-deluded superiority I endured at cooks who used it as a blunt instrument for decades, I nominate Molly Katzen's Moosewood Cookbook as the Worst. Cookbook. Ever.

    Agreed! Terrible recipes.... usually found in the kitchens of 60ish college profs.

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