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Posts posted by gfweb

  1. Probably this could be a new thread...but I'll start it here anyway.

    What are Padma's credentials that she gets to be a judge on TC? As far as I can see she is this show's equivalent of Vanna White, yet she's given the role of Judge with apparently an equal vote with Ripert et al. What's that all about?

    Padma, please pack your weird clothes and go.

  2. Saw the episode last night with two capable guys going against two complete spaz women. Spaz chef melts down in kitchen...serves raw chicken..turns place over to her sous etc etc. Judges say food isn't restaurant quality. Guys run a tight ship and turn out food judges say is restaurant quality and interesting. Guess who wins.

    What total BS.

  3. Interesting show. Herpe girl survived again, but just barely. Clueless Tim is gone finally. Two or three more weeks of weeding out the undeserving and then we are down to the serious shows. I think Kenny is being done a disservice by the editors/interviewers; they are making him sound like an ass, which I don't think he is. Kelly, who is no slouch and a bit alpha herself, spoke highly of him and how he conducts himself.

    The noodle/minestrone sin was a bit silly. WTF, Eric, you can't find a more important thing to comment on?

  4. I'm not sure that salt leads to the sensation of bloating. To me bloating is the sense of an over-full stomach. Salt makes the body absorb more water and increases blood volume (and thereby blood pressure), but it shouldn't make the stomach feel distended. I think that a fatty meal, which delays gastric emptying, is a more likely cause.

  5. I'm beginning to think that the judges are a bit FOS (or at least half drunk). Last week there's the guy who is quibbling over the taxonomic classification of tomatoes as a fruit...this week Big Tom is pissing and moaning about canned beans.

    One wonders what kind of nonsense gets edited out if this stuff is included.

  6. Baby food was soooo stupid. What is correctly seasoned for adults doesn't work for the little monsters.

    I won't miss either of the losers this round. Both were irritating. The guy was too over the top and the woman had such a flat affect that she was instantly a bore. How'd they pick her???

  7. Pizza on Amelia is a fairly sparse affair.

    There's a Pizza Hut...but who cares!

    Moon River is the local favorite. Thin crusted decent pizza. All are a bit greasy (even for pizza) for my taste and the crust has no bite to it. Crust is a bit limp as well...difficult to eat neatly.

    A new place, "Ops" has pizza more to my taste. It is hiding behind the Applebees on Sadler. It isn't perfect pizza, but it aint bad either. Decent crust (though bordering on too thick) and sauce (could be a bit more seasoned though) and the right amount of cheese.

    My second choice on Amelia is actually freezer pizza! Home Run Inn brand (from the Harris Teeter) is an acceptable approximation of pizza. Certainly better than Domino's or any of the chains.

  8. An update...

    Thyme has closed. Probably for the best.

    Baxter's, a bar and "steakhouse" on A1A on the island, has been around for years. The crowd is older eg 70s and seems to be regulars. The place, though friendly, really isn't very good. Atmosphere is lacking and decor is similar to a motel restaurant. Food and service are so-so. Cheesesteak sandwich is not properly made(since this is a Philly-area restaurant I expect better) and small for the price. Ribeye was a bit tough and ill-seasoned. Vegetable stir-fry was just odd, more like a stew.

    Philly Boyz has had success and is moving a few blocks to a renovated gas station on the outskirts of downtown Fernandina. I'm worried for them. Low traffic, higher rent (by a lot I'd bet!), no walk-ins. Will success kill the Boyz?

    Summer menu at Le Clos is lovely, as always.

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