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Everything posted by gfweb

  1. "Sexy "TV cooks always seem clownish to me. Nigella shaking her cleavage ...not sexy just dumb.
  2. gfweb

    Salty Snacks

    Oh, pretzels with sweet stuff are the best. For my Christmas goodies, I always make butterscotch dipped pretzels. It's just butterscotch chips melted with a bit of vegetable oil (in a Luddite double boiler) and then the pretzels are swirled in, coated and cooled. But those are always the most favorite goody on the tray.... Sounds perfect. Never thought of that. Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
  3. Lab chemicals sold as pure by sigma are pure indeed. They contain only what's on the label and sigma will give an analysis if requested.
  4. gfweb

    Salty Snacks

    Pretzels dipped in melty chocolate ice cream. Or velveeta ( melted in a sous vide bath of course )
  5. Aspic was modernist cuisine from another century I think. Whenever I read old menus from feasts in the 1800s,aspic is prominantly featured. It seems unusually delicate compared to the great quantities of roast beast served and must've stood out like a deconstructed and sphereified gaspacho does today.
  6. gfweb

    Rhubarb Tops

    Great stuff. Thanks Andie!
  7. gfweb

    Rhubarb Tops

    I've done a Medline search on rhubarb poisoning. Darn little is reported. A few cases over 50 years. They all speak of kidney damage from oxalate. Given that oxalate is in lots of veg, and oxalate kidney stones are really common even without rhubarb eating, you have to wonder about the source of the oxalate in these cases. Was it really all rhubarb?. Given the greater content of oxalate in spinach I wonder about the relative risk of other veg in general. I suspect that the situation is similar to solanine poisoning from green potatoes; you'd have to eat a ton to have a problem. So am I going to go out and eat a bunch of rhubarb greens? No.
  8. gfweb

    Rhubarb Tops

    OK. You say this with authority. How do you know?
  9. gfweb

    Rhubarb Tops

    Isnt Glycoside what is in Monsantos Roundup? No that is not roundup. It is glyphosphate or something like that. Different stuff. Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
  10. gfweb

    Rhubarb Tops

    Wikipedia says that the oxalate level in rhubarb leaves is 0.5%. This paper http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304423802001541 says that the oxalate level in spinach varies from 0.76-1.08% depending on the variety. So unless there's other stuff in rhubarb besides oxalate, I wonder if rhubarb toxicity isn't a myth.
  11. gfweb

    Rhubarb Tops

    Not sure just how poisonous the leaves are. They contain oxalic acid, which in quantity can cause problems, but I wonder what the truth is. Spinach has oxalate too and nobody has died from too much spinach as far as I know.
  12. This monograph http://www.innovatewithdairy.com/SiteCollectionDocuments/Applic%20Monograph%20ICE_CREAM.pdf contains all the answers. It seems that whey is added for a whole range of benefits (including financial)in making frozen desserts. IIRC in taste tests real ice cream often loses to the FDD.
  13. I think they left out the cream.
  14. gfweb

    Thyme from my backyard

    100s! It was 100 deg today in SE PA. On Memorial Day. Garden seems happy with it so far.
  15. gfweb

    Fennel Sauerkraut

    So I made a batch of fermented fennel in a pickl-it jar; a vented mason jar that excludes oxygen by means of a little water trap. Sliced the veg on a mandolin and layered it with salt in the jar; packed it tight and sealed it. A day later there wasn't enough liquid to cover the slices so I added brine. After a day or two there was more fluid exuded and a good deal of shrinkage...to the point where I feared that the volume of the headspace would be too great for the CO2 produced to push out all the O2 that remained. Six weeks later it looked about the same except for a brown cast to the uppermost fennel and a bit of scummy microbial-looking stuff on the surface. The taste? Salty fennel with most of the sweetness removed and a bitter note substituted. Soaking it didn't help much. Anyone ever have any success with pickling fennel?
  16. I don't mind Flay. He's just an Irish smartass. He means well I think. Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
  17. From what I understand the pyramid arose during the depression when cheap calories were the partially political goal. High time to be rid of it.
  18. Pappy Van Winkle's 20 year old bourbon with one small ice cube. Smoooth.
  19. So, don't ask a question unless you're willing to accept every absolutist, Manichean, poorly reasoned answer that comes your way? I practiced at one of the leading white-collar criminal-defense firms, and also worked for a federal judge. I can tell you with reasonably good authority that there is no actionable offense here. I'd love to see the grand jury on this one. Whether there is an ethical transgression is still an open question. As I've read the various arguments supposedly based on ethics, I've come to feel better and better -- from an ethical standpoint -- about taking a few extra produce bags each time I go shopping. I think those who are getting all exorcised about the practice may want to examine their own motivations rather than mine. Mine are not all that complex or interesting. But when I tell people in the outside world that this is the big eG Forums controversy of the moment, they thing it's pretty funny. So disagreeing with you is poorly reasoned and absolutist? Yeah right. Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
  20. I am pondering the little ethical lacunae so many of us have. They aren't consistent with what we generally believe to be correct behavior, but they are so attractive (or perhaps habituated) that we defend them with righteous vigor. What's mine? I may occasionally park in spots designated for "pregnant women or those with small children". They are usually empty, close to the store and are frankly discriminatory. I resent them. They aren't part of the law like handicap parking is; they are discriminating against me in order to pander to a certain group of customers. Might as well have a sign saying "No Men"! Grrrr. I think we all need to go on a retreat.
  21. So what's the right way to cook it? Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
  22. Is providing stimulating topics somehow sleazy? Is maintaining interest in the site underhanded? I think not. In fact I'd go so far as to say its their responsibility
  23. Oral Allergy Synd is well described to various pitted fruits and other stuff too. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oral_allergy_syndrome
  24. gfweb

    Teaching Sous Vide

    McGee has some useful stuff on the idea of doneness, IIRC
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