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Everything posted by teagal

  1. teagal

    Good Autumn Food

    Using maple syrup, bought at our local farmers market. Dutch oven cooking, preferably over a campfire. Pots of beans, hopefully their Rancho Gordo ones, but a good pot of regular northern or navy beans will suffice. Baked apples, stewed pears. Risottos, warm and comforting. Breads, warm from the oven. Spending more time in the kitchen, recipes that require more steps.
  2. Your job does sound like it would be ideal for most of us on this site! You must be great at recreating dishes!
  3. For me its shucking corn. Every summer I buy dozens of ears and look forward to sitting on the porch with my corn and shucking it to put in the freezer for winter use. Browning butter requires patience for me. I'd like to agree with you on peeling eggs, but its more of a frustration for me. If I'm making deviled eggs, they come out horrible and if I'm making egg salad they come out perfect!
  4. I do agree that the poles are getting farther and farther apart- the people that cook vs the non cooks. Two of my neices (15 and 16 years old) came for a visit. We spent a morning getting food ready for our lunch. One had never cut up veg before and wasn't sure about slicing cucumbers. The other had never used a blender and was amazed at how easy it was to make homemade hummus. I was amazed at their lack of basic kitchen knowledge. And then I was amazed when I told a friend at work this and her reply was "what will they do when they get married?" I guess anything we can do to promote kitchen and cooking knowledge is extremely important.
  5. I ordered dinner from Pizza Hut tonite--it was a long week and that's what the husband wanted. As I waited at the counter for my food I watched as an employee took a pizza out of the oven and then took one of two cans on the counter of "Golden Swe___" (only could see part of the can haha) and sprayed the crust with it. As I peered over to see more of the can it said garlic butter spray. For some reason I've always thought the garlic butter on the crust was uh garlic butter, or really, since we're talking Pizza Hut, garlic margarine. How darn hard is it to mince a few cloves of garlic? And as far as healthful chain restaurant items I thought pizza might be a good choice-minimally processed, only bread, sauce, toppings; but that's what I get for thinking. What the heck is in that can? I do not want it on my pizza! Now this got me thinking-what else are we missing being not being in the kitchen to see what actually goes into our food? Anyone want to share their knowledge of "extra" ingredients added to things? This has got me really curious and also enforcing my want to eat local and fresh.
  6. I am working my way through many of the recipes in Martha Stewart's Cookies and agree wholeheartedly that they are great. No need to wonder if it'll be good - it will!! I'm gonna start telling people to just buy that book when they ask for my recipes. I love that there's pictures of all too. Just to browse through when wanting inspiration.
  7. teagal

    baby shower

    Thanks for the ideas. The lentil/couscous/quinoa salad suggestion would not work- they just don't eat like that around here. It has to have pretty familiar ingredients in a dish. I do like the idea that a do it yourself gives one some control in what they're eating and I had never thought of it that way before. Dessert will be a typical cake I'm sure. Can't go too far from tradition!
  8. teagal

    Rice Salad

    Susan Branch had a recipe on her website a while back for 'happy rice'. It had diced pears, nuts and raisins in it and was really good. Can't remember what else. Maybe you could google it and see if u can find it.
  9. Try rareseeds.com. Their catalog is huge and its all heirloom. I've drooled over it all spring, big selection, great pictures and its an interesting story about the owner.
  10. teagal

    baby shower

    Am co- hosting a baby shower and the mother to be LOVES Pasta House's italian salad. Wanting her to be happy I'm mulling over a menu to include this and wanting it to be sort of traditional-small town, no foodies, all ages present. I'm much better at the tea party type so please comment if this sounds like it will do. Assorted Salads: The previously mentioned salad (iceberg lettuce, red onions, artichoke hearts, parmesan cheese, italian dressing), a 'fall' salad-lettuce, blue cheese, dried cran., apples, glazed pecans, a pasta salad with baked tomatoes-a riff off a recipe on Giada's TV show that I just saw this morning, I'm thinking more tomatoes than pasta, some type of melon salad tossed with lime juice and mint, (nothing too wild), and frosted (sugared) grapes. Assorted rolls/mini sandwiches- with ham and salamis, maybe some with a pimento cheese spread Different herb, etc. flavored mayos, mustards, and butters I thought for a bunch of women a salad type meal would be ok-any comments?
  11. I'm embaressed to say I'm still watching this. Caught just the last 15 minutes of last nights episode--just enuf to see Debbie lying AGAIN and the judges called her on it too, but yet here she still is in the running. Is that network just wanting to lose every bit of integrity? Every year I watch less and less of this channel and actions like this are not helping.
  12. I always leave a space between the meat items, the cold stuff, then all the rest-and its just a few inches but the cashier always thinks I'm paying for three different orders. I also hate when a cold item is placed with something like sugar-thin paper that gets wet easily. Once I had a cashier try to line my reusable bag with a plastic bag; talk about defeating the purpose! Or when I'm buying just a couple items, they put it in 2 bags and I tell them to just put in 1 so they do that and then throw the perfectly useable bag away. Or when...
  13. How would theses pies/tarts hold up if I froze them after baking? Want to make something really good for my sister and neices visit--have basically one chance to "wow" them and won't have a lot of prep time the day of their visit. I've spent weeks thinking of a menu for lunch and dinner ( I do this for any entertaining!!) and was stuck on dessert. Apricots do sound good - seasonal, a bit gourmet and not 'common'.
  14. Ugly table with lots of scratches, so tablecloth. Lots of choices- for a while that's what I looked for when antiquing. I can be pretty creative trying to cover up stains. Like to layer runners on top of tablecloths or two tablecloths together.
  15. That vegetable sushi cake looks fantastic! I can see how this would stand out among other sides. Thanks for the info.
  16. What's a vegetable sushi cake? In a past issue of Gourmet, thinly sliced zucchini topped with olive oil, s&p, drizzled with lemon juice and parm cheese was suggested as a salad that tasted as good either cold or after sitting out a while. I served this yesterday over baby lettuces-so easy but got raves.
  17. I'd love to have something like that to go to-- I think it would go over well, especially with people wanting to make a night of it and not wanting to do the club/bar scene. Of course in this economy, it may not be what people are willing to spend their money on.
  18. teagal

    Frozen wine drink

    Just spent a weekend on a wine trail and at one of the wineries a frozen white wine drink was offered. It wasn't fruity like a sangria (those were also seen at a few of the wineries) and it wasn't the mix that is sold to be frozen either (although that's to be made with red wine.) The winery said it was their recipe but I bet there is something similar around. Its not something I'd serve with dinner, but on a hot summer day it'd be fun to have once in a while. It was almost, dare I say it, creamy and very light tasting. Anyone have any ideas?
  19. teagal

    Safe Tea Sandwiches

    A combo of apricot jam, butter and flaked coconut all mixed together is very good and won't spoil. And any sandwich made with chutney is great!
  20. Another reason to eat locally...and this sure is reason enough for me !
  21. It's funny this winter how empty the shelf I use for canned veg is. After spending the summer at the farmers market and freezing a lot of stuff I don't want canned any more. I never used to think about the winter but this year something clicked and now I bristle when the husband wants to pick up canned this and that. Of course I use canned tomatoes and a few others. How we get into the canned food rut is funny sometimes. A friend told me recently how she puts a can of ranch beans with jalapenos into a pot of dried beans to give it a little kick every time she makes it. As I thought about this later, I realized how she has a great garden every year and wouldn't the same result be gotten with the addition of a fresh jalapeno, which I know she grows as I'm the recipent of a few bagfuls every year. Another gal has raved over canned potatoes as long as I've known her, most recently over cannned cabbage which really I don't get. I can't think of anything simpler to prepare and that keeps a long time too.
  22. Yes you can and it's always worked fine in my recipes.
  23. teagal


    I've also baked them with sugar and amaretto. Amazing!
  24. If you'd like some angelfood cake for dessert, then I'd like some ambrosia!
  25. I loved this book and it has been the stepping stone to a new way of life for me. It cemented the fact that anyone can live pretty much locally if they try and really think about it. I do hesitate to buy bananas for myself because of it. I love her as an author, but also thought the book was a little preachy, but the end result for me was an impressive book.
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