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Everything posted by SheenaGreena

  1. Well I have since moved back home to Maryland so I now have a ton of restaurants at my disposal that will satisfy my cravings. Speaking of which, I had soondae and soondae guk last week in Rockville, MD.
  2. It should be eaten plain. I like to pick each individual kernel by hand, starting from the bottom, untapered part.
  3. It translates to glutinous rice green pea bread. My korean is pretty bad but I believe a close pronunciation is "chap-ssal wan-doo bbang"
  4. It does look milky white, but you should also try the method I suggested. I looked around online and it seems that it's the best method for making clear stock. You can also use other cuts of beef and bone for making the broth. My mother uses cow knee bones sometimes and it makes for a nice gelatinous stock because of all the marrow.
  5. I believe to make the soup milky white you have to dump out the soup after the first boiling, THEN you add water and re boil. It's also not uncommon to boil this soup for 24 hours. Its great, so you should make a ton. It's good not only with rice, but also as a base for mandoo guk and kalgooksu
  6. I think it's served with chojang. If so, I eat it as a side dish. I don't really consider it a main component to a meal unless it's oijeongo bokeum (stir fried spicy squid). It also makes a great drinking snack side dish, so however you're eating it seems right to me! As long as you enjoy it you can eat it any way you want. Fun fact: When I was little my mom served boiled squid to my sister and I with ketchup because chojang was too spicy for us. It looked liked chojang and made us feel grown up.
  7. Pretty sure it was soy sauce, scallions, red chile flakes, sesame seeds, sesame oil, rice wine vinegar and a pinch of sugar.
  8. I grew up using korean chopsticks and find them easiest to use, because not only are the ends small, but the tips meet up at the end. I notice that Japanese chopsticks tend to not meet up at the ends so I can have a hard time eating things like small sheets of seaweed wrapped around rice. Perfect pair of chopsticks would be korean style made out of laquered wood. Do these exist?
  9. okay, wow. I asked my mom and she said 'NO, IT'S SECRET" sheesh ): Korean mothers can be a pain sometimes.
  10. Hmmm my mom makes homemade daengjang in another process that doesn't involve the dried blocks of soy beans. She boils the beans, purees them and then adds them to big jars and adds salt. I will have to ask her what else she does. It's a very simple process and is a lot easier than using the blocks. My grandmother still hangs blocks of the stuff with straw in her pantry in her house's courtyard - very very old school korean
  11. Does anyone have a recipe for that braised pork belly dish though? I want to eat huge bowls of that stuff it looks so good.
  12. I learn through trial and error, and for all the times I make a great meal I always make something that turns out crappy. Only way to learn right? Yeah I only used a teeny teeny bit of turmeric because I just wanted to add color and I added way more galangal...tastes a little like ginger so I used it as such. Yup, it always helps to check out the bargain cookbooks of any store. I found some good finds there, but I usually stick with the non western cookbooks.
  13. YAY found the curry paste recipe and it was from the same cookbook. I threw all these ingredients into the food processor, but added a little more of some things to taste like more tomato paste, and I added fish sauce instead of boring ol' salt. 4 shallots 4 garlic cloves 1 oz fresh ginger 8 chiles 1 lemon grass stalk 2 tbsp oil 1 tbsp tomato paste 2 tsp sugar juice of 2 limes salt and pepper to taste (did not add this, just added fish sauce to taste instead) For some reason I found a lot of fresh galangal and turmeric so I decided to add a bit of that to the paste as well. I actually made this paste a few months ago and I still have some leftover in my fridge. It's still fresh and on occasion I like to smear a bit of it onto hard boiled eggs. For some reason, I really like the combination. It also freezes very well and would probably be great smeared on chicken, beef, pork, and shrimp should add that the recipe says to marinate for 2 hours, I suggest doing it overnight or for longer than 2 hours, because it wasn't enough. Oh and add some coconut milk or yogurt too if you want it a little richer. ENJOY...sorry it took me so long to respond (:
  14. Can't find the curry recipe (still looking for that), but I found the recipe for the cucumber salad. I got the recipe from one of those books that you get in the $5 section of Border's. The cookbook is cheap, but the recipes are pretty darn good. Although I should add that this was missing something (probably a tiny bit of sugar and some fish sauce). The cookbook is: "The Cooking of Malaysia & Singapore" by Ghillie Basan 1 cucumber, peeled, seeded, sliced 4 shallots, thinly sliced 1-2 chilies thinly sliced 4 tbsp coconut milk 1-2 tsp toasted and ground cumin seeds salt 1 lime toss all together, reserving half of the cumin to sprinkle on top of the salad before serving.
  15. Went to Eden Center last Friday and found this little gem at Song Que bakery. Very very delicious, reminds me an awful lot of mochi
  16. Please let me know if this works or not! Now that I think about it, all the daengjang and gochujang in my parent's backyard is covered in cheesecloth and sometimes exposed to air. You just scrape off the top layer and dig in down to the good layer (:
  17. I watched No Reservations this week and the food from the Dongbei area of China looked phenomenal. On it, Bourdain had some kind of pork meatballs and the most amazing braised pork belly dish I have ever seen. I'm looking for these recipes or any good recipes from the area. Unfortunately, google is providing me with little options.
  18. I dont know if this would help, but maybe you need to loosen the lid of the container to let some good bacteria in? I just read off of this website's comments that some even make kimchi with a cheesecloth to cover it up. Maybe you could try that? I loosen the kimchi lid from time to time, because if I don't it will explode and/or leak so it should be okay. http://www.seriouseats.com/talk/2009/10/are-my-sauerkraut-and-kimchi-fermenting-yet.html
  19. Saw the previews for this show when I was watching Planet Green at my boyfriend's house on Saturday night. Unfortunately I don't get this channel so I will have to make do with going over there for now (: Planet Green keeps getting better and better so I seriously need to think about switching cable providers.
  20. what recipe are you using?
  21. the warmer the surrounding air, the quicker it is going to ferment. Basically if you want a kimchi to ferment really quickly you leave it out at room temp for a few days. In my house we make kimchi and leave it in the cold garage to ferment or we throw it immediately into the kimchi fridge. However, if we are in the mood for a kimchi chigae or something that uses stinky kimchi we will leave it out for a few days to stinkify. The top layer should be okay. Just push it down into the juice or keep mixing it around or the top layer will dry out.
  22. SheenaGreena

    Dinner! 2010

    My boyfriend suggested "berry swirl cheesecake" for his birthday so I decided to do a raspberry and blueberry swirl one with a graham cracker crust. This one was really dense, rich, and unbelievably moist. Very yummy! Apparently it was better than his mom and grandma's. Oops (:
  23. Am I crazy or did I just see the fat guy in the new preview for next week's "obsessed" episode? YAY!!
  24. I cut some the other week into manageable pieces, seared them on each side in a hot hot skillet and then sprinkled it with some homemade herbes de provence. SOOOOO good. Of course I like mine absolutely bloody rare/raw in the center.
  25. Let me know how it goes. I guess I'm looking for a southern style fried chicken batter and this sounds like it's it
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