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Kouign Aman

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Everything posted by Kouign Aman

  1. Apparently, there is only one temperature - high. This results in rather more smoke production than I prefer. The food tastes good tho.
  2. Last week my husband took great pains to cook a delicious and special dinner for me. he does this regularly. He is especially wonderful at weekend breakfasts, leaving me free to cuddle the munchkin. I'm pretty sure he goes to the effort to show love, romantic and otherwise. Does he need to go back to feminism school? Do I have to give back my tools? Am I barred from the kitchen, is he barred from the workbench now? He is more fun to cook for than the munchkin is. He's more likely to try new things, and to have good table manners. Plus, I worry less if I dont put quite enough veggies in the meal plan. When I was single, I about gave up on cooking because I dont like leftovers & I hate to throw food away. If ever (godforbid) I am single again, I shall try this time to follow fifi's example instead.
  3. white rice, raisins, saffron, a touch of sugar. I love the warm taste of saffron.
  4. Dill goes well with salmon. Now what veggie goes well with dill? Lemon risotto with salmon? tomato risotto with beef? Chufi, you said it so well.
  5. no fridge. Keeps for years after opening. With its high salt content, I dont think anything could grow in/on it, except perhaps microbes from the Dead or Salton Seas.
  6. After stretching out the dough, I only let it sit long enough to put the toppings on it, then directly to the oven it goes. __Jason ← My bad. I intended the Q for doctortim, and was going from memory of his recently read post, but when I reread, I see that he does let it rise. Immediate toppage and heatage is the gameplan for next time, based on my own 'bready' experience, and confirmed by all the comments here.
  7. When you say 15 min rising, are you talking about after you form the dough into a round? I'm just starting to try to make a decent pizza, and had similar problems to the ones you describe, when I let the pizza round sit for a while, as I prepped the toppings. Instead of a crust, it was a nice piece of bread by the time it finished baking. If I wanted a Bobboli crust, I'd buy Bobboli! I'm eager to learn what solution finally gives you the pizza you are after.
  8. Kouign Aman


    damaging the paint on neighborhood cars is a fairly traditional use for eggs at least in the US
  9. I'm far from a flowering plant expert, but those look very much like some kind of jonquil/daffodil/narcissus relative. A little creative Googling turned up this flowering plant -- is this the right one? ← Looks like a narcissus to me too. Also called PaperWhite. Very strong scent. Some like it, some think it stinks.
  10. Kung Hey Fat Choy! Thanks for blogging. I am looking forward to more of this. Geekdom, of any kind, is so much fun. And then there's the food.
  11. Pnut butter recall The thought of salmonella contamination in peanuts is kinda of boggling.
  12. Dubliner cheese goes very well with sweeter hams. And the name works for St Paddy's day, does it not?
  13. This was fascinating. Thank you, all who did the work! One thing caught my eye in lab#1, and was subsequently supported by slkinsey's information: the aluminum foil pan pieces almost never were left in long enough to reach the same internal temperatures as the pieces in the other containers. Regardless of container, the final meat temp is a reflection of how 'done' it is. Im thinking that the thin pan lost much more heat than the others with every opening of the oven to check temps, which is part of why the meat in there would require longer to finish. I'd be interested in comparing results for an infrequently opened oven, where the cast iron was compared to aluminum foil pan, for meat allowed to reach the same final temp. Since it aint a gonna happen in my house anytime soon*, I'll just cross my fingers and hope someone else is also curious. *no iron or clay pots or heavy aluminum for that matter. Nothing oven safe with a lid. I've done many braises with no added liquid. I just piled sliced onions and bellpeppers on the meat, covered, and cooked low and slow. It works a treat. Those veggies tend to create a sweet sauce.
  14. 1950-2000 barbecue hamburgers hot fudge sundaes soda // pop #5 escapes me
  15. Please list ingredients in order of use. If they are used in groups (ex these for the cake, these for the topping), a blank space between the groups is a nice touch.
  16. Thats some serious accomplishment. Congratulations to Heidi! ( and you). editted to add: I've been reading thru the course, preparing for the future and out of general interest. It strikes me that Part II is also a great primer to teaching very young children kitchen skills, which I can use now. Thanks.
  17. Congratulations. It all looks lovely, and its wonderful that your mom is pleased. You wont serve anything to guests you havent done a test run on? Are you sure your mom didnt find a way to pass on a little Martha to you?
  18. 'asinine' - a term commonly used by you to those attempting to remedy a situation of ignorance or confusion, by replacing it with knowledge, Chad? Lovely. Shame you allowed it to mar an otherwise helpful response. You might have noted I was not making an argument, I was asking a question. Politely. Actually, if you order coffee, the cost of your dirty cup is covered by the price you pay. If you drink water, and then order a soda, ditto, etc. Nevertheless, I've been surprised that the 2nd fee wasnt waived, for reasons other than the volume consumed from that second bottle, which despite the answer, still seems irrelevant to me. The large meals and frequent patronage seem to me to be much more the reason to be gracious. The whole 'comp' thing is entirely subjective, and fun to discuss, for there certainly isnt a right and a wrong set in plaster much less stone.
  19. sumbitch - thats a meal! :awe: Megan, once again, its fun to be well shod and hanging out with you. Thank you.
  20. I stir scrambled eggs, and risotto (which latter I have made all of once), and sauces. I could use an automatic stirrer for the sauces and if I had one, risotto would get made more often. Cant really walk away from the eggs. Technical challenge - the sauces/gravies get made in fairly small volume in large flat pans, so an overhead mixer would probably not work too well. editted to add: the survey takes about 30 seconds.
  21. I read the first post. Several times. I understand why you asked your question. My question is - why does it matter to your question whether you drink 1/2 a glass out of it, or the entire second bottle? Its obvious very clear, and a key part of your question, to you - because you repeat it in many of your posts. But its not clear to me. I'd appreciate an explanation in words of one syllable, because I dont get it. I'm not arguing with you by asking a rhetorical question. I simply do not understand why you, Markk, think that is relevant. This is how it appears to me: When that second bottle is opened, the restaurant staff still need to pull the cork (and provide clean glasses, but as you note elsewhere, they dont. Even if you change kinds of wine?! )
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