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Kouign Aman

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Everything posted by Kouign Aman

  1. I doubt the perception of cooking as a chore is new. Its just that now we've got ways to escape that chore if we choose. Very little that comes out of our garden gets cooked. Its not grown for that. Its grown for little hands to harvest and eat as snacks. The thrill factor of 'pick your own' greatly improves the flavor. Even when we have enough to serve at table, its generally raw (BLTs, ensalate caprese, carrot sticks etc). I'd be pretty annoyed if someone came down on me for not cooking the stuff we grow.
  2. Wont the masa freeze? Put 1 lb/ ziplock baggie for easy use.
  3. I've found most of the recipes that I've tried from this site to be somewhat unbalanced in flavor, but this one goes into the rotation. Fast, easy, delicious, and from the pantry. It reheated well for lunch, tho a fresh squeeze of lemon was nice at that point. The breadcrumbs just make the whole thing. pasta-with-chickpeas-and-lemon
  4. :rofl: :rofl: I think you just pegged the reason I love tangerine and or crispy beef. What's not to love about deep-fat-fried red meat in sugar sauce ?
  5. The butter based sauce works very well with "fresh" tomatoes. Whenever we slice up tomatoes for something and have the 'heels' left over for some reason, they go in the freezer til I need a little sauce for one, and then I get the pleasure. Gonna have to try buying canned tomatoes and try it that way.
  6. Funny. That was my thought too.
  7. All of the rice pictures have been so pretty. This one is especially stunning. I want to cook the cherry rice, with lamb. Is that a single recipe or do I make the cholow , and cook the lamb separately?
  8. We were surprised to find that El Gran Tapa is closed on Sundays. Its tough to find food post-opera, especially within walking distance. All recommendations perused eagerly in preparation for next season. It would be fun to eat thematically, but I really didnt want the sort of food suggested by Peter Grimes. Perhaps Nobu after Madame Butterfly.
  9. Oh baby! Tomato set! We have baby Glaciers and Sungolds. And carrots. Nantes carrots crowded much too close together, forcing us to thin them at this delicate baby carrot stage, and include the thinned in our snacks. No 'rainbow' carrots yet, but good strong greens suggest we'll be having the same fun with yellow, white and purple carrots soon.
  10. We eat somewhere over 500 eggs a year. At $0.15 more per egg, that's $75 more on eggs alone. Although a fresh egg is a thing of beauty and a joy forever, one of the great things about eggs is their staying power. In wet sand, they're good for weeks. In the fridge? Very nearly forever. On an income of $20,000 per year, takehome being ~15K, that $75 is an extra half a percent of the total, spent on ONE food stuff. Hamburger aka ground beef is cheaper than steak, etc. Dont knock eating nutriously while poor.
  11. Tomatoes growing and flowering, still too cold to set fruit, it seems. Limes are looking good. The eggplant is flowering. Not much gardening done yet. None (0, zip, zilch) of the beans and peas sprouted. Must try again.
  12. World Curry on Garnet, in PB. The cafes down at the base of the pier - or on the pier - PB and OB. the bar at the top of the summerhouse inn near La Jolla - happy hour used to be very reasonable for the view.
  13. Excellent description of Hash House A Go Go, Kalypso. There's a place in la jolla, over looking the cove, has a good rep for breakfast.... Brockton Villa If the Marine Room is having a high tide breakfast, that's a treat.The Marine Room And now a moment, while I mourn The Spice Rack, gone forever.
  14. Kouign Aman

    Ramp pesto

    How long did you go with? Was it delicious? Did people faint afterward when you spoke to them?
  15. gfron1, I hope it all goes swimmingly. It sounds lovely and delicious. You will post pix? pls? Q for anyone - after the initial tasting, agreement and order, is all this checking and rechecking with the bride, is this normal? It would drive me nuts, were I the bride.
  16. The entire pint of 'california' dip, with kettle chips. "lightly salted' - feh. They might come that way, but decanted into a bowl, and resalted before consumption, they work fine. Not as well as ruffles, but fine.
  17. Is it sheep breed or sheep diet making the difference? Would be interesting experiment to run.
  18. The entire TimeLife foods of the world series (how many is that? I dunno) 2 different editions of Joy Vincent Price 3 fundraisers 2 more w two books per - does that equal 4? (turn book over, its anew book) 2 from library sale 6 random TLFOW + 18.
  19. Dig up MizDucky's thread on cheap eatz. Its probably 1-2 pages back.
  20. Japengo in the golden triangle?
  21. Kouign Aman

    Ramp pesto

    Blanching is never about cooking something. Its about peeling or storing, or .... If your goal is to affect the taste, then taste them. Why guess when you can test and optimize?
  22. Kouign Aman

    Ramp pesto

    Perhaps try a few for 5 sec. If they dont look done, try a few for longer. All that's needed is a good slotted spoon and a pan of boiling water, no?
  23. Kouign Aman

    Easter Menus

    Dejah, how nice. I hope your mom and entire family enjoyed dinner. Ambience - yup. There's a bunch of pink glass serving stuff up on eBay right now, and I'm trying to figure where I could store it for use every Easter. Roast beef w mustard/garlic crust, mashed potatoes, steamed asparagus swimming in butter, a wholegrain crunchy bread. Simple, easy, delicious. Dessert was pineapple angelfood cake courtesy of a guest, and fresh strawberries with cream. In the way of things, the snowpeas never got cooked.
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