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Kouign Aman

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Everything posted by Kouign Aman

  1. Holy cow, does PJ really eat all that quantity? Is that for two snacks + lunch? We are now in love with the idea of eggmolds.
  2. I find frozen crustless pb&js to be insane.
  3. My little one tried lunchables after pleading and begging. Didnt like them. Thank goodness. $2-$3 a day is a VERY expensive half-a-lunch for a small child. But if your kid doesnt like sandwiches, the concept is a good one, and easily duplicated for less, at home.
  4. w the right fish, pnutbutter fish could be good. A few chilis, a bit of lime...
  5. NYE will include something w leeks and phyllo dough. Not sure what. needs to be fingerfood.
  6. Yup. The conclusion I come to is: you wash your hands, and you dont touch your face. And bring a bottle of gel to wipe the cart handle, and be sure to set aside the time for it to become effective. That way the rest of us dont have to pay for the extra cost of cleaning the carts, the law suits when the cleaned cart still swabs positive once in a while, etc, and for the cost of growing fruit in a sterile environment.
  7. Joy of Cooking replaced McCalls a couple decades back. Good 'how to' instructions & info on the concepts that adapt to most any recipe variants.
  8. Unless you are buying hot house or hydroponic produce, dont the bare hands of shoppers seem a non-inssue, given the source of the produce in the first place? Birds perch in those grapevines...
  9. Immersion blender. Bright red. Life is good! Basket of components to make an italian feast. Much fun. All kinds of things to eat, of course. Candy/deepfryer thermometer. Now all hell can break loose...
  10. Christmas eve dinner = buffet of appetizers Meatballs in sweet & spicy sauce Brie w caramelized onions apples w caramel dip french bread red grapes cheese-tart (cheesecake/pie thing - sweet) Christmas day pigs in blankets for breakfast Christmas dinner roast beef (horseradish, salt, pepper crust) mashed potatoes (lack of oven space defeated the preferred roast potatoes this year. ) glazed carrots roast sweet potatoes 'in their jackets' sauteed mushrooms steamed parsimmon pudding w hard sauce apple pie creme brulee Green is not a popular color w most of those at the table Xmas day, and the menu catered to that.
  11. Where did Nakji find last year's thread? Yes - until October No; yes - fried zucchini & chocolate zucchini cake No. But I found one in the pile o recipes just yesterday so there is still hope. & No. No. Didnt even try to make pasta. Not once. No. Changed my mind. This year there is more awareness of heat. Yup, lots of that Yes - zucchini & corn (successfully) & peas In 2010: I will eat more vegetables - quantity and variety I will make a larger variety of vegetable dishes at home (grains are veg, yes? yes!) I will find a new 'no brainer' dinner recipe for those days when there is no time, no energy, no brain power. It will keep company w the fresh tomato sauce from 2 years back, and alfredo from last year. I will learn how to make pasta. Really. This year I really will. I will teach the child how to make her greatgrandmother's pudding cake recipe. I will read more than I cook. That's a fact, not a resolution. I will go thru all those loose recipes and sort,discard, reminisce, and put them in a binder for easier finding and longer lifespan I will revive the scalloped potato tradition for the winter.
  12. I've eaten much mediocre food at large chain restaurants, and very little truely bad food. I've eaten a good deal of bad food at small local restaurants when I didnt know the area. Every chain I've eaten at has at least one dish they make very well. Figure out what it is, and there's no pain in the chain.
  13. Hangaber, and hangaber w cheese, courtesy the offspring. At sushi bars, we order opatus. for a while, we drank a lot of mangle juice.
  14. Its good to know we werent alone on not being able to eat them. We were hoping its just we got lousy ones (we probably did). We got a box of 4 from Huy KY bakery, at the local grocery. I dont remember what the filling was described as in English. The label says "BANH DEO DAU XANH". The whole thing tasted like white sugar and nothing else. We each managed one quarter of one cake. They were pretty tho. Since we'll probably be doing this annually for another 10 years, what to look for to get the highest edibility?
  15. You've not spent enough time in R&D.
  16. Its controlled within the ability of the average home cook to control such an experiment. "well chilled" may not provide a reproducible temperature range for confirmation studies, but if the experimenter used the same fridge and prechilled the die for the same length of time, thats a reasonable degree of control.
  17. Salvation Army might not, but Goodwill knows there is a world of tupperware hunters out there, and goodlwill is happy to accept donations and the resulting sales. Good luck w the 'stuff'.
  18. The OP posted a list of side dishes that were mediocre. It seems that you'all expect the side dishes to improve if he also orders a steak? What about the desserts? Do they improve too? How does the kitchen manage that? Is it the OPs fault he noted the fact of no seafood place that met his criteria for high end?
  19. It doesnt work to have someone else shop. We've been trying. you dont have the mental list of whats in the house in your head. you dont get the seasonal stuff you are inspired by etc. Sometimes, like getting staples, someone else can carry the weight. But the time saved is lost in navigating the shelves, fridge adn freezer trying to guess what's been purchased. Glad the beef came out well! I love roast beef.
  20. Crazy cherry tomatoes are still setting fruit. I HAVE to get off my derriere and plant some peas in the 'soil free' garden, after I move it away from ground squirrel territory.
  21. The munchkin has heard about eating grasshoppers. She's caught herself a honking-big cricket and wants me to fry it up for her. Excuse me, my neuroses are showing.... :hork: It will be all I can do to take her to a Mexican place and stay at the table when she tries her order. I bet that drives her nuts!
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