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Everything posted by miladyinsanity

  1. Hmm... Here, we make coffee/milo in the can the evaporated milk or condensed milk came in to finish up the last bit. The maternal grandparents owned a coffeeshop, and they used to pack takeaway tea or coffee in the can. But to clean out old jam jars and the like, you can take a slice of bread, tear in, and use it to 'wipe' the jar. Then eat it. Great snack!
  2. Ah see, the problem with dairy is that I go to the gym after class. It's tropical country here, so I can't bring it around with me. Then there's the fact I'm fussy about dairy, and there's no supermarket closeby--my school's in the business district. So milk is my only option, since I can pick it up at 7-11 or something, though I do love my yogurt. I do nuts. I've a bag of pinenuts I can bring on Monday, and daddy brought cashew nuts from his last trip to Myanmar. I can buy roasted chickpeas too. Excellent! Thank you, Tejon!
  3. Ugh. I feel for you. One of my best pals tumbled down the stairs and couldn't go to the gym for a few weeks. I went, I survived...and now I have to go again! Wah, more cookie dough please! LOL.
  4. I work out--well I do now sigh--at around 3-4pm most days. Lunch is usually at 1 or so. I need to work on the protein thing. I don't eat a lot of protein, mostly because I don't like meat much. I'm a carbovore, that is, nirvana is a huge bowl of mashed potatoes or pasta. Hell would be a steak. LOL. Right beforehand, I've been doing fruit, but I need more than that. Maybe milk, I think.
  5. Hm... I wonder what results I'd get using macadamia, almond or hazelnut oil.
  6. I thought you said healthy, not hazelnut! Ice cream, lots of ice cream. My Going To Gym treat.
  7. Nope. Have at it Suzi! Enjoy! Though, having been corrupted by the eG PMS Support Group, I now have to go to the gym. I signed up with 2 galpals on Tuesday, and it sounds like we'll be starting on Thursday. Wah!!! I think I need more cookie dough.
  8. I have, and I'm not much of a fan. Great pastry, but not so great filling. And Nick, if you search some, there have been some posts on Beard Papa on eG. Try the Hawaii forum, I think. I made the puffs. But I can be a real nitwit. I wanted to make them bigger than bite-size, so I spooned them out bigger. But it didn't occur to me to lower the temperature because they'd need more time in the oven. The kicker? I even managed to forget to grease the pan!!! I probably shouldn't have gone near the oven that day. Yes, I can laugh about it now.
  9. You don't have to refrigerate soy sauce. Never heard of such a thing, in fact. I live in tropical Singapore, and we leave it out on the table in a bottle. This applies to light and dark soy. But we tend to go through it very fast.
  10. How about a square or loaf pan? I always just fill until it looks right.
  11. I had black sesame ice cream on Monday. Pretty good, but I can't help but wonder how wonderful it would have been with a touch of salt and perhaps some toasted whole sesame seeds on top.
  12. Ooh I love chestnut ice cream! Especially if it's got chunks of chestnuts in it...
  13. Ooh I love Pulasan. The white flesh doesn't stick to the seed as much too!
  14. You can call me May. I don't mind. Now, it'd probably be best if Andiesenji doesn't see this...But I decided to nuke the Cocoa cookie dough too. It's kinda like a cakey, yet chewy brownie. It's not very rich, but very good (though if you plan to eat cookie dough and not cookies, I'd say use less sugar).
  15. And then there's the fact that food prepared in different ways will affect you differently. There are a couple other factors, including the timespan between the preparation and you eating it--or so my beloved, late grandma always said. She would throw away rice porridge at night because it would have a lot of Wind, and likewise, sugarcane juice had to be drunk right away as well. My youngest brother doesn't get anywhere near cabbage--which is no big deal since he doesn't eat green stuff anyway--because he is asthmatic, and therefore has a lot of Wind. Preserved vegetables--at least the kind you use to make soup with--are another killer too. Okay, not killer, but you get what I mean.
  16. Please Abra! And then we can figure out whether it'll freeze so I can just reheat them, like frozen hashbrowns. And my mom's butter cookie recipe does not involve melting butter. That's what I was trying to say earlier.
  17. I'm another one who prefers longans, but I eat tons of both without ill effects.
  18. I wonder if I can talk my Indonesian classmate into bringing some back for me?
  19. A woman after my own heart, K8. Edited: Because I can't type.
  20. Abra, I've got the same one! I can get my mom's butter cookie recipe that involve melting butter if anybody wants it. I'm not a fan of butter cookies, for some reason, so I can't recite the recipe.
  21. Oh excellent idea Di! When I get around to trying this, that's what I'll do. And you can even poke it to test the consistency, LOL.
  22. I went for the scrambled eggs...and forgot to take a pic for the Eggs cookoff! I think PMS makes me forgetful too!!! Wah!
  23. It's that time of the month again... I had: dozens of cornflake cookies Sushi big bowl of flat rice noodles with fishballs more nuked Korova cookie dough deep-fried sweet potatoes Lotus-leaf wrapped glutinous rice sweet beancurd chocolate--we will not go into how many pieces I'm dreaming about...scrambled eggs, but it's already 10pm! I really don't want to have to do the dishes at midnight....
  24. Is this what Anne of Green Gables used to eat for breakfast? Lard and porridge, with a side of pig intestines?! Indeed, that will give a child backbone. ← I'm Chinese Carrot Top. We literally eat the whole hog. And I meant rice porridge, Teochew/Hakka-style.
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