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Kim Shook

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Everything posted by Kim Shook

  1. Obviously, I was joking, but what you said makes a lot of sense, Pam. How great would it be to have someone turn up at your door in July and say, "I was thinking of you and made you something wonderful" ? Love in action! I might try this. HMMMM.
  2. Chicken oysters! Most people don't even know what they are, I find! So we sneak the little carcass out to the kitchen after the meal and Stink (daughter) and I have a nibble.
  3. Even good/experienced cooks do this sometimes. My dad loves my Sponge Monkey Candy and my mom called the other day to say that he had made it and it hadn't worked. Upon questioning her, I discovered that they don't have a candy thermometer, so they tried to use the drop in cold water technique (I know serious candy makers who couldn't judge by this method) and they poured it into a 1/2 sheet pan rather than the (specified) 13x9 inch pan. When you finish cooking this stuff, you get this big oozy cloud that falls/pours into the cooling pan. It's like 'The Blob' and will spread out until it is either stopped (by the 'walls' of the pan) or it cools. So they ended up with a really thin, chewy sponge. God love 'em. I told her to do it right and THEN call me.
  4. I am so confused, Foodie . I know that US/Australia weather is opposite, but are our holidays opposite, too? It's only June in America and our next holiday is Independence day. To make up for my teasing, I actually do have an idea. I make this really good and easy Sponge Candy. My (English) stepdad likes it when I dip it in melted Cadbury chocolate, because then it tastes like a Crunchie (or a Violet Crumble). I also think that a selection of fruit curds with some short pastry tart shells would be a great gift. Happy Holidays!
  5. Kim Shook

    Barbecue Sauce

    I use this rub and this sauce and I make really awesome ribs, everyone says. But I always have the rub around and when we want ribs that night and it's already midday, I will use the rub and Montgomery Inn Sauce.
  6. The chicken is absolutely gorgeous, Ah Leung! I would really like to try this. A question, though. Could you possibly make this with even smaller chickens - like game hens? My wok is small and I think those would be the perfect size.
  7. Abra, I love "too personal" because that is just exactly my thought, but I could never have put it that well! Those heads are cool and scary. Around my non-food friends, I would have to be very nonchalant about them (Kim: "All animals have heads, nothing gross about that" ), but here, with y'all, I admit they freak me out just a little ).
  8. Well, we have tasted the bread and it turned out perfectly - just the same as always! I was so concerned about having to stop and start over and over again because of the dough climbing out of the bowl, but I obviously am a novice baker and from what everyone has said, that shouldn't make a lot of difference anyway. The KA has worked perfectly in the past to make this bread and I have strength problems in my hands and arms - if I had to knead by hand it just wouldn't be possible, so this particular recipe is perfect for me! Thanks so much for all the info. If I ever start baking more seriously, I will probably search out a better mixer. As SB says, the KA is great for what it does and for regular kitchen use, I love it and can't imagine needing anything else.
  9. I have made this bread a few times and had great success. Tonight, in my Kitchen Aid (regular sized one, not the big boy), the dough kept climbing the sides and popping up over the top. I had to keep stopping the mixer and stuffing the dough end back into the bowl. I kneaded it in the machine for an additional couple of minutes and it 'felt' ok when I took it out to rise. Do you think that my loaf is a loss? Why would this happen this time and not ever before? I am making it for my mother-in-law to show her that I can actually make bread (she will give me the recipe for her famous yeast rolls if I can). Is she hexing me ? Or am I hexing myself?? Seriously, can anyone explain this? Thanks!
  10. I am a properly indoctrinated Southern girl, so, even though I was only 23 years old when we got married, I registered for china and sterling. I still adore it and have added to it over the years. We chose a classic Haviland pattern for the china and have been able to add pieces that go with, but aren't exactly the same pattern from ebay, antique stores, etc. I tell my daughter that she will never be sorry for chosing good china and silver.
  11. You know, I've never really bought the concept that being a genius gives one the right to be an asshole. I've had it 'explained' to me a million times (spent some time in the theatre world ) and my response was a shrug. I just don't think it is necessary, justifiable or excusable. I won't be watching this because it offends me on one level and, more importantly it bores me on another.
  12. Ok, yes, it's melting as I type. I guess my real question is this: is my candy defective (i.e.: did it get too hot or something)? Surely the wafer isn't supposed to stick to the candy, right? It is there just to prevent the candy disks from sticking together, right? Shouldn't it just pop off the disk? The wafer (good name since it lacks the exact same taste as communion wafers lack ) doesn't add anything to the candy, as a matter of fact, as I said above - it dilutes the intensity of the black sesame.
  13. I bought some yummy Yen Nhung black sesame candy. It comes in little disks separated by the same size/shape disks of this stuff. Said stuff is off-white, crunchy, styrofoam-y, edible and tasteless. It is also basically impossible to totally remove from the candy disks. I have tried scraping, cutting, etc. I still have some stuck to the candy. Is my candy defective?? I'd rather not eat the stuff - it dilutes the wonderful sesame flavor. I looked on the Asian candy thread and found mentions of sesame candy, but not of my particular problem.
  14. I'm with Dean on Thrashers! I've been going to OC for almost 50 years and whether we are there for 2 days or a month, we eat Thrashers every single day. No kidding. You are on the eastern shore of MD. Don't fight it. Eat whats good - beach pizza, Thrashers, warm caramel corn, frozen custard, steamed crabs. I am envying you so much. Wish we could get there this summer!!
  15. YMMV, but I find the flavor of Heinz Salad cream very, very similar to bottled Coleslaw dressing. It might be easier for you to find than salad cream. But if you are ever near a Kroger or a Fresh Market, I ususally find the Salad Cream there.
  16. Thanks, everyone! Unfortunately I cannot wear the crocs - I checked with my boss today and shoes have to be closed in all the way around. The shoes for crews sound good and are closed in, too. Thanks also for the blood sugar concerns - I am a diabetic, but since losing weight I have normal sugar levels - I get checked regularly and do my own stick tests also. I think that my socks are all cotton, so I think that I will try the hiking socks, too. I really appreciate all the good information, folks!
  17. Not sure that this is the right place for this, but here goes: I work on my feet all day and my feet are sore . Also, my socks are adding to the problem. I thought that some of the folks here who also stand for a long time could offer some advice! I wear a thick soled New Balance cross trainer shoe and thick athletic crew socks (Nike). The socks seem to get little 'folds' in them or I start to feel like they are, anyway. I also start to get the feeling that there is grit inside my socks, but when I shake them out, there is nothing there ? Can anyone help me with this? Thanks!
  18. Chris, this is fantastic news for you and for 'us' (serious food people who feel like Food Network has forgotten us). Good luck and I hope that everything lives up to your (and our ) hopes! Keep us updated!
  19. DIVA!! I, too, am a born in Washington, double Southerner (Daddy VA, Momma TN) . I never ate anything at home but MW growing up.
  20. Hi, CKat! Welcome to egullet! Enjoy the craziness here! Everyone is very welcoming and helpful!
  21. I loves me some Miracle Whip. I used to use it interchangably with mayo, but use it mostly for sandwiches now.
  22. I'm with those who say as long as it is well behaved I am in favor of dogs, cats, adults, children, horses, antelopes....whatever. Badly behaved? Toss 'em all!
  23. Anna - those are adorable. I think they look great and I'd be glad to serve them to my herd of chicklets (nieces, daughter and her buds) anytime! Bravo! I think my favorite cupcakes are the ones that I make using this recipe: Coconut Cake. I am a coconut fiend and this is the first cake that really fills my 'need'!
  24. I use a Brillo pad to lightly clean and 'sand' then rinse. If it is particularly stinky (or if someone else in the house used it hours ago and didn't clean it ), I make a paste out of water and baking soda and let it sit for an hour or so. I recently became converted to one of those lightweight, inexpensive plastic cutting boards for onions and garlic. I still use my wooden one for most things, though - I just like how it 'feels', but I love being able to wash that plastic one really fast!
  25. Fress, you can put anything SAVORY on your grits and be ok (we are, after all Southerners, not barbarians). It's when you start adding sugar or fruit that we get out the shotguns!
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