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Kim Shook

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Everything posted by Kim Shook

  1. So what is the difference between bagged and not bagged and why would the not bagged be safer?
  2. I finally figured out how to post pictures and thought I would post some of my endeavors: Ginger Cupcake w/ Ginger Frosting: Chocolate Bar Cupcake: Spiced Latte Cupcake: Cupcake Assortments: Mounds Cupcake:
  3. Bryan, that sounds wonderful. Would you post some pictures when you have a chance, I'd love to see them!
  4. Wow! That is truly impressive. Whatever the kids are saying now that means "off the hook" ! How hard were those fans to do? And how long before serving did you put them in the dessert?
  5. Well, I have finally cracked the image gullet code and here is a picture of the cake: Unfortunately, I forgot to take a photo of a slice, so you can't see the layers and the filling !
  6. I was wondering the same thing. I thought is was very cool, though. Both thoughts are academic. The price is out of my range completely !
  7. In just about every foodblog, there is a moment where I am personally touched by a photo or a sentence. Sometimes it is about food, sometimes not. It's just when something reaches out and grabs me. Your pictures of the petroglyphs was that moment for me this time. Thanks so much for that and for the whole blog. I am an armchair traveler and this is one great trip!
  8. You know, I still hear this - and from people who should know better! "French food is all about tons of butter and gloppy sauces". My mom thought this until she went to France and stayed w/ my uncle there in Paris and the South of France. Now she just bitches about the quality of food available here !
  9. Good God! I never, ever thought about this - even after spending my teenage years eating at friends "kosher-at-home" houses (you know - the ones who eat cheeseburgers at Little Tavern, BLTs at your house and all manner of Chinese food, but at home they are strictly kosher )! That means (following this realization to it's logical conclusion) no drippings gravy on mashed potatoes, either. No wonder my buds loved eating at our house on fried chicken and pork chop night !
  10. We really, really need a drooling emoticon! How simply beautiful that breakfast is - pristine really is the right word.
  11. I washed them, but got them v.v. dry. I did slice them in half before egg-ing and sugaring. I think that I just put them on the cake too far in advance. Next time I will save that step until I get where I am going. Ta!
  12. I just finished a test batch of gingerbread cupcakes with lemon frosting. I used a mix and canned frosting - I do this a lot when I am just testing combinations, it goes together quickly and even if it isn't what I want to end up with exactly, it does give me an idea of if it will work or not. Anyway - I really like the combination of the gingerbread and the lemon buttercream. I don't really have a wonderful go-to recipe for gingerbread and would like to know your recommendations. I like the Cooks Illustrated baking book for many things - had anyone tried their gingerbread? Also - I have made basic buttercream - how do I make it a lemon buttercream. I am planning on topping with a little X made of candied ginger and candied lemon peel (I do know how to do that )
  13. This is exactly what I did .
  14. Note to self: Go get Sept. Gourmet! That cake is gorgeous, Meg! I want to make that! Thanks, everyone for the kind words. Shaloop's cheesecake was truly amazing - tasted fantastic, easy to make (and to make pretty ) and it cut beautifully! Ann_T, that pie is lovely - makes me want to go pick apples (will have to wait a few weeks for the good stuff).
  15. On commercially baked goods, I often see what seems to be just sugared strawberries decorating the cake/cheesecake etc. I especially noticed this in Lorna and Henry's blog on a cheesecake that they showed from Macrina Bakery. Here is that one: As opposed to the weepy, gooey one of mine that oozed down the sides of my cheesecake: It's hard to see in my picture, but believe me - it gooed and oozed ! How can I avoid this and get that nice crisp looking strawberry half on my cake?
  16. Ok, I guess I can stop patting myself on the back now . In my last post, how come my final photo posted as a link and not as the photo?
  17. As I said on the dinner thread, I have JUST figured out how to post pictures and having only a regular (not digital yet) camera, I will have to post desserts that I have gotten the pictures back from! Not too far in the past are: Strawberries-and-Cream Cheesecake: shaloop's Peanut Butter Cup Cheesecake: Chocolate Bar Cake: And finally, this really, really pretty, I-am-so-proud-of-my-bourgeoning-decorating-skills, but totally tasteless from mix cake: http://forums.egullet.org/uploads/11579268...3570_217736.jpg
  18. Abra - this loaf is one that you roll up before putting in the pan to rise and the lines along the side are from incomplete pinching, I think - I always get them, more or less, when I make this loaf. The top is just criss cross slashing that I do with my paring knife. I just hone it right before slashing and spray the knife w/ cooking spray.
  19. I was going to say the exact same thing re: Ann_T. She certainly belongs at this thread with her bagel and bread! Grub - don't apologize for that bread. I'd eat it and that sandwich looks delicious. I have to confess my ignorance. I was puzzled at first by the many references to Def Lepard - my misreading of Dan Lepard - I couldn't figure out what in the world some 70's hair band had to do with bread making !
  20. I am in awe of the photos in this thread! I am going to try to post a couple of pictures of my latest effort. It is a loaf of American sandwich loaf from Cooks Illustrated baking book. It is my first loaf of bread in a very long time! The loaf: sliced: I really hope that I can post these photos. I haven't been able to before.
  21. I smell a possible new topic: "FN Shows Most Amenable to MST3K Treatment." (The challenge, of course, will be to keep it relevant to food and eGullet, as opposed to totally spinning off on quirks of the host, etc.). I personally don't have the bandwidth to start such a topic, but I'm not above inciting someone else ... ← I do it every day I can with Sandra Lee!
  22. I heart Fresser. Where is he lately, by the way?? I haven't 'run into him' lately here. What Racheld said about the knives. Not that I necessarily want to use them, but I want to have them. I thought it said buttocks, too. Fabby, I want to live next door to you. I want to cook with you, meet your cool boys, share a bottle with you and your funny husband and my pug, Otis, wants to chill with the incomparable Jean-Luc! I also love the freezer - mine looks just like that (minus the fish cubes). I also have little bags of butt ends of french bread that I am going to make into bread crumbs one day ! I am enjoying your blog so much!
  23. My dad asked me a question that I had never thought about before and I realized that I really didn't know the answer. Regarding baking a crusty loaf of bread, he asked: "If you're using a stone does it help to also put a pan of water in the bottom of the stove, to develop more crust? That seems to defeat the idea of the stone." I have always used both the water in a pan and the stone, but is he right? Should I just use one or the other? Thanks in advance!
  24. I'm thinking that this is going to become a saying in the Shook household!
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