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Everything posted by Genny

  1. This sounds great but what are the cross streets for South Mountain? Hate to be dunce but I work from home and really don't get out enough I've driven by the one listed on Main and it is either too small to see from the road or not there the day I drove by. I did just pick up the Gilbert Times and they have a Farmers Market listed Saturdays 8-12 at the Farmhouse Village Pavillion, 397 S. Gilbert Road: 480-892-5750. I plan on going there tomorrow so I'll let you know what I find!
  2. Genny

    Onion Confit

    I've got my onions going...we'll see the results tomorrow! Would it be wasteful to make this into a dip for my Ruffles?
  3. Genny

    Onion Confit

    OK, I read thru pages 1-14 and then just had to skip to p.17. Wow, so much on onion confit! I'm inspired to make this this weekend and have decided to use it as an appetizer for my huband's graduation party next weekend. I was thinking that this could actually be considered something like a 'decomposed' french onion soup? I plan on toasting baguette rounds, smearing with some grainy french mustard, topping with beefy onion confit and a bit of guyere and then broiling to melt the cheese. Anything else I should be thinking about here? Thanks to everyone's hard work/play with this! You all rock! This has been a wonderful learning experience! Now...to see if there is something similar on a duck confit... (rubs hands together greedily).
  4. Genny

    Food for the heart

    In the states, they tout 'cruciferous vegetables' like broccoli as being heart healthy as well as oatmeal.
  5. I doubt it is related to NY but it is interesting to know one exists there.
  6. We do 2 kinds of "road trip". First is the 'Bomber Run' in which we go, get there and are in familiar territory with family. In these instances we eat at old favorites and on the way it is my husband's driving motto "We gas, pee and eat in one stop!" So that is boring, usually Taco Bell or Wendy's (NEVER McDonalds for anything other than breakfast...do you know what they do to their beef?????!!!) The second is travel to a new place for leisure. In these instances we have historically checked with local sources when we get there, the hotel consierge, local magazines, talking to people we meet there. We (sadly) have not been on one of this type of trip in a while so next time we get a chance (should be this summer) I will do some queing of my fellow eG's and website searches
  7. That's what I do EVERY single night - my poor husband. ← "My poor husband" does have a laptop and plays online Poker while watching whatever I subject him to (grins evilly, rubbing hands together).
  8. My husband makes an appetizer out of all things I hate (or used to) but I love these! Ryes Coctail rye bread onion juice miracle whip (triple ick!) copious amounts of Worcheshire sauce the green can of parmesan cheese (can substitute refrigerated tub of cheese but the real thing melts too well) Mix up all the goop (brownish in color when you're done) and pop it on a rye bread and toast it in the toaster oven. I never would have believed it but these are dang good, tangy and you don't really tast any of the 'parts'.
  9. Oooh are those big clear lollipops? What flavors do you have? For your marshmallows, do you use a cookie cutter? Do you oil it so the sugar doesn't stick too much? I'm laughing about your reply about your husband thinking you are nuts. I usually watch TV with a cookbook or cooking magazine in my lap. I'm seriously thinking I need a laptop soon so I can TV and eG at the same time!!!
  10. Pam: What is your book on? Would you consider blogging the process (would that be boring?) Do you have a publisher for it or will you shop it once it is complete? Very interesting topic!
  11. Have you had Molten Chocolate Cake? This can be made individually or one big. It is all chocolate but I'm sure you can add other elements to the basic recipe and the hot gooey center has a big TA-DA factor for many. As individuals I've made them in advance (4 hours or so) and baked them off 30 minutes before serve time. Actually pretty easy. The recipe I use is from "The Best Recipe" by Cooks Illustrated. Good Luck!
  12. Mo- I am a fan of VN food and have cooked pho at home once or twice before but never had other recipes. Now that I have this I'm inspired to do more!!! Thanks so much for all your time posting pix and recipes! I love the crepes and will be doing those very soon! If you ever get to Phoenix, there is a small place that is quite 'western' but serves very good VN food, Cyclo. One of my favorite items is lemongrass chicken. Small bite sized pieces of chicken that are caramelized with little bits of lemongrass and chili flake...do you have a recipe for that? One of my favorites!
  13. Hi Wendy, Thanks again for all your time in putting your blog together for us! Does your husband think you're nuts? Question: I have a party for my husband's graduation in a couple weeks, for a home cook who doesn't bake much what would be a good bite size sweet treat to make? I'll only need a couple dozen.
  14. This may be off the mark (I apologize in advance!) but I read somewhere that the Brits prefer their Indian food quite red in color like a vindaloo and so restraunts sometimes add red food coloring to accomodate the expected visual.
  15. Hi all my Phoenix eGs, I'm trying to find Farmers Markets locally (Mesa area) and can't seem to find much around here. Any recommendations?
  16. A favorite independant of mine is Cyclo, vietnamese has gotten good reviews. The service is fine for the type of establishment (small mom/pop) and very clean and Anglo Friendly. Yummy, Yummy! Justina is the owner/hostess running around in Juicy sweats or whatever (doesn't look like what you'd expect an owner to look like I guess) and very nice. Last time I was there they didn't have a liquor licence but you can BYOB and there is no corkage fee. It is located in Chandler on Chandler/Dobson (I think) next to Walgreens. I recommend the lemongrass chicken dish highly! Also the pancake thing with shrimp and fresh herbs is out of this world (messy!)
  17. WWWHHHEEEWWW! Damn this is a SAGA you got going Mel! What with the crap you took to get this endeavor started, the petrified rat and clean up efforts, the ups and downs of starting, constant great reviews, getting beat over the head by fellow eGs. Whens the movie coming out cuz I bet the GOOD STUFF didn't even make it in! I started reading this b/c my husband and I are currently looking for a business to buy and I wanted to see more of the reality of being a business owner. He's been there, done that, etc. but I haven't. I realize we aren't starting something from scratch but it will likely be a lot of time apart with him running the business and I will likely spend extra time on it after my regular job (which I have to keep even though I don't like it so we have one person with a regular income). This has been a real eye opener to see the daily challenges of going on your own. Yea, sure I'm sure you'd love some time to go get a drink and relax but you are working for your future and as my Dad would always say, "Its only temporary" a means to an end, eh? Also, my bet is that it doesn't ALWAYS seem like work since you are doing what you Loooovvvveee. I salute you and your work ethic. I wish I could say I could do the same but my body doesn't like me anymore so I no longer have that option (boo friggity hoo) . Besides, if it was easy, we'd all be doing it, eh? Questions!!!!! How do you source your payroll, are there ANY benefits or not? These are purely business decisions. Are you planning a website (since I think you mentioned your hub is inclined in that stuff)? What about mail order? (MMM I'd love to try your stuff!) Do you plan on growing your business? how? Also, how do you reinvest in your business? I think you have said you don't quite have the profits to do this yet, do you have a plan for when you do? Thanks so much for all your time, its been cool to go through this vicariously and GIRL YOU ROCK!
  18. I've been watching cooking shows all my life, unfortunately, none of them actually taught me to cook! I learned recipes and could reproduce some of them but really, cooking classes taught me to cook. Maybe I loved watching the shows because they showed stuff I could never get at home. Paula Dean's stuff, I could get. Anything else...fugggeddabbboutit. I know this is "FoodTV Chefs" but I will expand a wee bit. Jaques Pepin: LOVE, the show with his daughter though was awful. She seemed pretty useless. Galloping Gourmet, always good for a laugh! Jeff Smith "The Frugal Gourmet": Loved him, coveted his pepper mill/grinder. Still haven't purchased one So sorry about the personal life though. Of course Julia, her show with Jaques was wonderful...two old comrades. If Yan Can Cook...You Can too!!!! Of the current FoodTV stable, I have my phases. I used to not care for Emrile much but sometimes I watch if he has interesting dishes going. Yes, he is WAAAAY over the top and annoying but there is something I can gleen from him sometimes. His 1/2 hour show is better except sometimes he looks like he is in a bad mood. Rachel Ray: A year ago I loved her. She's been getting on my nerves though. I do agree that she has done a great job of encouraging people to actually cook at home and that it isn't hard to do. I've tried a number of her ideas and they have been good: steak bites with bloody mary dipping sauce has been requested by my husband for a BBQ we are doing in a couple weeks. Sandra Lee: Don't want to give her much attention here but we do watch her for the 'train wreck' factor. Puh-leez...my husband calls her Betty Crock-O-Sh*t. LOL Flay is OK, pompous. Giada is OK. I like Tyler Florence!!!! He is good, has done well saving the cursed How To Boil Water show (third iteration people!) 911 is good too. And yes, say it with me ladies...he's kinda cute too. Iron Chef: Japan and America, very entertaining! Like Mario: very knowledgable and would love to go to HIS Italy. Alton is my current favorite, even my husband will sit through his show and has read the book (one complaint, the book is basically a transcription of the shows!) Ina Garten is another current favorite. She and hubby are so cute. OK there are more but for what it is worth, these are some of my opinions.
  19. Greeeeaaaaattttt. Something ELSE to look forward to!
  20. Genny

    School project

    Good luck with your menu and production of it! Be sure to let us know the final outcome!!!
  21. Thank you all for sharing. This has really helped me. It amazes me more and more how much I'd rather be cooking, experimenting, reading cook books, going through my new favorite website than actually doing the job I get paid in my 9-5. This all feeds my soul, and sometimes my belly too.
  22. I double salt. When I do them fresh I will boil them in salted water and then salt the pods after draining while they are still hot. ← Looks like I'm on the right track, that is how I've discovered we like them best too. Boiling in plain water doesn't get the bean salted, they are too bland.
  23. Ohhh, good question. I don't really bake much because I'm not so disciplined. I would love to make something with a ***WOW*** that isn't going to fall apart if I didn't whip it "just right".
  24. Speachless. Inspired. Unworthy. These are words that I think of viewing your blog. Holy-canoli! Thanks so much for sharing yourself, please do continue!!! I'm losing time from work because I can't seem to tear myself away from your blog and pix! Your work is certainly a feast for the eyes (wish I could lick the pictures to taste!) better than I have seen in most high end buffet or hotel event. Would you consider a move to a high end hotel? I do have a question: You said previously that your club is one of the most popular/busy/successful, if so, why can't they afford some of the equipment you want/need? Thanks again, Genny
  25. So I had an upsetting day yesterday. I got home from the doctor’s office around 5pm. I’d taken out a couple chicken breasts and some Italian sausage for dinner already. My husband (wonderful man) offered to take me out instead so I didn't have to cook. Now, under normal circumstances, I will take up an offer to eat out any day of the week. I love to cook but I hate to clean up after. After seriously considering going out, I said “no”. I needed to cook. Now, this was a new one for me! I’ve been enjoying and learning to cook for going on 6 years now and this is the first time I’ve needed to cook for the process of cooking rather than the product. Certainly I’ve made a batch of chocolate chip cookies so I could scarf them and drown my sorrows in warm gooey chocolate chip cookies and ice-cold milk. Does anyone else cook for therapy? What do you make?
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