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Posts posted by Ann_T

  1. Rarefolllingobject, I can just imagine how delicious the wagyu wraped asparagus must have been . What a great idea. And your duck breast. Yum. Perfectly cooked.

    DCarch, next time I make cabbage rolls I think I will use Napa cabbage. Savoy is my usual choice.

    Kim, what a feast. Happy Belated Anniversary.


    I still had a big pot of black beans left from the other night so I made black bean and chicken tacos. Pulled the meat off a roasted chicken and seasoned the pulled meat with a few tablespoons of salsa. The corn tortillas were homemade.

    The remaining beans were pureed with more chicken broth and turned into soup.

  2. Scottyboy, everything looks wonderful but that luscious foie gras mousse has me wanting to lick the screen.

    Dejah, your meals look good to me. I love the idea of grilled lemongrass lamb chops.

    Genkinaonna, Your chickpea soup looks velvety smooth.

    Emily, I've never done any curing either, but now I'm tempted.

    Blether, I'm a big fan of presalting. I started presalting a number of years ago and now presalt most meats. When I have time I presalt two to three days in advance. I find that even presalting for 24 to 36 hours makes a difference.


    I roasted a chicken on Saturday night that had been salted Friday morning. I removed the plastic wrap Saturday morning so that it could air dry all day in the fridge. It was roasted in a 500°F oven.


    Dinner Sunday night was hot chicken sandwiches with homemade fries.



    Monday night I ordered in a pizza and last night I grilled baby back ribs and served them with black beans, rice and salsa. The ribs were presalted and rubbed earlier in the day with garlic and chipotle pepper.

    Not sure what dinner tonight will be but I still have a big pot of black beans leftover and some salsa, so, maybe something Tex-Mex.


  3. Blether, this is really an "American" dish. But this is how this Canadian makes it.

    I squeezed the sausage meat out of the casings and sauted them in a cast iron skillet until they started to brown. Drained off the sausage fat and added a tablespoon or so of butter (I never measure). Added enough flour, and cooked for a few minutes and then added a cup of coffee cream and then thinned it out a more with milk. You can use all milk, but I like the richness that the cream adds. Seasoned with sage and lots and lots of fresh ground black pepper. Simmered for 20 minutes or so and served over buttermilk biscuits.


  4. I don't know what I want more, either of Jen's breakfasts or Cass's eggs and polenta.

    Welcome Ashen. We drink the same coffee - French Press espresso.



    Yesterday I baked biscuits for breakfast.


    Today's breakfast - Leftover biscuits - Biscuits and Sausage Gravy. It would be rare to find this on a menu in Canada. Not sure why since it tastes soooooo good.


    Served with scrambled eggs. Farm fresh.

  5. Djyee I cheated a little. I caramelized the onions first and set them aside. Next I browned the sausage (Pork Bangers from a local butcher). I also pulled a container of leftover roast pork and sage gravy from the freezer and added that to the pan along with the onions.


  6. Oh my!!!! That jungle curry looks amazing. That's a breakfast that would make both Moe and I happy. He would have his eggs and I've have curry and rice.

    Kim, your pancakes look perfect to me. Just the way I make my buttermilk pancakes. I like them on the thin side so I thin out the batter.



    I picked up some farm fresh eggs from one of the local farms and made poached eggs for yesterday's breakfast.

  7. Shuttersaute I like the seasoning you used on the pork tenderloin. Also I really enjoy your blog.

    Bruce, I'd be very happy with your Chicken Vindaloo and Jamhl's Chicken Cacciatore.


    Dinner last night was influenced by Djyee's Bangers and Mash.

  8. Big Mike Perfect Table cloth for Italian Night.

    DCarch, Nice plating.

    Bruce, You and your wife are the perfect team. Salmon dinner looks delicious.


    Pizza Margarita.

  9. Blether, Glad you are safe.

    Kim, I'm not craving pork tacos.

    David, I haven't made short ribs recently. My mouth is watering looking at yours. I love the potato pancake side.


    Friday night's dinner - Seared Scalloped over a simple pasta.

  10. Djyee What a great dinner. My husband loves anything with fried onions. I know that this is a dinner that he would be thrilled with. I work the next four days and I think this would be an easy meal to make for dinner. Just need to pick up some sausage. What kind of sausage did you use?

    Bruce I would love one your "grownup" tacos.

    DC, who cares if it is authentic, your Gumbo looks delicious.

    Yesterday was a "play in the kitchen" day. I made......


    Rye Bread,


    French Baguettes,


    Tuna Pate,


    Homemade pasta


    and a pot of Bolognese Sauce.

  11. Heidih I used fresh grated breadcrumbs. Sauted them in butter, seasoned with minced garlic, salt, pepper and parsley. Sprinkled on the halibut and squeezed a lemon over the fish before baking in a 450°F oven for about 10 minutes.

    Dejah No, I don't use an egg wash.

    Your burgers look great. Just so you know, I use my cheater version of the Avgolemono sauce. Made with a roux, chicken broth and lemon juice, minus the eggs. You don't have to worry about it curdling.


  12. Today - a parmesan cheese omelette, and a head of chingensai (~bok choy) chopped and flash-fried in the bacon fat & fond. Toast & natsumikan marmalade again to follow, and tea.

    Ann_T - ha ha ! That's three of us. Kim, you & me. Those both look delicious. Moe ? Moe, Moe... Moe. What's Moe ?

    Moe (Maurice) is my husband of many years. I guess I should have said ...... I made crepes for Moe's breakfast.


  13. Kim The chicken was stuffed with just a sage bread stuffing. I'm glad you liked the gorgonzola garlic bread.

    Djyee I would love your strata for dinner.



    Last night's dinner was a baked chicken pulao.

  14. Andiesenji I love the idea of chili verde sauce with eggs. Next time I make Pork chili verde I'll be stealing your idea.

    Blether We share the same favourite breakfast. Being originally from Ontario, Peameal Bacon has always been my favourite. I can buy Canadian Back Bacon but peameal bacon was difficult to come by here on the west coast. Thankfully the new Walmart sells it by the Kilo piece. I thought I had died and gone to heaven the first time I found that they stocked as a regular item.


    We had toasted peameal bacon and tomato sandwiches for breakfast yesterday.

    And this morning I made Moe crepes.


  15. Dejah Your dinner looks delicious. The meatballs do freeze well.

    Dakki We had a similar dinner. Halibut Fish and Chips.



    I made a beer batter and


    Double fried the chips.

  16. Emily, The rhubarb had just started to thaw when it went into the pie plate. It was still more frozen than thawed. The pie probably took about five minutes longer to bake than it normally would have.


  17. Harrysnapperorgans and Blether Thank you for your comments on my pie.

    Thanks Emily, I used the last of my frozen rhubarb. In order to compensate for the excess moisture I added a little extra flour. I didn't measure, but it was probably a couple of teaspoons. That took care of the problem.


    Dinner last night was Broccoli and Chicken Turnovers. Made using frozen puff pastry. I poached a couple of chicken breasts, steamed some broccoli and made a cream sauce seasoned with thyme and finished with fresh grated Parmesan cheese.

  18. I've been using Judy Roger's (Zuni) pre-salting method now for a number of years. I use this method for all meats, not just chicken and turkey. I salt and then wrap tightly in plastic wrap. Unwrap and let air dry in the fridge for 12 to 24 hours before roasting/grilling.


  19. Bruce, as always your dinner looks amazing.


    Tonight I boned and stuffed a whole (double) chicken breast and sides were mashed potatoes,rutabaga and peas.



    It snowed all day today so I baked a rhubarb pie so I could pretend it was spring.

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