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Posts posted by Ann_T

  1. Percy, I would love the ham and cheese kolache for my breakfast.


    Moe's Breakfast I had some organic ground beef on hand so I made Moe a ground beef hash.


    Top with poached eggs.

  2. JValentino, pasta looks delicious and so simple. This is going to be dinner one day soon.

    Sobaaddict, Like the idea of the rice with chicken livers as a side with white cut chicken.

    Bruce, are your recipes somewhere here on Egullet? I'm interested in your caramel pork and the dry-fried chicken.

    Keith, I like your presentation.

    Pizza night with our neighbours


    I delivered.

  3. This was a quick dessert to satisfy a chocolate craving: a chocolat liégeois made with chocolate ice cream from Strauss Creamery, homemade chocolate sauce, whipped cream, almonds, and brandied griotte cherries.

    The chocolate sauce was from the Larousse of Desserts and is quite thin, similar to hot chocolate but served cold obviously. This brought me back to France where it is typical with ice cream. Very different from the super rich & thick American chocolate sauce. The good thing is that it feels light so you have a good excuse to drown your ice cream in it.


    Love the idea of a sundae with chocolate sauce. Thankfully I have that cookbook. I had to substitute Callebaut Milk Chocolate for the semi-sweet, but I had everything else on hand including creme fraiche, Thanks for the inspiration.


    I just realized I grabbed the wrong cookbook. I used the Chocolate Sauce recipe from Lenotre's Desserts and Pastries.

  4. Furzzy, I did use a yeast dough to make the Flammkuchen. Although, the recipe that the topping came from, used a dough that did not contain yeast.


    Thanks. My "taster in my mind" told me a yeast dough would be best. And I've now bookmarked a new blog...yours! Will peruse it later tonight. Everything I see you post is magnificent, so I'm sure I'll sure I'll enjoy your blog.

    Thanks Furzzy. My "taster" told me the same thing.

  5. Wow that looks delicious! Could the sauce be made in advance and re-heated in the microwave at work? I was also going to make some homemade vanilla ice cream. Good grief, ya'll got me wanting cobbler for breakfast!

    Annie, I reheat the sauce for leftover cobbler so no reason why you couldn't make the sauce in advance.

  6. I use lard and baking powder in my flour tortillas. I use unbleached all-purpose Canadian flour which is a higher gluten flour.


    Flour Tortillas

    2 cups flour
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1 tablespoon to 1/4 cup lard/shortening
    1 teaspoon baking powder
    1/2 cup warm water (might need a bit more)

    Place the flour, salt, baking powder in food processor and pulse to
    mix. Cut in the shortening and then add the warm water and process to
    make a soft dough. Dough should be soft but not wet and sticky. Wrap in
    plastic and let rest for at least 30 minutes.

    Divide dough into 10 or 12 pieces and shape into balls. Keep covered.

    Roll each ball out into a 7 to 9 inch circle. Dough should be thin.

    Cook on a dry hot grill or frying pan on medium heat, turning once. Do
    not over cook or they will be hard. Butter and roll up and wrap in
    tea towel to keep warm as you cook the other tortillas.

    (I place the ones wrapped in the towel in a low 200 oven to keep warm,
    while I am cooking the rest.)

  7. Ann_T, nice stuff. BTW if you ever had Chinese, Japanese or Korean guests you might not want to stick those chopsticks in that fried rice like you pictured. It symbolizes the joss sticks one lights, stuck in that pot of sand, for the funeral of whoever one is mourning.

    Thanks Huiray, I appreciate the advice.

  8. It is one of my favourite summer desserts, when local blackberries or raspberries are in season.

    Great served with ice cream or whipped cream, but I also like a


    warm white chocolate sauce or


    a vanilla sauce.

    Blackberry Cobbler

    Adapted from Recipe found on the Betty Crocker Website
    1/2 cup butter
    1 cup white sugar
    1 cup flour
    3/4 cup of milk
    2 teaspoons vanilla
    1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    2 cups blackberries
    extra sugar to sprinkle on top

    Heat oven to 350°F.
    Melt butter in small baking dish.
    Mix flour, sugar, salt, and baking powder together. Stir in milk and vanilla. Pour in melted butter and stir to blend. Pour back into baking dish. Sprinkle blackberries on top and press down slightly. Sprinkle with sugar and bake 45 to 50 minutes or until done.

    Serve warm or at room temperature with whipped cream or ice cream. Or drizzle with Vanilla cream sauce or a white chocolate cream sauce.

    NOTE: Substitute Blueberries, Raspberries, Peaches, etc....

    Vanilla Cream Sauce

    Source: Lori

    This sauce is like a white caramel sauce.

    1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter
    1 cup sugar
    3/4 cup heavy cream
    1/2 vanilla bean, split lengthwise

    Melt butter and add sugar and cream. Add vanilla bean. Simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes. Remove vanilla bean and serve warm over Bread and Butter Pudding, Gingerbread cake, cobblers, etc...

  9. Ann, it was kinda hard to tell because of all the chocolate chips and nuts in there getting in the way of the texture, but they seemed denser -- not tough or hard, but still soft and tender. One of these days I'll have to test a recipe 2 ways to compare.

    Gorgeous pie! I'm just now realizing I have never actually had coconut cream pie. How sad is that? I think the only cream pie I've had is banana. To be honest, I don't know that I've even seen coconut cream anywhere. Maybe it's just not a Canadian thing?

    Emma, I'm pretty sure it is really common in Canada. I grew up in the Toronto area, and I remember it being very common in Ontario. I think of Coconut Cream Pie as "diner" food. It is on the menu here on the Island at a favourite little family style restaurant in Chemainus.

    Kerry, I would love to reach in and grab one (or two) shortbreads. I don't know why, I never think to make shortbread through out the year and not just at Christmas.


  10. Dejah, pie is my idea of the perfect breakfast food. And rhubarb would be my first choice. Your crust looks perfect!!!


    I baked a Coconut Cream Pie yesterday and Moe had another piece at 6:00 AM this morning with his first coffee.

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  11. David, that is one beautiful burger. And the perfect Caesar salad with homemade croutons.

    Patrick, that pasta looks delicious.


    Roast chicken breast with green peppercorn sauce. Corn custard, Parisienne potatoes and green beans.

  12. Anne - the fish & chips looks perfectly fried. Can you elaborate on the sauce?

    Heidi, I just "winged" a tartar sauce.... Chopped dill pickle, green onions, garlic, mayonnaise, fresh chopped dill, just a little chopped basil and parsley, Dijon mustard, a squeeze of fresh lemon, salt and pepper.

  13. Furzzy, I wish my oven would go over 600°F.

    MM84321, pretty, pretty tart.

    Bruce, Looks like you have it mastered. Those ribs look perfect. Love slow cooked green beans.

    Thanks Kim. Another great looking steak. You sure feed Mr. Kim well.

    JValentino, Wow, look at the colour on those ribs.


    Tonight's Dinner - Homemade Halibut Fish and Chips with a few battered local spot prawns. (And I battered a few fries too).

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