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Posts posted by Ann_T

  1. Megan, I'm not sure what others definitions of Dry ribs are but I consider dry ribs to be those cooked without BBQ sauce. I'm not a fan of sweet sauces or ketchup based sauces on ribs or wings so I do both dry. There is only one sauce that I'll use and only as a dipping sauce, never to cook with and it is the TBQ sauce from the Tunnel BBQ restaurant in Windsor, Ontario. Thankfully they ship.


  2. Barbara, your bagels look perfect. I'll have to tried the CI recipe next time I make them.

    I've been using the recipe out of an old Sunset Hors d'oeuvres cookbook for about 20 years. I have tried a couple of other recipes but always come back to this one.



  3. I have two favourite ways to grill chicken breasts. The first, and the one that my son always requests when he comes over to visit from Victoria is Chicken Souvlaki. (I think I might make this for dinner tonight) No real recipe. I just cut boneless chicken breasts in to cubes and rub with a mixture of fresh garlic, oregano, fresh ground black pepper, salt and fresh squeezed lemon juice. I sometimes thread onions and green peppers on the skewer but not always.


    And the second favourite is boneless chicken breasts flattened and rubbed fresh garlic, dijon mustard , salt, pepper , fresh lemon juice and a splash of olive oil.


  4. OOh there are some good looking burgers here.

    I'm kind of boring when it comes to burgers. I like to make them out of good ground beef with a little garlic, Worcestershire Sauce, salt and pepper and then grill them. I like a crusty bun, or kaiser rather than a soft hamburger bun and it needs to be toasted on the grill too. And, I really like homemade fries with burgers.

    My favourite meatloaf is grilled just before serving.


    Home Cookin 4.9 Chapter: Recipes From Thibeault's Table

    Meat Loaf Magnolia


    My version of a meatloaf that I had in Magnolia's Restaurant in Charleston, SC. When we got home from vacation I set out to duplicate it because it was the first meatloaf I found that I actually liked. It was different because Magnolia's grilled the slices before serving and it didn't contain ketchup or tomato sauce like so many meatloaf recipes do.

    1 1/2 pounds ground veal or mixture of beef and veal

    1 small onion finely chopped

    1 to 2 cloves of garlic

    2 slices Italian/French Bread soaked in milk

    2 eggs

    1 Tablespoon Dijon mustard

    2 Tablespoons chopped parsley

    1 tablespoons of dried herbs,

    (sage and Thyme, a small amount of rosemary

    olive oil


    Green peppercorns


    1 to 2 cups chicken broth


    Saute onion in olive oil until soft. Add minced garlic and saute for 30

    seconds. Do not brown garlic

    Soak bread in milk

    In a large bowl add meat, dijon mustard, chopped parsley, herbs, onions and

    garlic and mix with hands. Squeeze bread to break up and add milk and

    bread to mixture. Add eggs. Mix well and season with salt and pepper.

    Saute a small piece to check for seasoning. Adjust to taste.

    Shape meatloaf into a rectangle about 8 X 4 x 3 inches high and place in a

    small roasting pan. Bake for 30 minutes and then add a small amount of

    broth to the pan to prevent the bottom from becoming to brown. Bake another

    30 minutes and baste with the pan juices. Add more broth if necessary.

    Cook another 10 minutes or until the meatloaf is nicely browned.

    Let cool and wrap in foil and refrigerate. Reserve pan juices.

    Make a sauce by adding some green peppercorns and sauted mushrooms to the

    pan juices.

    Heat grill

    Slice meatloaf into 1/2 inch thick slices and grill on both sides until

    nicely marked and hot.

    Serve with mashed potatoes


  5. Hi, I'm new to eGullet. This is my first post. I love "dry" ribs ,Greek style, done on the grill.

    Greek Ribs


    Baby Back Ribs

    1 or 2 garlic cloves

    dried oregano

    1 lemon

    salt and pepper

    Mince garlic and press with back of knife to turn into a paste. (or use a


    Rub ribs with garlic, rub on oregano and salt and pepper. Squeeze juice of

    whole lemon over ribs a few hours before cooking.

    Note: These can be marinated earlier in the day or overnight, but do not

    add the lemon until a few hours before grilling or the lemon will change the

    texture of the meat.

    Heat grill to high (both sides)

    Place ribs on one side of grill and turn that side off. Cook, turning

    occasionally until ribs are tender.

    Takes between 45 minutes and one hour depending on the grill.


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