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  1. Helen -- Glad to hear you're okay (even if most of your china didn't make it). I haven't been on eG recently, but checked in to see how everyone in Japan is doing. (I am in touch with Kris via Facebook.) Anyone hear from Hiroyuki? His home is up north... Gloves and large garbage bags. Those are excellent suggestions for my own disaster survival kit. We're not prone to major earthquakes here, and my home is in central Oahu far from the threat of tsunamis, but we're always prepared for hurricanes. Until now, however, my disaster supplies have been scattered throughout the house, with the thought that we'd have plenty of warning for any evacuation. I need to gather a kit together in a small rolling suitcase to keep near the front door. There's a case of bottled water in the car, and one of those buckets of instant "survival food" from Costco behind the TV. Plenty of canned and dry foods in the cupboards. Emergency lanterns and flashlights, extra batteries, small butane cooktop (and the recreation area at my condo complex has gas BBQs, which we've used during power outages). Friends in California keep a stash of vital medicines and emergency cash in a thermos buried in their backyard, where it would be accessible if their house collapses.
  2. I counted 250 cookbooks more-or-less. Of these, I've used 56 more than once. That's 22%, a higher percentage than I would have guessed.
  3. I counted 250 cookbooks more-or-less. Of these, I've used 56 more than once. That's 22%, a higher percentage than I would have guessed.
  4. There's also Quick & Easy Small Cakes by Kazuko Kawachi, translated by Yukiko Moriyama (Joie, Inc., 1983, 3rd printing 1994). I don't know if it's still available in bookstores; I bought mine in Hawaii several years ago.
  5. My kitchen only has room for a normal size refrigerator with a top freezer. At present, what I have in it is: (Door) Frozen veggies--chopped spinach, petite peas, corn kernels, edamame, Brussels sprouts Coffee 72% chocolate chips Butter Bag of kaffir lime leaves (oops--make that two bags??) Costco's shredded Parmesan cheese Large bag of frozen blueberries Half a bag of leftover fresh cranberries that I froze (Top shelf of main compartment) Icemaker Bread--far too much!--loaf of whole wheat, loaf of sliced French pan bread (i.e. it looks like toast bread but the texture is that of French bread) from a good local bakery, leftover ends of oat bread from ditto, half a dozen bagels, naan Another large bag of frozen blueberries Half gallon of no-sugar-added ice cream for my daughter (who has diabetes) Pint of Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey for me There's also usually a large bag of Dole frozen mango chunks, but we ran out (Bottom shelf of main compartment) Package of chicken breast fillets bought on sale 2-pound bag of shelled IQF shrimp Small package (maybe 1/2 pound) with the last of a leg of lamb that I portioned and froze Smoked salmon in 1/2 pound portions Edited to add: Package of Trident frozen salmon burgers form Costco--they're tasty and take only minutes to grill for a quick meal Leftover beet risotto, enough for 2 Homemade pesto, enough for 2 (it's the last I have left of the batch) Large Ziploc bag of red seedless grapes that I washed and froze (to eat frozen--they taste like sorbet) Soon to be a couple of bags of peeled fresh papaya pieces (they were all ripe at the same time--will use for smoothies)
  6. Move to Hawaii. Seriously. And invite me! I don't know about the Philly 'burbs, but all of those foods would have been gobbled up here, and people would have sought you out to ask for the recipes. And that's even with a potluck culture that's still heavy on macaroni-potato salad and brownies. Some thoughts: -> Could it have just been that there was an overload of food altogether? With 65 guests, if even half of them bring dishes, that's more than 30 items to try. -> Did you arrive at the party after most of the guests had already filled their plates? I've found from potlucks that food that gets set out late is less likely to be eaten, unless it's dessert.
  7. In Hawaii, it's definitely "shave ice" -- similar to a mainland snow cone, but the ice is finely shaved, not crushed. On Oahu, the most famous place for shave ice is Matsumoto Shave Ice, a 60-year-old former general store in Haleiwa, a town on the North Shore. There's also Aoki's Shave Ice, a mom & pop store next door (and the only place I know that offers sugar-free flavors). In Honolulu, some people swear by Waiola Shave ice, on Kapahulu Avenue just outside Waikiki (personally, I don't think they pour enough syrup on their ice). But my secret favorite is the unnamed shave ice cart run by a nice Korean lady in front of the Sports Authority store at Waikele Shopping Center!
  8. I am sooooooooo jealous! (Could you please come over and declutter my house?)
  9. 1) sucre glace = powdered sugar or confectioners' sugar 2) beurre fin = butter made from pasteurized milk You might want to use European-style butter with a higher butterfat content. 3) couverture de chocolat amer = bittersweet chocolate Depending on the brand, it can be anywhere from 60% to 72% cocoa
  10. Well, if you're looking for balut (fertilized eggs, a specialty from the Philippines), you occasionally can find them at the People's Open Market in Wahiawa (and maybe at some other local greenmarkets). Or were you looking for foods a little less exotic?
  11. We don't have a "kitchen table" but we do have an L-shaped koa wood counter with four leather bar stools. The counter is currently graced by four serving trays depicting vintage Hawaii-themed art done by Eugene Savage as menu covers for the Matson line in the 1930s. Island Feast It also holds a Japanese doll in a glass case (standing on one tray -- no room for it anywhere else); a large glass bowl holding an overripe banana and an unripe papaya (on another tray); a set of about 70 colored markers, a bottle of SPF 70 sunblock and a spray bottle of Solarcaine along with the remote control for the living room air conditioner (on the third tray); a kitchen scale, a pencil with a broken point, and a stuffed toy dog (on the fourth tray); a spray can of Rustoleum on the counter behind the Japanese doll; and a grape-patterned melamine trivet, topped by a bottle of glucose tablets and a Hello Kitty water bottle at the end of the counter. That is why we eat at our computer desks or in bed.
  12. IncrEDIBLE!!!
  13. I'd lose the cumin. Cayenne and/or black pepper should be used very lightly, if at all. You can add some cardamom (which is popular in Scandinavian recipes) and allspice.
  14. Crepes! I'd better go buy me some buckwheat flour!
  15. Yes, I don't have quite as many, but I've saved all the ones I picked up while traveling in France. I especially like the hors series issues on seasonal and regional cooking. Wish I had a source for more!
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