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Everything posted by CaliPoutine

  1. I used your trick last Summer(2006) with peaches. It worked great!!! We had a great peach pie in December.
  2. CaliPoutine


    I had Mcdonald's hotcakes for breakfast this morning. They weren't light and fluffy. They served them with margarine and maple flavored corn syrup( I threw that out and used my own pure maple syrup) THEY SUCKED!! ( we're without a kitchen for 2 weeks while ours is being renovated!!)
  3. We're in Ontario and we're smack dab in the middle of a kitchen remodel( and an addition). I did a lot of research before our purchase of a fridge, oven, microwave and dishwasher. I also looked around for the best prices( for instance the oven we went with is still about 700 more expensive in canada than the US). I ultimately went with the GE Profile Dual Fuel slide-in oven, GE french door fridge( without water because we're getting a RO system), a whirlpool dishwasher( all stainless interior) and a panasonic over the range microwave oven. Our appliance while not on the low end( or high end), still cost 7k. Believe me, I would have loved to go with a Dacor range and a bosche or meile dishwasher but we had a budget( and I still went over it). I suggest checking out the kitchen and appliance forum on Gardenweb for more information.
  4. We're heading down to S. Florida( Hollywood ) for xmas this year. This will be the first xmas I've had with my family since moving to Ontario from Cali 4 yrs ago( actually this is my 7th xmas here because I was visiting my spouse for 3 yrs before I moved). Anyway, the point of this long rant is........ I can't imagine cooking a turkey dinner( with fixings) for xmas in Florida. Last time ( May) I was in Florida, I got some wonderful pink gulf shrimp that I grilled. Does anyone know if those are a seasonal thing? I'm picturing us going out for xmas eve dinner( Mama Mia's in Hollywood) and then doing a grill feast for Xmas day.
  5. All about bialys, courtesy of Wikipedia, including a photograph. Alas, it appears they still haven't made their way outside the New York metro area ... but considering how badly bagels have been dumbed down by the big franchised bagel operations, maybe the bialy's continued obscurity is a good thing. (Except when I'm craving one like crazy!) ← Not true ducky. I've been eating bialys for years. They're sold at all bagel shops in S. Florida. I even had one in San Rafael a couple weeks ago. I also used to get them at Western Bagel in WLA. Not sure if they were authentic, but they tasted similar to the ones I grew up with.
  6. I have the KA book and I love it. I've made about 7 things from it. I also have the Peter Reinhart book, but have yet to bake anything.
  7. I'm glad things are going well for you. Our kitchen teardown happens on Tuesday and we'll only be without the kitchen for 2 weeks. Our Kitchen Designer is giving us a temporary counter and sink while the granite is being templated. Ebay hasnt been my friend. I bought a faucet and long story short, the seller never shipped. I bid on another one and now its been 10 days and I still dont have this one( from another seller). This seller is sending to canada so that might be the hold up. Time is really running out for me with the faucets so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. As soon as our kitchen is empty, I'll start my own reno topic to avoid hijacking yours.
  8. Took a bit of doing but here is a link to my article. ← I had to register!! I'm waiting for my password to be sent before I can read it.
  9. I'm curious Gabriel if you've ever had a NY bagel? While I really like Montreal style bagels, I LOVE NY bagels. Those are the bagels I grew up with and they say " bagel" to me. Like you said, Montreal bagels remind me of a really good piece of artisan bread.
  10. While you're in Windsor, check out the big Italian grocery store on Erie Street. I get my San Marzano tomatoes there for 1.50 can( normally 1.80, but I get a discount because I buy 12 cans).
  11. Some people(I dont know why) like to buy the cheese already grated in those clear plastic containers.
  12. Hi Welcome to your blog. I actually thought those bagels looked familar( because the last time I was in Montreal, I schlepped 2 dozen of those back to Ontario), but all the asian ingredients threw me off. Oh, what I wouldnt do for one of those bagels right now( especially freshly made)
  13. For some reason, I'm not getting emails that people have responded to my topic!! Anyway, I'm now starting to keep a sheet with all the costs per meal. Prior to this last meal, I just turned in my receipts. I have charging privleges at 3 grocery stores. Your Independant( part of Loblaw's), Foodland and No Frills. I tend to buy most of my groceries at No Frills except for the meat because No Frills is the cheapest. I've made friends with the butcher at Hansens( Independent) and now when I go shopping( even for myself), he'll run up to me to tell me whats on sale and what is going on sale. About a month ago, I picked up boneless, skinless thighs for .99lb. Those went into their freezer too. Rona, I'm not sure about your question. I assume it goes on the month where I cook it, but I'm probably wrong if they think my food costs are too high. I know they arent so I'll be explaining this to the main office. I really need to get a giant braising pot. My ex catering boss has one I could borrow, but I dont really like asking. I think I'm going to write a letter to the restaurant supply in London and see if they can donate one. Whenever I make a stew, I end up dragging all my Le Crueset down to the church and then I get confused when I have to divide up the recipe into the various pots. Re: The bread. Tom( Tino) has made that bread for the last 2 Heartland Gatherings and we all love it so much. I'll email him and see if he will chime in.
  14. I buy them at Whole Foods too. I use them in soups or marinara sauce.
  15. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving( its actually on Oct 8th) This was the closest meal to Thanksgiving so the seniors get a turkey dinner. Cost of this meal is 10.00 instead of 8.00 and as of Oct 1st will increase to 12.00. Special meals( thanksgiving and xmas) higher. I've also been informed that the regular meals are going up to 9.00( more on this later) This meal was very well received. I should be happy about this, but I'm not. This meal was the most processed food meal I've probably ever made. Our blue box( recyle) was filled to the brim with cans and boxes which doesnt make me happy. Anyway, I had to be ultra aware of what I spent because we chose to buy turkey roasts( white and dark) as opposed to whole turkeys. They were much easier to cook, but they cost 3.70lb. I believe I got about 20lbs. I also made a carrot/raisin salad( I bought pre-shredded carrots on sale). I also made the infamous green bean casserole( its not a big thing here like in the US). I made some doctored up stuffing( Uncle Ben's stuff and such). I added sauteed onion and celery and another bag of plain bread cubes. Budget constraints forced me to buy "white potatoes" which I hate. I prefer russets for mashing but I would have had to buy 4 Five pound bags @2.99 each. I spent 4.50 on the white spuds. I truly doubt anyone but me knew the difference. I cooked the turkeys on Wednesday. I also made a cranberry jello salad( from a Taste of Home Magazine Eg member Marmish sent me). The salad didnt gel so I ended up straining out the fruit and mixing it with canned cranberry sauce. The bread was from Eg member Tino. He came up last weekend to help me with a wedding I catered and he graciously made his infamous honey whole wheat bread for the canapes. I used the leftovers for the seniors. Dessert was pumpkin pie from M&M Meat shop. I'm not sure how to describe M &M except to say that people in this area go crazy for their stuff. I dont know why? It's a shop that sells pre-packaged frozen food in large portions. Here is a link to the store.. Anyway, they had 8inch pumpkin pies on sale for 2.50 each. I couldnt even make a pie for that price. Canned pumpkin is around 2.50 a can here and then I'd have to buy evap milk( 1.55), eggs, pie crust, etc. I did serve the pie w/ real whipped cream. I was told by the coordinator that myself and the other cook are over budget. I totally dispute that. I often buy meat, etc for future meals and I dont believe the main office takes that into consideration. Additionally, when I'm told to cook for 50 ppl and only 35 show up, of course I'm over budget. I plan on calling the main office today to discuss this with them. Next meal Oct 11th( Chicken ala king using chicken breasts I bought back in June)
  16. You need to get the pan screaming hot. Additionally, don't move the piece of meat/fish/chicken for a few minutes. You want at least enough time to get a nice crust. After the crust is formed, you'll be able to move/flip the piece no problem.
  17. Yes to the Panko and I'd say Yes to the mascarpone, but I wouldnt do it. Mascarpone is very rich and expensive( at least here anyway). Its also bland so I'm not sure why you'd want it in the Mac and Cheese.
  18. No, we only went to the cafe. This was my first visit too. What I mean when I say "I was expecting more" is that I thought the food would be something I couldnt replicate at home. I thought it would be just so delicious, so fantastic that with my cooking skills( which are pretty damn good), I couldnt replicate it. The quality of the food was fantastic. But, I guess I expect that in Northern California. I could never find a meal like that in SW Ontario. But, I lived in Southern California for 15yrs before moving here and I've made fabulous, wonderful meals with produce from The Santa Monica Farmer's Market. As I said, I could make the same meal with the produce I saw at The Ferry Building and Marin Market. Another thing that bugged me was the service. I thought it was extremely slow and unattentive. I hated that they added a 17% service charge on the tab because the service we received didnt warrant that amount. Btw, I didnt post a picture or even take one of the garden salad my spouse had. It was just some baby lettuce with a vinaigrette. My spouse said something to the effect of " this reminds me of the mix we get at a grocery store back home. But, But, But, I said " Its organic and local and blah, blah, blah......
  19. Ok, I have to comment on Armouries grill. Totally vile. If you want Sysco food, thats what you'll find there. I've eaten at Next Door( same owners as Crave and coincidentally, its right next door to crave). Its all the way on the North Side of town and it could take you 45min to get there. I had a club sandwich and diet coke and it cost 17.00. Very pricey for what you get. It was a nice club sandwich, good fries, but not worth the cost.
  20. Potato and according to Robin my spouse, they were nothing special.
  21. We had lunch at the Cafe last Monday. The food was very good, but I think I was expecting more. I was wishing I had access to a kitchen because I know I could have cooked a meal that was similar with all the great produce I saw at the Ferry building Farmers Market AND the Marin farmers Market. Salad with goat cheese The special pasta was shell beans, tomato and hot pepper. I dont like tomato or hot pepper so I asked if they would make me a special pasta. They made me one with chantarelle mushrooms. It was tasty. Soul food Farms pan roasted chicken breasts with artichokes, and mint-pine nut pesto. The chicken was perfectly cooked and the pesto was wonderful. This was the first time my spouse ever had a fresh artichoke and I think she was surprised. She loved them. We skipped dessert. One of the dessert items was a pear with some almonds and lemon peel. It was 8.50. I find that a bit ridiculous.
  22. About a month ago, the city of London( Ontario) had a beer festival. I'm not sure who organized it, but you might want to contact the city and see if they can be of help.
  23. Just came back from a great lunch at Chez Panisse cafe. I'll post pics and write up when we return to Ontario.
  24. For all you oatmeal lovers, I get mine at Amazon. Its slightly cheaper than the grocery store. The last time I bought it, it was 17.00 for 4. Those half moon cookies look a lot like Black and Whites!!
  25. We ate at Lotus for lunch and it was really good. We went to Cafe Rulli before we caught the ferry and that was fabulous. We're going to the Pizza place mentioned upthread for dinner tonight. Pics when we return to Canada.
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