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Everything posted by CaliPoutine

  1. I love crystal light. I buy the single serving packets of pink lemonade that you pour into a bottle of water. I can easily down that water in 5 minutes, but if its plain, it takes longer. I'm diabetic too, so basically I just drink diet soda and water( or club soda). Crystal light gives me some variety.
  2. That looks yummy. Can it be made a day ahead? Or will it get too thick.
  3. LOL, I bought that pan last year( dec?) and havent used it yet. I really need to try it.
  4. Are you looking specifically for a "tried and true" recipe, or just a recipe that looks good? Many recipes can be found by searching for "arborio rice pudding". Most of the recipes I've seen, though, say not to prepare it in advance (maybe the starches make it too thick and gloopy if allowed to sit?), so it might not be the best choice for the seniors, unless you don't mind preparing it right before serving. Another option would be arancini, which you could prepare in advance, and perhaps bake it instead of fry it? But that wouldn't help with dessert. ← Yep, tried and true. I dont like to experiment too much before cooking for the seniors. As you know, they're pretty critical.
  5. How many will this serve? I need 50 half cup servings.
  6. Anyone have a recipe for a really good arborio rice pudding? I've found recipes using long grain, but I have tons of arborio and I want to "donate" some to the Senior's. I plan on making it tomorrow for their Thursday's dessert.
  7. and why didnt my KD tell me I needed a counter depth fridge? The fridge sticks out and I hate it!! The sides are black( the rest is stainless) and I hate the way it looks.
  8. Our appliances will be delivered this afternoon. It was supposed to be Friday. The reason for the delay??? The floor people installed the WRONG FLOOR. They installed the floor of a person with the same last name. The correct floor was installed today( around the cabinets). We're almost there...... I can't wait to cook again!!
  9. Do you have a Big Lots where you are? I've found Cajeta there, it both the sherry flavor and the vanilla. It was pretty cheap too!! eta: a picture I dug out of my first foodblog
  10. Jackal10, I'm guessing you don't keep Kosher???? LOLOLOL.
  11. This is from the Cook's Illustrated Website. Note that the prices are a bit more now. Spices Etc. Natural Coconut Flavoring, made from the pulp of coconuts, was the most "deeply coconutty" and highly praised of the group. Ringing in at $3.25 for a 1-ounce bottle compared with $2.42 for the McCormick, the natural is worth the extra 80 cents." "
  12. Thursday's meal( Oct 25th) is Ham and scalloped potatoes. I've already done this meal at Easter and its very popular. I'll be making a waldorf salad, corn muffins and an unknown dessert. I'll post this meal on Friday.
  13. CaliPoutine


    Are you sure its Lump Crab? I always thought it was leg meat?
  14. CaliPoutine

    I'm a fraud

    Sometimes, if my mushrooms are really dirty, I rinse them under running water!!
  15. How about using butter instead of oil, creaming it with the sugar. Adding 6 more tbls of flour( or maybe not) and the zest of 1 orange. Maybe sub half OJ for the water. The best orange flavor comes from zest. You might also use a little bit of orange extract. You might need some baking powder too, although I'm not really up on all the science behind the powder/soda issue.
  16. Can you check with Kerry Beal too? She'll be coming from near Toronto and I'd love to be able to carpool with her. I know she goes to Manatoulin Island for a month each summer for work.
  17. I use the pyrex custard cups. Sometimes I use cheap white round coffee filters for herbs or small amounts of chopped veg.
  18. CaliPoutine

    I'm a fraud

    I've used a paper plate as a cutting board!! I use cake mix too when I bake for the seniors. I prefer to call it a premeasured ingredient. I also use canned beans when I make baked beans( Bush's), dressed up of course.
  19. My mom never let me cook at home. It was her kitchen. When I moved out at age 17, I cooked for a date. I baked chicken breasts in Italian dressing, packaged yellow rice and frozen or canned( can't remember) french cut green beans. He didnt complain about the food, but the relationship never progressed as we both turned out to be gay. LOL. We're still friends though and we cook together whenever we see each other. Thankfully, I've progressed from that meal.
  20. Thursday's meal Greek Salad Chicken, Lemon, Broccoli casserole Jasmine rice Pillsbury Grands biscuits Tomato soup spice cake w/ cinnamon buttercream icing An Eg member gave me this casserole recipe. The original recipe( or maybe I should say her modification) called for arthichokes. She told me I could use broccoli which I did. Her directions( I'll let her speak up and name herself if she so desires) called for layering the casserole, but I just mixed everything up and chucked it in the pan. I baked 25 bone-in breasts the day before and used the meat for the casseroles. I made a quick stock with the bones which I use next week for scalloped potatoes. I had way too many breasts so I probably ended up using about 18 of them. The rest of the ingredients are canned soup( yeah, yeah, I know), mayo, lemon zest and peel, broccoli( I used 7 bags of frozen chopped) and shredded sharp cheedar. I also threw in some chopped parsely and black pepper. The top is sprinkled with whole wheat saltines that are browned off in some butter. I bought Jasmine rice to serve it over. I can't get it across to these folks that the casserole goes on top of the rice. They think the rice is their side dish and then complain because the rice has no flavor. I wanted to serve brown rice, but I didnt think that would go over too well. The salad was just basic romaine,red onion, cukes, tomatoes, green pepper, feta and black olives. I bought pillsbury grands homestyle biscuits( I've never seen them in the stores here) in Michigan last week and I'm telling you, god only knows why, but the Seniors LOVED THEM!!! I actually think they thought that I made them. LOL Dessert was a doctored up spice cake mix( tomato soup, raisins, pecans( which I left out) w/ a cinnamon buttercream frosting. I cooked for 50ppl and only 32 showed with 9 take-outs. I'll come back with the total amount I spent later on!! salad casserole uncooked cooked cake
  21. For me, I know why I dont like dark meat. I dont like strong flavored foods. I hate salmon( except lox), blue cheeses and kalmata olives. I really think I'd have no problems( except for fish, I love fish) becoming a vegetarian. I hate thinking my food came from animals( I already don't eat red meat). I also hate dealing with raw chicken. I always wear disposable gloves because its just so slimy and gross and bacteria laden.
  22. Chicken in Ontario( maybe all of Canada) is very expensive. Boneless, skinless breasts are around 5.99-799lb. They'll often go on sale for 3.99lb. Bone-In breasts can be had on sale for 1.99lb. I just got some boneless, skinless thighs for the Seniors for .99lb. Thats rare though, I've made friends with the butcher at the local market so he tells me in advance when things on special are coming into the store. Generally, in this area, dark meat tends to be cheaper, but not that much cheaper. I think Poultry is regulated in these parts. I'll often bring poulty back from MI. I get bone-in breasts for .99lb most times. Sometimes 1.29lb. Boneless, skinless is 1.99. Thighs and legs can be had for .69lb.
  23. Whenever I need to bake something and I can't figure out what to bake, I always go back to Hershey's Black Magic cake. It tastes great in the afternoon, its keeps for days, its dead simple to make, It can be made in a bundt or 9 x 13) and it can be served frosted, or plain with whipped cream. I've never met anyone who doesnt like it( I always add chocolate chips to it too)
  24. That article is amazing! Makes me want to move back to SF. Of all the places, I have eaten at only 2: Thep Phenom and Ti Couz. Both are fabulous, and good values. Thanks for that link, tb!!! ← Thought I'd bump this thread, as we're heading to SF for our second visit in early November. I've gotten some great feedback elsewhere on higher end "nicer" places to dine but the SF Chronicle article above is also hitting me where I live... cheap and cheerful snacks! Any updates, closures, new spots or other suggestions? We'll be staying at Bush and Powell but visiting relatives in the Mission and ready to walk/transit/cab around your very fair city. PS We're especially keen on "real" Mexican which to us means tacos that are just two wee corn tortillas, some pastor preferably freshly sliced off the slowly turning upright spit, cilantro and onions with multiple add-your-own salsas and the like. Vancouver is sadly lacking in such places, and even the best one doesn't hold a candle to my memories of eating same in D.F. ← We were in SF a few weeks ago and we stuck to budget friendly places. We had great burritos/taco's at la taquria castro. 18th and Noe. Its pretty close to the mission. I checked burritoeater.com before going to SF to find the highest rated places. Oh and if you like ice cream, you must hit Bi-Rite creamery. Its in the Mission as well, and it was so fabulous we went back the next day.
  25. *sob* I'm without an oven for 2 possibly 3 weeks( Kitchen remodel)
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