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Everything posted by CaliPoutine

  1. Thanks for all your great suggestions. I think I'll do a waldorf salad. I made one at my other job( a retirement home) and they all loved it.
  2. I'm finalizing my menu for August 9th. Its a cold supper using Ham I bought at Easter(1.49lb). I need some side salad ideas. I'm thinking of doing a macaroni salad( I'm serving Potato salad for the August 25th meal). A watergate salad, a veggie platter w/dip. I need another salad idea. Maybe something with Jello? Dessert is Tres Leches cake.
  3. I love tupperware too. I have some vintage pieces that I like a lot. We sell vintage kitchenware(and collectibles) on Ebay and we once sold a set of those vintage measuring cups( I think our set was yellow) for 22.50. Pretty good considering we paid 10 cents for them. The last thing I bought was a mini bowl keychainon ebay.(this isnt the one I bought, but its similar) Its perfect to store a few tylenol.
  4. It's real, yes. Nuova Castelli S.p.A., the wholesaler, is somewhat infamous as the defendant in the Parmigiano Reggiano trademark (or whatever they call it in Italy) case, however it's a legitimate wholesaler of the real thing. If that's $19.99 Canadian a kilogram, that's an amazing price even for C-level Parmigiano Reggiano. ← Yep, thats the price 19.99 a kilo. Which is 9.08lb. So you're saying its C-level? It tastes pretty good to me. We maintain our Costco membership just so we can buy this.
  5. Would this be the "real" stuff? I get it at Costco in London, ON
  6. There is also Parmesean Reggianitofrom Argentina. I bought some at the whole foods in Cleveland. It was insanely cheap at 3.99lb. I think that price might be wrong though because I called the Whole Foods in Ann Arbor and it was 11.99lb there, not much cheaper than Reggiano.
  7. I totally agree. I'd rather just pipe a nice rosette of whipped cream.
  8. Yay, I have someone else who knows what I'm going thru!! But let me say this, E still sounds a lot more adventurous than the seniors that I cook for. On Thursday, I made them a wonderful beef stew/stroganoff with noodles and they still asked where the potatoes were. The more sweet stuff the better. I doctored up those Bush's beans using a Paula Dean recipe( canned pineapple, bbq sauce, french's/durkee canned onions, molasses). I thought they were outragously sweet but the Seniors practically licked their plates. I can't stand miracle whip and I refuse to buy it. I've never had a complaint about my coleslaw.( bagged mix, scallion, an extra carrot, shredded apple( here is your sweet), mayo, cider vinegar, splenda or a touch of sugar and celery seed). Are you cooking him 3 meals a day 7 days a week?
  9. Yesterday's meal: Man, I was tired after cooking this meal. Tired and HOT!! There is NO A/C in the church and the house next door was burning tons and tons of brush. I couldnt open the window because of the smoke. Ugh.... I picked up the beef in the morning. I asked the butcher to cut it for Stroganoff, but they cut it into chunks instead. I ended up with what looked like a beef stew w/sour cream rather than stroganoff. I also split the recipe up between 4 pans. I brought 3 of my Le Creuset from home and I used a really large non-stick skillet. I might have added too much liquid too. I seem to have a problem when cooking rice/noodles for a crowd. The noodles never returned to a boil. They ended up a gummy mess. I wanted to throw them out, but one of the volunteers suggested we throw the stroganoff/stew on top of the noodles. That worked well as it all kinda blended together. I didnt get one complaint( except to ask where the potatoes were) and I had 7 take-outs. The salad recipe was from Foodland Ontario. Basically a bunch of veggies cut up( supposed to be in chunks, but the volunteers cut them small). The dressing was EVOO, red wine vinegar, garlic, salt and pepper and some prepared pesto. Chopped parsely is added to the salad. I really enjoyed the salad. The veg was frozen( carrots, green and wax beans). The dessert was storebought( blueberry pie from Our Compliments Brand w/ ice cream). I had NO time to make the desserts because the meal was on then off then on again. I went over by about 10 bucks for this meal. I ended up selling about 2lbs of the beef(raw) to a volunteer for 8 dollars. The next meal( in 2 weeks) is a cold supper. I have hams that are in the freezer. I got them on sale at Easter. Potato salad, macaroni salad, veg platter, jello salad, etc, etc.
  10. Or, say if we were doing a "pizza crawl" Maybe we could get all the menu's ahead of time and order from each place and have it delivered to where we'll be cooking.( assuming you can book the space for Fri/Sat). Then, we can all try everything and relax and chat amongs ourselves.
  11. Hi Div, *sigh*, I wish we had CSA's here, but alas we don't. We do have Foodland Ontario and this recipe was published in the London Free Press a few weeks ago. I'm going to make it for my Seniors meal tomorrow. In my own words of course. 1/2 english cuke 1 carrot thinly sliced 1 stalk celery, sliced 1 sweet pepper, seeded and cut into chunks 1/2 small sweet white onion( I bought red onion) 1 cup mini-mini bocconcini( optional) 2 tomatoes cut into thick wedges dressing 1/4 cup each olive oil and red wine vinegar 3 tbls prepared basil pesto( here is where you can use your basil) 1 clove garlic, minced 1/4 cup chopped flat leaf parsley 1/4 tsp each salt and pepper Combine all dressing ingredients and mix with veggies. Chill for 1hr to let flavors blend. Serves 4-6. Enjoy!!
  12. I hadnt even bought it yet. Anyway, I just got a call and the meal is back on. I knew this was going to happen. I took a lunch catering job in London so now I have to drive to London and drop off food and then drive all the way back to Grand Bend. Its either feast or famine eh?
  13. I totally planned out my meal for Thursday. Thanks to Marlene for a great suggestion. Sirlon tip roast is on sale for 2.88lb and Marlene mentioned beef stroganoff. I got a call today that the meal is cancelled for Thursday. There was a double murder here on Sunday and everyone is freaked out. As I'm from California, it doesnt really phase me. Yes, its a big deal because crime( especially violent crime) is very rare. I just wanted to cook dammit!!
  14. The ULTIMATE SCORE. A kitchen aid in really, really good shape. Doesnt look like she even used it that much. Cost???? Twenty Freaking dollars!!
  15. Here is a recipe I got from another older thread on Zucchini right here on Eg. I usually double the recipe and add chocolate chips. Its really good. The last time I made it, I used half a cup of white whole wheat flour and 1 cup of AP flour. 1 and a 1/2 cups flour 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 1 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp salt 1/8 tsp powder 1/2 tsp soda 1 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract 1 pound zucchini coarsely shredded. 1/2 cup canola oil Makes 1 loaf Preheat oven to 375, butter a loaf pan, sprinkle with sugar. In a large bowl, whisk the flour, cinn, salt, soda and powder. In a medium bowl, whisk the oil, eggs and sugar. Add zucchini. Stir zucchini batter into dry ingredients . Bake for 50 min, until toothpick comes out clean. Can be frozen for 2 months. Enjoy
  16. I'm not Dividend, but I hope she'll allow me to answer. Chipotle is a "fast casual" chain. They serve overstuffed burrito's, taco's, burrito bol's( their spelling). They used to be owned by McDonald's. On my way back from the Heartland Gathering, I picked up a giant chicken burrito, chucked it on ice and schlepped it back to Canada. My spouse just loves them( I do too) and sadly, they're not in Canada. They use "all natural" poultry, pork, etc. For a fast food place, they're pretty good.
  17. Alex, those are fantastic photo's. I love the last one!!
  18. Ok, why did I never see this? I just got a notice that someone responded. Weird. Anyway, we ended up at Lina Linguini's in St. Kits. It was ok, maybe 2 steps above East Side Mario's( gag)
  19. Wow, that lunch looked fantastic. I'm sorry I had to miss it. I just got home after a long 5hr drive. If you look closely in the second picture from the market, you can see Fat Guy trailing behind Torakris. See ya next year!!
  20. I just got back to my hotel. I'm exhausted and stuffed. It was a great time. Unfortunately, I was too busy cooking to take any pics and we didnt have internet access inside the church. I'm sure the photo's will be posted tomorrow.
  21. Another meal on Tuesday. Saurkraut. I served this cold because thats how we always ate it when I was growing up. I heard some complaints that it should have been warmed. Smoked sausage( heat and serve) Fresh green beans Sue and Gloria's baked beans( Paula Dean recipe). This is basically dressed up baked beans. BBQ sauce, mustard, pineapple. french's fried onions, etc. Dessert was brownie sundaes.
  22. This is the bun I usually make and I use white whole wheat flour. We love them.
  23. Can you guess what this is? Why its the San Francisco Treat of course. Rice-A-Roni. On sale for 50 cents a box. I used 1 seasoning packet for 2 boxes. Way less salty that way. They liked it, but they complained that it was cold.( It wasnt, I kept it warm in the oven). Main dish was pork tenderloin. I got it for 2.97lb. I used 14 for 48ppl. I could have used a few more for takeout meals. I broiled them and brushed them with a simple sauce of apricot jam mixed with brown mustard. This is an Everyday Food magazine recipe( Hi Emma!!) I heard yet another complaint( why do I still do this I wonder??) Someone said the pork wasnt cooked enough. Hello, I cooked it until 170F. Pork should be pulled at 150-160 and rested. I cooked it more so it wouldnt be pink. I thought that would freak them out. Personally, I thought it was kinda dry. I poured some leftover sauce over each platter. Anyway, despite the complaints, I thought the meal came out great. Tomorrow I cook in my town( I'm filling in). I'll post that meal later.
  24. From last Thursday: Fruity spinach salad. Baby spinach, canned mandarin oranges, red onion, fresh blueberries and raspberries. Poppyseed dressing. This went over well. This was their veg. They were on sale for 1.99 a bag. I bought 8 bags. I microwaved them for 4 minutes per bag. To my palate, they were perfect. I had a complaint that they werent cooked enough. I introduced the seniors to America's favorite muffin. I picked these mixes up at Kroger in MI. 6 boxes cost me 2.72 plus eggs and milk. They loved these!!!
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